[1.2] KuteKitteh’s Tanky Arcer, 20k+ Effective DPS, Atziri/HC-viable. Poor-man’s BM Arc included
Please refer to my new build here: I guarantee its effectiveness! http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1121343 This build is NO LONGER VALID for 1.3. Although block builds are still viable in 1.3, I finally decided against running block, since it was extremely difficult to make a block build functional before level 90.
And for anyone who refuses to believe that block is dead, here is the block tree!
Requirements: Rathpith, Stone of Lazhwar, Rainbowstrides. Thanks for all the great feedback guys! Also, this search is now autocompleted on Google. Cool.
![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Preface
Surprisingly, the 1.2 update has greatly buffed block builds in general by condensing the block circles and making damage nodes far more accessible. The Arc nerf was completely counteracted by the surplus of points spent into offense, and the overall DPS of the build has been increased.
I have included two versions of the build. The primary setup will require much more in currency (2-10 exalts) but provides insane tankiness, great versatility, and Atziri viability as well as easy end-game survivability and fast clear speeds. I have also included a poor-man’s Blood Magic Block-Arcer in post number 2 – this build caters to beginners and new-league players who have very little currency and rely heavily on self-found gear. While this version omits various luxuries (including max spellblock, MoM, or Arctic Armour), it is still very tanky and maintains an acceptable level of DPS. I’ve tested ~76 maps with the BM Arcer using ONLY self-found/self-crafted gear (including the uniques), and it is 100% end-game viable, albeit a little low on DPS due to lack of expensive uniques. Please read the disclaimers for the build carefully! The BM build’s tree is within 15 respec points of the MoM-EB tree; therefore, it is very easy to level up and run end-game maps as a BM Arcer until you gain enough currency and craft/obtain the mana-fueling items necessary to transition into a MoM-EB Arcer. That was my intended plan for the 3mo league, but I cannot do that as of now since I was elected to be my team's MF culler. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kitteh's personal thoughts
”A dead witch deals 0 DPS” - KuteKitteh
I've spent quite a bit of time and currency perfecting the build, and I invested days of theorycrafting time into making an amazing 1.2 tree, which turned out to work flawlessly. The build remains ridiculously tanky, and the dual curse on hit shreds resistances like nobody's business. I believe in a concept called "DPS sufficiency." This means that, at one point, you have an acceptable level of DPS to perform most tasks and that any further increase to DPS will be mitigated by the need to kite and move from one pack to the next. Once we hit that mark of DPS sufficiency, the best way to increase REAL DPS output is to minimize the time spent moving. While it can be difficult for us to change the time required to move from pack to pack, we can definitely change the time spent kiting by beefing up defenses. In addition, extremely high DPS is wasted if the loss of survivability results in deaths, leading to 10% exp penalties. The build is centered around achieving DPS sufficiency and making use of the remaining points by channeling them into defense to make the build ridiculously tanky to save time kiting and to prevent needless exp loss. By exploiting block as a meaningful eHP multiplier, the build maintains an Atziri-viable level of defense brought to you in an affordable form so you can facetank in maps all you want. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build Highlights
-Eldritch battery, Mind over Matter, Unwavering Stance
-74 base block, 75 spell block -Passive mana/life leech via Tempest Shield -Immunity to elemental reflect -4000-5000 HP -9-10k Arc DPS -Level 20 Arctic Armour -Dual Curse, guarantees over 120% lightning penetration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Videos
Jungle valley boss Skip to 1:18. Apparently this is supposed to be one of the hardest bosses, especially for certain spellcasters (*cough arc cough*) because of the sheer quantity of enemies and lightning resist. Maker of rain AFK kill Well, heelllllooooooooo there. Would you like a cup of tea? Oh, you want to kill me. Gotcha. Say hello to my 900 damage tempest shield then. Reflect map I ran 1% life leech and dual-curses instead of the usual 2% and single-curse. It turns out even 1% leech is enough to offset reflect. Also, watch 3:15 for a full-on strongbox facetank. No-regen Labyrinth Skip to 3:42 Supposedly this boss is also difficult too. NEW: Almost-naked A3M Dominus kill
![]() NEW: The Weaver AFK kill Hi there. 10 stacks of viper strike? Sure, I'd like some crackers with that. 1.1 VIDEOS
![]() This map No regen? Elemental reflect? Vulnerability? No problem. Also, I think I killed an elemental reflect mob somewhere along the way, in a reflect map. Unlike no-regen alone, no-regen + reflect is somewhat dependent on Lavianga's, while no-regen alone is completely doable with a couple mana flasks. Elemental reflect, BM double Courtyard boss Too bad I didn't take a video of it, but I solo'd double courtyard bosses in a BM + elemental reflect map against 2-player HP bosses. Facetanking 5x proj Dom. Couldn't sustain a point-blank facetank, but getting hit by only 2-3 streams is ok. AFK-viable? Check ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Goals of the Build
When theorycrafting this build, I had several key things in mind:
1. Maintain high DPS. This meant careful itemization and support gem selection, since the passive tree is primarily focused on defense. This also meant exploiting the new curse-on-hit mechanics to apply dual-curses and exploit lightning resistance as a meaningful damage multiplier. 2. Make surviving no-hassle. Here, we’re following a risk-free policy of “Defense is the best offence.” The plus side is that I spend much less time moving and much more time firing, as opposed to squishier builds that waste plenty of good DPS time to kite. Therefore, the real DPS output is relatively higher, leading to faster clear times. 3. Keep the build affordable and accessible. You don’t need a max-block Rathpith and a max-block Rainbowstrides for the build to work! Instead, there is only one easy item roll requirement that can be circumvented via the tree. 4. No fancy gear or gem swapping for different bosses, maps, or mods. Entering a map should be easy as turning on AA and switching on your auras. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pros and Cons
