Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Ubering wrote:
Hello! Me again :)

Crafted this yesterday, need to multimod it later.
I could use some advice on what to upgrade next. I will buy some 21 gems today. Maybe I missed something obvious.
That 5link lightning trap looks awesome, might have a shot crafting that later.

So should I start looking for that +1 inpulsa? Have around 20ex atm.

Is it even worth to waste multimod on the gloves when advanced traps is bis? Gues not.
Maybe inpulsa first and then gloves.
Hello, guys!
I am playing in Standard and I've been upgrading my gear bit by bit and I've managed to kill Elder last night. Just recently I have reached the higher maps tiers (t13-t15), hope to get more currency to get a watcher's eye and 6 link my Inpulsa (no luck so far) and eventually get to a point when I can craft my own daggers (still don't have the multimod recipe). I am playing alongside my brother, who is playing a Skellemancer, which makes things a bit easier.
I am wondering what should be my next upgrade and what mods should I aim for on my daggers in Standard. Any advice is welcome!

Thank you Enki for the great guide and to all guys with advises to other comments, as I am reading them as well.

NB: The flask crafting with beasts was very welcome!

EDIT1: I have 2 exalts and 30 chaos orbs, so budget is tight at the moment.

EDIT2: Is a 5L Inpulsa better than a 6L Tabula?

EDIT3: How can I find how much shock effectiveness I have and how can I increase it to reach 150%?
Last edited by Aamar26 on Jan 8, 2019, 10:44:01 AM
Sisko1980 wrote:
sny83 wrote:
Sisko1980 wrote:
A quick question since i am starting to think about crafting my own daggers.

To get a base, I could get a magic one, use alterations until chaos damage, regal it, annul useless with the chance of annuling wrong affix.

Or I could get a rare one, that has already chaos damage and the least amount of useless affixes and try to annul there.

So which is better depends on luck and how many alterations I use on average to get chaos versus the more annulments I use when having a rare.

And if I annul the chaos damage, do I have to scoure and start over again?

If anyone has some experience, which way seems to be better, that would be appreciated. Thank you.

To get started, just get any item level 85 or higher shaped, non-corrupted dagger of the base you prefer. It doesn't matter whether it's rare or magic, just grab the cheapest one and scour it. Rares with the extra chaos mod already cost too much.

If you don't wanna test your RNG too much, transmute/alt spam until you get t1 ele as extra chaos prefix on it, regal it and if the second mod isn't useful, annul and hope it gets removed. If ele as extra chaos is removed, scour and start over.

You can try regaling and annuling 2-affix magic daggers as well, but your chances of annuling a useless third affix are much worse (33% as opposed to 50%). Getting two top-tier affixes you want on a magic can take thousands of alterations.

Once you have your rare base with the affixes you want, just follow the crafting guide in the OP to finish adding affixes you need.

Ok, makes sense, its just what i saw were rare daggers with chaos damage + 1 extra affix for ca. 32c or a rare with only the chaos affix, already annulled for around 50c or something, so a ready base. I just don't know how much a cheap base(maybe 5c?) + the Alterations needed cost, obviously depends on how many alterations you need to get the right affix.

But thanks for the advice.

You can get lucky and get the rare base within 200 alterations and one annulment, or unlucky like me with my first crafted dagger and spend over an exalt just for the alt/regal/annul process. I can't speak for where the median cost lies, but if you feel 50c is a fair price for eliminating RNG and the dagger meets all our requirements (ilvl85+, shaped, rare, not corrupted, not mirrored, only tier 1 ele as extra chaos affix (16-20% range)), then go for it.
Pretty cool build, just finished uber Elder and dont feel like grinding anymore, but i did some cool stuff following this.
Even with low life still pretty smooth. Some of the gear i bought/crafted.


I just want to say thanks again for such a great build.
A Great easy to follow guide.
Great community you have help to make here.

I easy your build is to change, from league to league.
And this league shows how easy it is to do with different setups.

@blg_RealiZe and @jlh165

Being a great help while with my questions and build suggestions.

I am running this build on Xbox in SSF.
I got to level 87, so this officially now my highest character.

I killed Atziri long ago with ease, but yet to find another midnight fragment.

I still need to find my last Uber Lab trail :(

But last night I killed Mastermind :)
It was my first time going for her.
I was not sure if I was going to be able to after hearing all the problems folks were having.
Sure I died like 3 - 4 times but I just levelled so did not care about the loss of exp.

Here is my gear set up.


I still have lots of places to improve on.

But I am using all rare and only a Tabula, lvl 87 and clearing t5 maps without issue.

It goes to show you how good this build is.

Again thank you, everyone, who has helped me out in this process.


Is this the best helmet we could have?:) With lightning golem enchant tho, obviously

odersky wrote:

Is this the best helmet we could have?:) With lightning golem enchant tho, obviously


yes, probably. But with higher lightning damage to spells and HP rolls :)
And I'll prefer my helmet over this one anyway just because of resistances. I have enough effect of shock and innervate is not that good (you can only get innervate buff while clearing maps and we don't really need extra damage for that. And on bosses, where innervate damage buff would be good, you can't get it because you don't kill anything)
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Jan 8, 2019, 11:02:24 AM
If someone can check my gear and build what next should i try to do, i think i should try and craft a multimod daggers that will be a big dps increase.
Because atm im sitting at like 320k iirc on POB, and if im correct the only thing that gets me back are my bad weapons.

shuddering + pristine fossils
blg_RealiZe wrote:
shuddering + pristine fossils

I saw ur old gloves pop up on poe trade, then i checked ur profile....

Holy mother of god, this gloves !!!

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