[1.2] KuteKitteh’s Tanky Arcer, 20k+ Effective DPS, Atziri/HC-viable. Poor-man’s BM Arc included
" well my clearspeed is generally plenty below 5min, and i do believe that my clearspeed does take a hit if i go from 13.5k -> 7.5k tooltip, as well as lose haste, also something i havent mentioned but aurseize has no hp, the one thing this build can die to is things that hit like a freaking truck, if one of these blows finds its way through your blocks mom(and possibly AA) is the only line of defense u have left, and im lookin at 4.2k hp with my gloves, switching to aurseize andvarius would put me at 3750 and further increase the only possible way of dying. i suppose this is also in the end personal preferance tho. |
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im running with 4,2k hp with andvarius and aurseize and not having haste atm and instead going with hoi so i have 1,6k unreserved mana instead of 800ish and if i were to take haste instead of poi i´d still be going with my rarity/quant and about 8,1kish dps. i also ahve to point out im using a 5link chest and dps would be probly quite a bit higher with a 6link(rarity/quantity 21/20 arc spell echo and lightning pen is what im using atm and if i could add faster casting it would increase quite a bit i recon. with 4,2khp 700-800manish also a part of why i´m going with increased rarity/quant is to get more and better drops so i can save up to a 6link and once i do i´d probly do as you and go for faster speed clears rather then going after drops.
the bad thing is as you´ve said the mana regen which is only at 220 with this setup and its low to sustain a lvl 20 aa but doable with lightning warps if you gotta move from melee hits and in my regular gear i go up to 320 mana reg without manareg on weapon so i can have doryani with a curse lazhwar also i have to assume you´ve skipped quite a few life nodes if you have that low hp when infact you have more life on your gear then me even when i dont have any life on one ring/gloves Last edited by Zippaca#7618 on Oct 5, 2014, 8:00:13 AM
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" yea okay fair enough, but i really can not do this, my arc alone drinks 250mana/sec then we have arctic armor :) and no i havent skipped any life nodes at all, this build doesnt even reach 150% in tree and its using a shield/amulet without hp, its quite natural to sit just barelely above 4k in such a situation even at 89. Also while on the subject, if u check my arctic armor gems linked gems, its curse+increased aoe, i would like to perhaps swap out the increased aoe for an empower to further immortalize my witch :) further reason to not run andvarius/aurseize in my scenario. (Something which im able to do thanks to not running dual curse, you see it has its advantages if you sort your links gems right:P but im not quite finished with getting there) Last edited by Xantium#2513 on Oct 5, 2014, 11:09:48 AM
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after this discussion with you xantium i felt inspired to follow in your footsteps and try going for haste etc instead of rarity and ill see how it goes for a bit
my gear atm i bought a new ring and belt, cant decide if i want the 1-5% movespeed mod or the garenteed energy shield on my belt gonna go with ms most likely and yolo a exa on gloves and belt
i did yolo a exalted on my sorrow turn coral ring and didnt get enough dex for a lvl 20 haste but i can still use it up to lvl 18 which is a 1% movespeed and cast speed less but i can live ´with that current stats is 4456 hp 3644 mana / 906 unreserved 313 mana/sec 10465 tooltip dps with the proper gems with only a 5 link all resist at 116%+ except chaos which is at 6% overall the only thing i think i should focus to change atm is the chest toa 6link or maybe 6link my current one havnt decided yet since my current one is self made with about a 7 exa cost ps two rings with elreons 5-20% es is really strong with this build i feel since my two rings give me roughly 650 mana Last edited by Zippaca#7618 on Oct 5, 2014, 3:30:45 PM
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" This is very good to know as the only reason I haven't switched to Haste from HOI yet is because I would only have 750 mana remaining which is too squishy for my liking. My Elereon is almost lvl 7 though, so I will be crafting that mod soon on these...
I will be sad when I have to swap out Andvarius and Aurseize, I have found so much currency this league. I had my 3rd Andvarius drop lastnight in a Plateau map. Can't bring myself to sell them though :) Good discussion on this build, learning lots of new stuff! Edit: Just got Elreon to lvl 7 only to find out I can't craft another Suffix on my rings. Boo, was looking forward to that OP boost to my mana pool. "You think logoutcore makes you better....." - ShaeG Last edited by Taiberius#1912 on Oct 7, 2014, 1:30:27 AM
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" Looks like your already off to a great start :) feel free to update me on how it goes or if u got any questions Last edited by Xantium#2513 on Oct 6, 2014, 4:26:06 AM
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" yeah your right the %ES from elreon is indeed pretty decent for us, but its not a musthave, infact i think that in a perfect case scenario (by my priorities) elreon ringcraft ends up on 4th place amongh suffixes, manareg->castspeed->lightningdamage->elreon craft %ES |
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so ive been going over where to go next in the tree now that i have all the things in the tree that i need (i chose to not pick up unwavering stance and spent those 3pts on 3x 4% castspeed witch starter area).
Ive come up with 3ways to go with this from here on out. All 3 paths starts by picking up scion life circle nodes and the first path chooses to stick to these. Path number 2 invests these points into unwavering stance once i reach 92. Path number 3 and this is the most interesting one to me, chooses to at lvl 93 invest these points into reaching Sovereignty aura notable going through the mana reservation side. Im sure some of you are wondering why i would do that and the answer is to run Clarity/Haste/Herald of ice/Tempest shield Ive run calculations with my manapool of 3540 with those auras and the 14% reserve that you gain from the tree as well as lvl20 reduced mana gem. I have also taken into my calculatiosn the 130% mana multiplier that life leech gem gives to tempest shield. Results: 673 free mana, currently i have 870. This does slightly hurt our "mana shields" potential of dmg mitigation, this may become noticable against very hard hitting monsters or maps with ele reflect but for the most part i suspect it will cause no harm. As im still 89 and this plan is a bit of a project for now i would like to hear any comments on it. Last edited by Xantium#2513 on Oct 6, 2014, 9:34:11 AM
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Anyone tried respeccing the five passive points in the lightning wheel into one of the other elemental wheels, for a change of pace?
I like to do Lunaris 3 runs from time to time, and using the fire wheel + fire Doryani belt + incinerate/LMP seems to be a lot quicker at Piety. I don't have an ice Doryani, so I haven't tried the ice spear version yet. |
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" @KuteKitteh - I'm approaching the lvl 90 burn-out on the tanky Arcer, are you still gonna do a hybrid or incinerate build? And/or do you have any tanky incinerate builds you'd recommend? Thanks. Tai "You think logoutcore makes you better....." - ShaeG
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