-Insanely durable. Surviving takes little effort. In fact, it takes considerable effort to die, and in many situations, it is impossible to die. Most types of enemies will heal you and restore your mana by attacking you. -Almost entirely immune to elemental reflect, even without Purity of Lightning or Topaz flasks. I can Arc directly at Atziri’s mirror (which is said to be 100% reflect) without batting an eye. -Decent clear speeds. Thanks to Arc’s DPS efficiency and the dual-curse's resistance shredding, packs are rapidly mowed down and lightning resistance is no longer problematic. Clearing maps is super relaxed because very few situations pose a hazard. -Extremely powerful solo-play. Be your own tank, dual-curse support, and ranged DPSer all in one! There's no need to rely on having other meatshields there for you. -Completely affordable. The entire build can be made with under 2-10 exalts depending on how much gear you salvage from your other characters. -Effortless mapping, doesn’t care about map mods. BM, half regen, no regen, reflect + EW or minus max res, etc. are all possible. The plus side is that I can run RIP-mod 100-120% iiq 77s and 78s, giving me good map returns. -Facetanks bosses and rogues. It's not every day that someone can afk in a Vaal fight and survive for 10 minutes. Sometimes I sit next to rogues and have a nice chat and some tea with them while they rudely try to kill me. -Desync-resistant. Going out of sync won't get you killed. -Atziri-viable level of defense. However, I would still recommend that you follow an Incinerate build for a faster Atziri farmer if that’s your primary goal, since Incinerate has slower map clear speeds but more efficient Atziri speeds. -Hardcore-viable. If you drop some damage nodes and get more HP, the build can easily get over 5-5.5k HP with a few more HP nodes, making it ridiculously tanky. -Dual cursing. With the new CoH functionality, dual curses are insanely powerful due to the instant, 100%-chance application. Cons -Susceptible to DoT’s, like any other build. Block and MoM won’t do squat against desecrated ground, poison cloud, or viper strike. Beware of those exiles! -Awkward leveling phase. Block builds scale extremely well late-game, but between 60-75 you'll hit the awkward phase much harder than most other builds. -Mana hungry. You need some great ES items to fuel your EB, and both rings should come with formidable mana regen. Elemental reflect and high-damage situations will sap your mana, so carrying a good mana flask and running high clarity + regen is necessary. -Not invincible. A Palace Dominus smash in a Vulnerability, +uniquebossdamage, +extradamageaselement map can possibly one-shot you on a crit. Use your brain! -DPS isn’t amazing. If the size of your ego correlates with your tooltip DPS and you don’t care about the -10% exp penalty, this build is not for you. I could share a crit build with you that’s guaranteed to hit 25k Arc DPS with only 15 exalts, but I do like to survive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats
Stats, MF setup
Arc linked to SE + FC + IIR + IIQ
45% Aurseize instead of normal gloves 14/67 Andvarius ring DPS: 7.2k IIR: 182/33 HP: 4.1k Resists: 75/66/75/-40 Mana regen: 235/s Completely doable in maps, clear speed is still decent, and uniques start popping up everywhere. The hit to survivability is negligible. Now let's discuss DPS. We all know I absolutely abhor false DPS claims, so I will back this up with some numbers. When I was running an RF Maurader using Niffler's guide, I noted that he ran dual-curse on his cyclone, enabling him to deal insane damage. The DPS values he boasted were very legitimate due to the practicality of his curse-on-hit application. The CoH buff encouraged me to try dual-curse-on-hit with Arcer, and the end result was an insane resistance-shredder. Currently, I'm running a +1 curse Lazhwar, and I have Ball lighting curse on hit. I'm only running a level 18 CoH, level 18 conductivity, and a 19/20 elemental weakness. Passive tree gives me +2 lightning pen, and the lightning pen gem gives me +35% pen. Whenever I cast ball lightning, everything in its path loses 89 lightning resistance. The pen gem + passive gives me an additional 37 penetration for a total of 126 lightning penetration. In addition, Conductivity's shock bonus as well as Arc's innate shock gives a high chance to inflict Shock, and most mobs are Shocked at one point or another. This means that all enemies are automatically vulnerable to lightning damage against me, no matter how much resistance they had initially. A 0-resist enemy gets -126 lightning resist versus my arc, giving me 126% MORE DPS. That means I deal 21.3k DPS versus 0-resist enemies. What about 75-resist enemies? Their 75 resist amounts to -51 lightning resistance, giving me 51% MORE DPS. That means I deal 14.3k DPS versus 75-resist enemies. If a hypothetical 100%-resist enemy existed, I would still deal 1.26 times my DPS against him. This is how effective the CoH shredder is. All these values are ignoring Shock, which happens extremely frequently due to Arc's innate shock and Conductivity's shock bonus. If I really wanted to boost my ego I would say I'm doing 21.5k versus 75-resist enemies, and 32k versus 0-resist enemies. Now, one might claim that the time spent casting the Ball Lightning is lost DPS time. Although I wholeheartedly agree that the DPS isn't instantaneous, we have to keep in mind that Ball Lightning itself is dealing significant damage due to its resistance-shredding properties. I'm running only a level 18 BL and it's dealing significant damage because of the more-damage multipliers. In fact, it's enough to take down allies-don't-die totems if there are too many enemies in the way and I don't feel like moving. Curse immune mobs/maps drops us down to the tooltip DPS - but this is a weakness of all dual/triple-curse builds, especially summoner builds. It merely lowers clear speeds by a small margin but has little impact on survivability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Passives
N: Oak or Passive C: Alira M: Passive Special note about the Bandits: If you have really good gear with T1 or T2 life rolls on every piece of equipment (like what I have), a 5% life node will give marginally more HP than Oak at a high level. My current setup would actually get +8 health from a scion life node as opposed to Oak, but that's not worth 20 regrets. If you are attempting the build in a HC league or a temporary league, Oak will be way better.
