Self-found vs Solo leagues
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" does not justify a month long league of it... that's just your ego at that point. If they ran a league long of selffound/solo it's not just for you guys who want it, it'd be a league that everyone would be given. I'm willing to bet there's lot more people that would be against that. If it was a permanent league that would be different. "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Chris Wilson 3/10/2021 Last edited by XeroSlayer#4000 on Apr 27, 2015, 2:52:31 AM
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I'd really like a League that allowed Party play, to a certain degree.
Imagine you pick your Party when you enter the first town in Normal, after that, those people are the only one you can trade and team up with. Max up to X Players. Not sure if it would work, but when I was on Mumble with friends whilst doing this 5-day Self-Found, we kept finding items that the other person needed. RNG is RNG, and Self-Found sort of proved how irritating it can be if you don't play some cheesy build that doesn't rely on a Weapon Base (an axe as an example). I'm all for Party, as long as it doesn't end up with the exact same people on top of the ladder due to viewers giving them ridicolous deals on items/currencies, which happens every single league and thus ruins the whole idea of a "race". /rant Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar: Last edited by Derpey#6519 on Apr 27, 2015, 3:31:15 AM
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A self-found league is appealing to me not because of the rule sets, but because of the current state of the game.
1. I find trading a pain in the ass. Consider the trade chat spam in Diablo 2. When someone links an item for trade, 90% of the time you will know the value of the item just by the name. This is because most of the best items are unique and thus have guaranteed affixes. In POE this is less true because rare items are meant to be more valuable than unique items. When you link a rare item in POE, you can tell very little from the name of the item. This means extra time spent evaluating every single item. For example, which is easier: Diablo 2 - WTB Windforce POE - WTB 150% IPD, 20% IAS, 10-25 PD, 10% CC, 30% CM, 6L(BBBGGG), Harbinger Bow 2. Fluctuating currency ratios are dumb. It exasperates problem #3 by allowing orb flipping for profit. 3. The crafting capabilities of orbs, allows characters to obtain end game gear without leveling. The map system is probably the biggest contributor to this problem. It is because of these 3 reasons that eliminating trade makes the game more competitive, more challenging, and arguably more enjoyable. It is true that self-found leagues are mainly ego centered. However, I would argue that is the case with all races. Thus it is my opinion that GGG should either address all 3 of the problems I listed, or allow self-found leagues in the spirit of competition. Lastly, I think free for all loot allocation would be more interesting than permanent allocation in a self-found party situation. <3 Free Tibet <3
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To these solo sf protagonists:
"Wow lets go and create an online game where everyone will be playin solo and self found" Dont you think its kinda .. you know.. STUPID!! Why the hell would you need online game for solo experience.. Wtf IGN: PojzonAbyss
[3.2] Immortal Indigon Poet's Pen Hirophant - [3.1] Yamata No Orochi - Oni-Goroshi Jugg [2.4] The True Queen Of The Forest - Poison LA/BR Pathfinder [Retired] |
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" Because most self-found players demand drastically increased drop rates and other game balancing changes to accommodate them. I support your idea, but you are basically the only person i have seen asking for this self found only ruleset. |
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again self shit ? all the way no for this, go standard and don't trade simple we don;t need separate league for this
IGN: UgaBugaMajkaFaja
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The idea of a self-found league is just plain weird to me.
The drops are geared towards trade (especially exalts and other top currency), so it would make the game exceedingly grindy. I wouldn't complain if there was a self-found league, but I honestly wouldn't go there. It's already hard as hell to get what I need, I don't need to add a layer of no-trade to it. The main drawback I see is that it wouldn't be possible to make it a permanent league as a real rift would be created between players having found and kept their legacy stuff and other players (especially new ones). |
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" Irony in bold. Stones and glass houses; you know how that goes. This league really carries nothing interesting for me. Trading/swapping equipment w/ friends is one main joys of online multiplayer games for me. Hell, I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I should join beta considering it will be basically solo/self-found for me (none of my friends will be in). There are quite a few threads that go into heavy detail on why/why not and provide alternatives that would meet your needs within existing leagues. A separate ladder and no-trade flag would easily meet this need. To enumerate/summarize some of the counter-arguments: 1. Too many variations of solo or self-found league argued for (why is your version any better than the others?). 2. Fracturing of player base which creates confusion for new players and gives an appearance of DED game (can you think of this happening in other games? Pretty sure you can.) 3. If different than normal leagues, how different? Multiple baselines being supported creates a significant amount of cost. 4. Precedence. This is contrary to the views and values of GGG/POE as professed. Give an inch and a mile will be taken. The forum will never stop and become more toxic than it already is with [Insert my flavor of league here] w/ the "Why not?" supporting argument. What is my personal conflict w/ the matter? It would primarily be 3 and 4. New leagues are more than just 'turn on a server'. The more instances of a production baseline you support, the less agile and more costly your business becomes. I also believe precedence is important. Show slight weakness in this area and the player base will become rabid. "You already did it once" becomes an accompanying argument to the existing "why not" argument. What it all boils down to is "why not" is not an argument to do it. Sound business driven decisions need to be supported by data driven arguments. Emotional "why not" type arguments just don't carry any they shouldn't. Just for the sake of dropping an anecdote, this is the first league none of my friends will be partaking in since we all started playing. I think you can guess why. Also, I would never in a million years claim this to be quantifiable proof for any business decision. Neither should anyone else. Thanks for all the fish!
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You can play self-found yourself /thread
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