Optional: Cloak of Defiance tree
While both the main tree and this tree work perfectly fine with CoD, this tree gives a small extra boost to mana and mana regen to make up for the modifier on CoD at the cost of DPS flexibility. If you feel that you need all that mana and you're running CoD, feel free to try this tree.
Special note
It can be easy to overlook this node. Don't miss it!
![]() Some notes about the passive tree: -I’ve outlined the must-haves in the first 85 levels (103 point tree). From then on, you can go more defensive (health circle around Constitution + Athleticism) or take the Herald circle and load up on cast nodes for greater offense. The defensive option gives ~10% more survivability per 5 points, whereas the offensive option gives ~10% more DPS per 5 points. -Tree gives only +80 Dex. If you want a good Haste, you need to take Quickness or find some good items with dex in them. The tree gives sufficient Int/Str for all other requirements. -I didn't take the flask nodes (gasp!). I don't think there's ever been a time that I thought "Gee, I wish my flasks were better;" in fact, I didn't glassblower most of them until level 87 plus. Atziri runs are completely doable with 10% flasks and a Saffell’s, and I don’t run resistance flasks in any other situation. -The tree + Rathpith + Tempest shield will give you 74% block. Your Rathpith only needs to be 51% block chance or higher to give you 75% spell block. -The tree is 4 points from Iron Reflexes. Running IR + Grace allows you to get way more phys-tanky. -The tree gives 27% to all resists. You can either use this to lower the resistance requirements on your gear or overcap resists enough to run Elemental Weakness maps. I personally do the latter. -If you want to run this build in Harcore, take some more health nodes instead of the Lightning wheel. Bonus Passive Trees: Templar tree, 102 points Scion tree, 100 points Maurader tree, 103 points Although these alternate trees are doable, the Maurader tree is much less viable due to less mana/manaregen. The scion tree is decent but not as efficient as the witch start with the initial 40% mana regen node. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gear & Items
For the build to work, you need a Lazhwar and a Rathpith. The Rathpith should have a decent spell block roll (51% or higher is strongly recommended!), and the Lazhwar should have one of the following 3 corruptions if possible: %damage taken converted to mana %elemental leech +1 curse If either of these are out of your price range, refer to the BM Blarcer post below; the requirements for that one is much, much lower. NOTE: If you absolutely cannot get your hands on a Rathpith, then use either a Crest of Perandus and take fewer block nodes, or find a Thorium/Titanium Spirit Shield with life, resists, and spell damage. If you can't get your hands on a +1 curse corruption, you can opt for one of these two: Using a Doedre's allows you to use whatever boots you want, but you miss out on a mana regen roll on the ring which is very important. Windscream is a decent item in itself because of the innate boost to resists and DPS, but it can make colorization a little difficult since there are no gem setups that require multiple reds on a 4L. If you use Windscream on a 4L, you may wish to run the CWDT setup on the 4L windscream.
Any of these 3 uniques are good, although Moonsorrow is the weakest (and usually the cheapest) option here. With 74 block, Cybil's acts as a 85 spell and 8-12 cast wand (essentially high-roll Moonsorrow) with a nice 5-8 lgoh for your spells. Doryani’s is the best offensive option and it gives that great leech that scales into end-game. If you want to use a non-unique spell wand, stats to look out for are: Spell damage (80% minimum) Cast speed (8% minimum) Mana (optional) Resistances (optional) Mana regen (highly recommended) Cold gem level (for AA)
As much res, life, and ES as possible. I run Aurseize instead of my standard gloves in most maps, even relatively dangerous 78 maps. Why?
It drops me the occasional present or two. Also, I haven't died wearing Aurseize, so the payoff is worthwhile.
Life, mana regen, and resistances. Chaos resist if possible. Doryani's Invitation is good if you want leech and DPS over base life; I'd recommend it if you have 1% leech or less. If you have enough overcap res + mana regen to run an Andvarius, it's worthwhile for lower level farming.
For flasks, we have the generic anti-bleed flask for corrupting blood rares or Dominus. Topaz, ruby, and sapphire flasks are entirely optional. One mana flask is necessary to recoup your mana pool, especially if your clarity/disc is a low level and your rings don't give good mana regen. We have an Atziri’s Promise to boost DPS by 1.5k and get that extra leech. This is especially important if you have no real source of leech, since popping an Atziri's can get you 4.2 seconds of 1.5% leech. Anti-freeze or anti-curse flasks are fine. I have no problem with freeze since I can block cold damage spells 3/4th of the time, and when I do get frozen (very, very rare) I can leech life and deal damage regardless. Freeze has never gotten me killed – I just sit around and let the TS leech while I’m frozen. Curses are inconvenient but there aren’t any that will get you killed thanks to block, including vulnerability and elemental weakness. Bubbling, Seething, Panicked, etc. are all good for life flasks; it’s all preference-based. Since only DoTs and big hits ever drop me low, I run Panicked for hp. For the mana flask, catalysed is good especially when you take big hits. If you can afford one, Lavianga's Spirit is amazing for the build - it's like a free Vaal Clarity times 3. It makes half-regen maps insanely easy and it makes no-regen maps somewhat easier. I would go for a 0-quality, low roll Lavianga since it prolongs its effects. The downside is that it is less effective in half-regen maps, where you actually need the full quality and high roll. Hybrid flasks are decent since this is a MoM build. If I take a really bad smash and my health/mana gets instadrained, I pop the hybrid flask twice and instantly regain both health and mana.
Farming gems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gems
If you want, you can stick Arc on a vertex/geofri with an empower. However, putting it on the 5L with faster casting + empower gives more DPS while increasing mana consumption. (In all seriousness, can we quit it with the Arc-on-Geofri-gives-most-DPS myth? It's absolutely false, a 5L using Empower lvl3 beats the geofri setup since Spell Echo was released.)
Must haves: Arc + spell echo + Light pen Links 4-6, add one: empower level 3, faster casting, elemental proliferation (only if your arc is Q20), added lightning damage You get options as to what gems you want. Life leech is a necessity if you don’t have a single life leech or lgoh source. If you have sufficient LL/lgoh, you can drop it for more DPS. Side note: the skill that you use for the build is arbitrary. I just like Arc because it has super-fast clear times. Because the build is generic, it can be used with every single spell as long as you take the appropriate elemental wheels. Auras + TS: Clarity Optional auras: Discipline OR Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder Tempest Shield + Reduced mana + Life leech + Mana leech The build needs Clarity + Tempest Shield to function at the bare minimum. Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder can be added as your RM gem levels up and you gain more unreserved mana. For best results, run Clarity + TS + Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder. We’re not seeking to make TS a viable source of damage (otherwise it would be a boring build!). Instead, we’ll just take advantage of Tempest Shield’s passive damage (900 average damage for my setup as of now) by putting some Life Leech and Mana leech on it so we have another source of life/mana to fuel our MoM. Since it triggers 3 out of every 4 hits, it will act as a built-in Anvil that scales with your spell damage. The LL + ML on TS is crucial to the build - it makes a huge difference in health/mana sustainability. Since we take Unwavering Stance and Blind has been drastically nerfed, Grace is no longer an optimal solution. This has been compensated by both the stun immunity as well as the almost-max block. Optional: Dual Curse on Hit Ball Lightning/Arc Curse on Hit Conductivity EW If you decide that you want dual curses instead of Flame totems and you have the right corruption OR a Doedre's ring OR Windscream, try this setup. It melts enemy resistances. Note for Harcore: Feel free to mix and match EW, Conductivity, Warlord's mark, and Enfeeble on ball lightning or self-cast. Using dual-curse and being able to choose between enfeeble + Warlords versus EW + Conductivity will greatly enhance both your clear and your survivability. Optional: 3/4L Totem Flame totem LMP/GMP Faster Casting 4L: Added chaos damage You can use a different totem like a Searing Bond or a Spell Totem. However, you have few modifiers to elemental or fire damage, so SB will be weak. In addition, SB will force you to work on positioning, which kinda diminishes the purpose of the build. If you do use a spell totem, try to use a fire or cold spell (fireball or freezing pulse/Ice spear with GMP are good) to keep the elements diverse. You can also go with the standard 4-link arc totem, although I personally don’t like the poor single-target DPS. Optional: Vaal skills Vaal Storm Call Increased Duration Spell Echo Conc Effect OR Vaal Spark Increased Duration Spell Echo GMP or Fork Vaal skills can help with mowing down single targets. 3L CWDT: CWDT Immortal Call Enduring Cry We’ve got this setup to ensure nothing bad happens during moments of heavy physical damage intake. The standard setup is level 1 CWDT + level 5 EC + level 3 IC. I use lvl7 CWDT + lvl8 IC + lvl9 EC, it's all personal preference. Misc: Arctic Armour Lightning Warp + Reduced duration Throw these wherever you please. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maps, Mods, and Bosses
The build has no problem with any mod. In fact, I've run every single mod just to be sure that it's viable in maps like BM or 0-regen. I just run through most of them with Haste up because I don’t need Disc’s mana + mana regen in most cases. However, the following will demand special accommodations:
-Half regen: Disc instead of Haste. No AA. -Elemental reflect: Disc instead of Haste. -Vulnerability: lvl74 maps and under, run normal. lvl75 and up, run Disc instead of Haste -Ele weak: Purity of Elements instead of Haste. -Minus max res: Either normal setup or Disc instead of Haste. Carry 1-2 atziri flasks. -Blood magic: No Clarity, Haste/Disc, or AA – just TS, if at all. Would not attempt 76-78 BM maps due to loss of MoM. -No regen: No Clarity, Haste/Disc, or AA – just TS. I would not attempt no-regen in 76-78 maps (e.g. Crematorium, Piety), since boss fights are often a little too damaging for a couple mana flasks to sustain my MoM. I've only ran across one map that was 100% impossible. It was a -max res, half-regen, elemental reflect, fracture, extra damage map full of necromancers. I am now in search of another -maxres, half/no-regen, elemental reflect map for some payback. I'm including some special notes about certain bosses because they're especially strong versus block builds: -Torture Chamber boss: It's not incredibly difficult, and I've even solo'd dual torture chamber bosses that had 2-player HP (and yes, that means there are 10 double-HP lightning warp totems coming after me). I'm just throwing out the precaution that you should definitely stick to a pillar to hide behind the moment it starts firing the laser. Also, keep moving so the totems won't insta-nuke you on an unblock streak (especially if you don't have a Rathpith), even if it's just one sidestep every couple arcs. A Saffell's is helpful but I never use one since it's not necessary. -Dominus, second form: Bring lots of staunching flasks. You should be carrying 2 staunching flasks at the bare minimum anyways. -Courtyard boss: The cycloner and the mage are harmless. Stay away from one that shoots fire projectiles and leapslams. The burning ground DoT can hurt, and I've come very close to dying from it in a minus-max-res + vulnerability map. -Arcane Chambers boss: Don't sit in his chaos damage and bring a staunching flask. Derp. -Vaal/Dom: Don't sit under their smash. They can one-shot you in a map that has +unique boss damage and +element as extra damage with vulnerability. I don't think I have to say this. Unique map notes: Poorjoy's: this map rips a lot of people. I haven't rip'd in a Poorjoy yet, but I've come somewhat close (i.e. 30% hp left) in Poorjoy's several times. I recommend bringing Granite Flasks of Warding because the blue whippers will do a ton of damage with the vulnerabilty on you. Olmec's: Try to have at least 0% chaos resistance and 2% life leech to sustain the poison cloud facetank. Last time I ran Olmec, I even swapped in a Geofri's crest for the extra 30% chaos resist, and I brought an Atziri's promise for the +35% extra. Also bring some swell life flasks. Mao Kun: Treat it like a map with a +50% damage modifier. Pretty easy otherwise, since block counters the flicker strike spam. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATZIRI VERSION
With this version, I can do Apex runs without dying.
Gems Auras: Clarity + RM, and TS + LL + ML + RM Arc: Lightning pen, faster casting, Empower, spell echo Boots: CWDT, IC, EC, Enfeeble Gloves: Curse on Hit + Ball Lightning/Arc + Curse on Hit + Conductivity OR Flame totem + GMP + Chaos dmg + Faster casting Misc: Lightning warp + RD, AA, Elemental Weakness Note: To run Atziri, you must have over 3k base mana and over 270 mana regen per second. This means you need level 20 clarity and some great mana regen rings as well as an amazing ES shield. The vaal fight is a piece of cake. I don't run any special swaps, and I don't use Saffell's for the extra res since the ball lightnings and laser cannons do so little damage anyways. Elemental weakness is the only curse I run to keep this fight short and simple. The trio is also easy as well, although it does require good movement speed boots or Lightning Warp skills. I kill the cyclone first. Sometimes I leave the ranged one last, but I mostly leave the dual striker last. The CWDT setup on my boots (CWDT + IC + EC + Enfeeble) ensures that the ranged one won't hurt a ton. I just run around in circles, cursing only the cycloner (to prevent chaining from killing the others first) and shooting Arcs at the cyclone until he’s dead. Then I just sit around and kill the remaining two, and the trigger gems make sure that either is literally unable to kill me due to block. Atziri requires another set of gem/equipment swaps. I run a Saffell for the fight for the extra +res, and the shield already has its own RM + Clarity + PoF so I don't need to swap gems between the Rathpith and the Saffell. More of a quality-of-life thing than a necessity, if you only have one good clarity + RM to spare then you can swap them. I run a spell totem with 18/20 elemental weakness. This helps the fight to move along a little faster. Enfeeble is absolutely not required if you play smart and run all the right trigger gems. Edit: You may wish to link Spell totem + ID to both EW and Warlord's Mark. That way, you can use WM against her 4-form to offset the reflect. I also swap out the CoH gloves and put on my Flame Totem gloves, which run FT+FC+ACD+GMP. Tempest Shield becomes USELESS against Atziri. Sure, block drops to 70% without it, but since we're running Saffell's, total spell block is max at 75%. I take TS off and swap in a really neat set of trigger gems. This trigger ensures that taking a hard flameblast hit will quickly spawn a devouring totem to heal you, plus a couple skeletons to draw aggro of subsequent flameblasts. It works wonders… sometimes but not always. Tactics: Drop a EW totem when the curse expires. Always drop a flame totem next to her. I find that the fight is much, much easier when I'm investing time into dropping flame totems by her to draw her aggro. A couple flameblasts will hardly scratch you, sure, but it's nice to have the flame totem draw aggro and do damage when you're moving away from a flameblast. Storm calls hardly hurt, and her bleed does barely any damage to be honest. 30% MS boots or excellent LW skills are a necessity for this part of the run. Always stay mobile! The really big flameblasts will hurt a ton (although they don’t always one-shot if you’re full HP), so go hide in the farthest corner. The bleed spears don't really hurt much, so I wouldn't worry too much about those compared to the flameblasts - if there's a FB under you and you're bleeding, move! A staunching flask will be necessary though, I prefer to run a Panicked + Staunching for best effect. When she's in the invincible phase with the minions running up to heal her, I just drop a flame totem on one side and Arc her. The 4-form is the most difficult part by far, since we only run 75% spell block and 79% lightning res along with MoM to combat the mirror'd form. While some people solve this issue by running PoL + Topaz flasks, I just use a Topaz for 89% total res; the only issue here is the intense mana drain from the reflection, which means you need a ton of mana regen. I just stick to one wall (usually the wall with the entrance) and constantly spam totems while dodging flameblasts and stormcalls. I throw in Arcs whenever I can, and if there's a very clear opportunity to Arc for an extended period of time, then I pop a Topaz + Ruby if necessary and Arc for a bit. 93% fire res and 89% lightning res is more than enough to root myself since I have spell block as well as a CWDT trigger. I make sure to keep her EW'd at all times to keep the fight short and improve the leeching, and I summon flame totems right after and between each storm call. Just keep this up for a bit. The devouring totem will ensure that you don't drop too low, and a couple mana flask + bubbling/panicked life flask will ensure that you don't run out of either life or mana. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feedback & testimonials
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Thank you all for the positive feedback! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any comments & questions are welcome. If you're having trouble with the build, feel free to post your build + items and I'll be glad to help! [2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757 Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Dec 19, 2014, 6:55:55 PM
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KuteKitteh's Tanky Arc/Incinerate Hybrid
Build Overhaul Hype! Kitteh's personal thoughts
While I (and many others) enjoyed the tanky Arc build, the one thing I hated the most about it (asides from the fact that it would get one-shot by 6.8k phys damage) was the horrible DPS functionality of Arc versus single targets, which adversely affected the build's clear speed. I initially sought to remedy that with BL CoH, which did improve the single-target DPS drastically. Nevertheless, I kept looking for ways to improve the build in both defense and offense, and I hit upon the idea of an Arc-Incinerate hybrid.
Arc and Incinerate are two different spells by nature. Arc is a great medium/long range lightning spell with chaining properties, while Incinerate is a short-range pierce projectile fire spell, making it ideal for CQC and large packs of enemies. By alternating between these two spells, an amazing clear synergy emerges. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build Highlights
-Eldritch battery, Mind over Matter, Unwavering Stance
-74 base block, 75 spell block -Passive mana/life leech via Tempest Shield -Immunity to elemental reflect -4000-5000 HP -Level 20 Arctic Armour -Arc/Incinerate hybrid, clears extremely effectively ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Videos
Coming soon (if I ever have time to play PoE!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Goals of the Build
When theorycrafting this build, I had one goal:
1. Make a build better than the last one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pros and Cons
-Insanely durable. Surviving takes little effort. In fact, it takes considerable effort to die, and in many situations, it is impossible to die. Most types of enemies will heal you and restore your mana by attacking you. -Almost entirely immune to elemental reflect, even without Purity of Lightning or Topaz flasks. I can Arc directly at Atziri’s mirror (which is said to be 100% reflect) without batting an eye. -Decent clear speeds. Thanks to Arc’s DPS efficiency and the dual-curse's resistance shredding, packs are rapidly mowed down and lightning resistance is no longer problematic. Clearing maps is super relaxed because very few situations pose a hazard. -Extremely powerful solo-play. Be your own tank, dual-curse support, and ranged DPSer all in one! There's no need to rely on having other meatshields there for you. -Completely affordable. The entire build can be made with under 2-10 exalts depending on how much gear you salvage from your other characters. -Effortless mapping, doesn’t care about map mods. BM, half regen, no regen, reflect + EW or minus max res, etc. are all possible. The plus side is that I can run RIP-mod 100-120% iiq 77s and 78s, giving me good map returns. -Facetanks bosses and rogues. It's not every day that someone can afk in a Vaal fight and survive for 10 minutes. Sometimes I sit next to rogues and have a nice chat and some tea with them while they rudely try to kill me. -Desync-resistant. Going out of sync won't get you killed. -Atziri-viable level of defense. However, I would still recommend that you follow an Incinerate build for a faster Atziri farmer if that’s your primary goal, since Incinerate has slower map clear speeds but more efficient Atziri speeds. -Hardcore-viable. If you drop some damage nodes and get more HP, the build can easily get over 5-5.5k HP with a few more HP nodes, making it ridiculously tanky. -Dual cursing. With the new CoH functionality, dual curses are insanely powerful due to the instant, 100%-chance application. Cons -Susceptible to DoT’s, like any other build. Block and MoM won’t do squat against desecrated ground, poison cloud, or viper strike. Beware of those exiles! -Awkward leveling phase. Block builds scale extremely well late-game, but between 60-75 you'll hit the awkward phase much harder than most other builds. -Mana hungry. You need some great ES items to fuel your EB, and both rings should come with formidable mana regen. Elemental reflect and high-damage situations will sap your mana, so carrying a good mana flask and running high clarity + regen is necessary. -Not invincible. A Palace Dominus smash in a Vulnerability, +uniquebossdamage, +extradamageaselement map can possibly one-shot you on a crit. Use your brain! -DPS isn’t amazing. If the size of your ego correlates with your tooltip DPS and you don’t care about the -10% exp penalty, this build is not for you. I could share a crit build with you that’s guaranteed to hit 25k Arc DPS with only 15 exalts, but I do like to survive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats
Stats, MF setup
Arc linked to SE + FC + IIR + IIQ
45% Aurseize instead of normal gloves 14/67 Andvarius ring DPS: 7.2k IIR: 182/33 HP: 4.1k Resists: 75/66/75/-40 Mana regen: 235/s Completely doable in maps, clear speed is still decent, and uniques start popping up everywhere. The hit to survivability is negligible. Now let's discuss DPS. We all know I absolutely abhor false DPS claims, so I will back this up with some numbers. When I was running an RF Maurader using Niffler's guide, I noted that he ran dual-curse on his cyclone, enabling him to deal insane damage. The DPS values he boasted were very legitimate due to the practicality of his curse-on-hit application. The CoH buff encouraged me to try dual-curse-on-hit with Arcer, and the end result was an insane resistance-shredder. Currently, I'm running a +1 curse Lazhwar, and I have Ball lighting curse on hit. I'm only running a level 18 CoH, level 18 conductivity, and a 19/20 elemental weakness. Passive tree gives me +2 lightning pen, and the lightning pen gem gives me +35% pen. Whenever I cast ball lightning, everything in its path loses 89 lightning resistance. The pen gem + passive gives me an additional 37 penetration for a total of 126 lightning penetration. In addition, Conductivity's shock bonus as well as Arc's innate shock gives a high chance to inflict Shock, and most mobs are Shocked at one point or another. This means that all enemies are automatically vulnerable to lightning damage against me, no matter how much resistance they had initially. A 0-resist enemy gets -126 lightning resist versus my arc, giving me 126% MORE DPS. That means I deal 21.3k DPS versus 0-resist enemies. What about 75-resist enemies? Their 75 resist amounts to -51 lightning resistance, giving me 51% MORE DPS. That means I deal 14.3k DPS versus 75-resist enemies. If a hypothetical 100%-resist enemy existed, I would still deal 1.26 times my DPS against him. This is how effective the CoH shredder is. All these values are ignoring Shock, which happens extremely frequently due to Arc's innate shock and Conductivity's shock bonus. If I really wanted to boost my ego I would say I'm doing 21.5k versus 75-resist enemies, and 32k versus 0-resist enemies. Now, one might claim that the time spent casting the Ball Lightning is lost DPS time. Although I wholeheartedly agree that the DPS isn't instantaneous, we have to keep in mind that Ball Lightning itself is dealing significant damage due to its resistance-shredding properties. I'm running only a level 18 BL and it's dealing significant damage because of the more-damage multipliers. In fact, it's enough to take down allies-don't-die totems if there are too many enemies in the way and I don't feel like moving. Curse immune mobs/maps drops us down to the tooltip DPS - but this is a weakness of all dual/triple-curse builds, especially summoner builds. It merely lowers clear speeds by a small margin but has little impact on survivability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Passives
N: Oak or Passive C: Alira M: Passive Special note about the Bandits: If you have really good gear with T1 or T2 life rolls on every piece of equipment (like what I have), a 5% life node will give marginally more HP than Oak at a high level. My current setup would actually get +8 health from a scion life node as opposed to Oak, but that's not worth 20 regrets. If you are attempting the build in a HC league or a temporary league, Oak will be way better.
Optional: Cloak of Defiance tree
While both the main tree and this tree work perfectly fine with CoD, this tree gives a small extra boost to mana and mana regen to make up for the modifier on CoD at the cost of DPS flexibility. If you feel that you need all that mana and you're running CoD, feel free to try this tree.
Special note
It can be easy to overlook this node. Don't miss it!
![]() Some notes about the passive tree: -I’ve outlined the must-haves in the first 85 levels (103 point tree). From then on, you can go more defensive (health circle around Constitution + Athleticism) or take the Herald circle and load up on cast nodes for greater offense. The defensive option gives ~10% more survivability per 5 points, whereas the offensive option gives ~10% more DPS per 5 points. -Those who run high-roll Doryani + Rathpith as well as enough mana regen to get 250-300 mana/s might find it better to leave the witch area via 12% cast for the sake of clear speeds. Otherwise, take the 30% spell damage nodes. -Tree gives only +80 Dex. If you want a good Haste, you need to take Quickness or find some good items with dex in them. The tree gives sufficient Int/Str for all other requirements. -I didn't take the flask nodes (gasp!). I don't think there's ever been a time that I thought "Gee, I wish my flasks were better;" in fact, I didn't glassblower most of them until level 87 plus. Atziri runs are completely doable with 10% flasks and a Saffell’s, and I don’t run resistance flasks in any other situation. -The tree + Rathpith + Tempest shield will give you 74% block. Your Rathpith only needs to be 51% block chance or higher to give you 75% spell block. -The tree is 4 points from Iron Reflexes. Running IR + Grace allows you to get way more phys-tanky. -The tree gives 27% to all resists. You can either use this to lower the resistance requirements on your gear or overcap resists enough to run Elemental Weakness maps. I personally do the latter. -If you want to run this build in Harcore, take some more health nodes instead of the Lightning wheel. Bonus Passive Trees: Templar tree, 102 points Scion tree, 100 points Maurader tree, 103 points Although both trees are doable, the Maurader tree is much less viable due to less mana/manaregen. The scion tree is decent but not as efficient as the witch start with the initial 40% mana regen node. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gear & Items
For the build to work, you need a Lazhwar and a Rathpith. The Rathpith should have a decent spell block roll (51% or higher is strongly recommended!), and the Lazhwar should have one of the following 3 corruptions if possible: %damage taken converted to mana %elemental leech +1 curse If either of these are out of your price range, refer to the BM Blarcer post below; the requirements for that one is much, much lower. NOTE: If you absolutely cannot get your hands on a Rathpith, then use either a Crest of Perandus and take fewer block nodes, or find a Thorium/Titanium Spirit Shield with life, resists, and spell damage. If you can't get your hands on a +1 curse corruption, you can opt for one of these two: Using a Doedre's allows you to use whatever boots you want, but you miss out on a mana regen roll on the ring which is very important. Windscream is a decent item in itself because of the innate boost to resists and DPS, but it can make colorization a little difficult since there are no gem setups that require multiple reds on a 4L. If you use Windscream on a 4L, you may wish to run the CWDT setup on the 4L windscream.
Any of these 3 uniques are good, although Moonsorrow is the weakest (and usually the cheapest) option here. With 74 block, Cybil's acts as a 85 spell and 8-12 cast wand (essentially high-roll Moonsorrow) with a nice 5-8 lgoh for your spells. Doryani’s is the best offensive option and it gives that great leech that scales into end-game. If you want to use a non-unique spell wand, stats to look out for are: Spell damage (80% minimum) Cast speed (8% minimum) Mana (optional) Resistances (optional) Mana regen (highly recommended) Cold gem level (for AA)
As much res, life, and ES as possible. I run Aurseize instead of my standard gloves in most maps, even relatively dangerous 78 maps. Why?
It drops me the occasional present or two. Also, I haven't died wearing Aurseize, so the payoff is worthwhile.
Life, mana regen, and resistances. Chaos resist if possible. Doryani's Invitation is good if you want leech and DPS over base life; I'd recommend it if you have 1% leech or less. If you have enough overcap res + mana regen to run an Andvarius, it's worthwhile for lower level farming.
For flasks, we have the generic anti-bleed flask for corrupting blood rares or Dominus. Topaz, ruby, and sapphire flasks are entirely optional. One mana flask is necessary to recoup your mana pool, especially if your clarity/disc is a low level and your rings don't give good mana regen. We have an Atziri’s Promise to boost DPS by 1.5k and get that extra leech. This is especially important if you have no real source of leech, since popping an Atziri's can get you 4.2 seconds of 1.5% leech. Anti-freeze or anti-curse flasks are fine. I have no problem with freeze since I can block cold damage spells 3/4th of the time, and when I do get frozen (very, very rare) I can leech life and deal damage regardless. Freeze has never gotten me killed – I just sit around and let the TS leech while I’m frozen. Curses are inconvenient but there aren’t any that will get you killed thanks to block, including vulnerability and elemental weakness. Bubbling, Seething, Panicked, etc. are all good for life flasks; it’s all preference-based. Since only DoTs and big hits ever drop me low, I run Panicked for hp. For the mana flask, catalysed is good especially when you take big hits. If you can afford one, Lavianga's Spirit is amazing for the build - it's like a free Vaal Clarity times 3. It makes half-regen maps insanely easy and it makes no-regen maps somewhat easier. I would go for a 0-quality, low roll Lavianga since it prolongs its effects. The downside is that it is less effective in half-regen maps, where you actually need the full quality and high roll. Hybrid flasks are decent since this is a MoM build. If I take a really bad smash and my health/mana gets instadrained, I pop the hybrid flask twice and instantly regain both health and mana.
Farming gems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gems
If you want, you can stick Arc on a vertex/geofri with an empower. However, putting it on the 5L with faster casting + empower gives more DPS while increasing mana consumption. (In all seriousness, can we quit it with the Arc-on-Geofri-gives-most-DPS myth? It's absolutely false, a 5L using Empower lvl3 beats the geofri setup since Spell Echo was released.)
Must haves: Arc + spell echo + Light pen Links 4-6, add one: empower level 3, faster casting, elemental proliferation (only if your arc is Q20), added lightning damage You get options as to what gems you want. Life leech is a necessity if you don’t have a single life leech or lgoh source. If you have sufficient LL/lgoh, you can drop it for more DPS. Side note: the skill that you use for the build is arbitrary. I just like Arc because it has super-fast clear times. Because the build is generic, it can be used with every single spell as long as you take the appropriate elemental wheels. Auras + TS: Clarity Optional auras: Discipline, Haste, Purity, or Herald of Ice Tempest Shield + Reduced mana + Life leech + Mana leech Since the build is not aura-heavy, Clarity + Tempest shield is sufficient. If you feel that an additional aura would help, you can try running Haste for offence or Disc for regen. Generally, I would not run a 60% aura until you get level19-20 reduced mana gems and over 2.5-3k mana. If you're unable to meet Haste's high dexterity requirement and you don't like the huge reservation cost, you can opt for Herald of Ice instead, since its dex cost is far more manageable and the reservation is very low. I normally link Haste – Disc – Clarity – RM on a 4-link. Haste is up most of the time, and Disc is up for half-regen or other dangerous maps. We’re not seeking to make TS a viable source of damage (otherwise it would be a boring build!). Instead, we’ll just take advantage of Tempest Shield’s passive damage (900 average damage for my setup as of now) by putting some Life Leech and Mana leech on it so we have another source of life/mana to fuel our MoM. Since it triggers 3 out of every 4 hits, it will act as a built-in Anvil that scales with your spell damage. The LL + ML on TS is crucial to the build - it makes a huge difference in health/mana sustainability. Since we take Unwavering Stance and Blind has been drastically nerfed, Grace is no longer an optimal solution. This has been compensated by both the stun immunity as well as the almost-max block. Optional: Dual Curse on Hit Ball Lightning/Arc Curse on Hit Conductivity EW If you decide that you want dual curses instead of Flame totems and you have the right corruption OR a Doedre's ring OR Windscream, try this setup. It melts enemy resistances. Note for Harcore: Feel free to mix and match EW, Conductivity, Warlord's mark, and Enfeeble on ball lightning or self-cast. Using dual-curse and being able to choose between enfeeble + Warlords versus EW + Conductivity will greatly enhance both your clear and your survivability. Optional: 3/4L Totem Flame totem LMP/GMP Faster Casting 4L: Added chaos damage You can use a different totem like a Searing Bond or a Spell Totem. However, you have few modifiers to elemental or fire damage, so SB will be weak. In addition, SB will force you to work on positioning, which kinda diminishes the purpose of the build. If you do use a spell totem, try to use a fire or cold spell (fireball or freezing pulse/Ice spear with GMP are good) to keep the elements diverse. You can also go with the standard 4-link arc totem, although I personally don’t like the poor single-target DPS. Optional: Vaal skills Vaal Storm Call Increased Duration Spell Echo Conc Effect OR Vaal Spark Increased Duration Spell Echo GMP or Fork Vaal skills can help with mowing down single targets. 3L CWDT: CWDT Immortal Call Enduring Cry We’ve got this setup to ensure nothing bad happens during moments of heavy physical damage intake. The standard setup is level 1 CWDT + level 5 EC + level 3 IC. I use lvl7 CWDT + lvl8 IC + lvl9 EC, it's all personal preference. Misc: Arctic Armour Lightning Warp + Reduced duration Throw these wherever you please. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maps, Mods, and Bosses
The build has no problem with any mod. In fact, I've run every single mod just to be sure that it's viable in maps like BM or 0-regen. I just run through most of them with Haste up because I don’t need Disc’s mana + mana regen in most cases. However, the following will demand special accommodations:
-Half regen: Disc instead of Haste. No AA. -Elemental reflect: Disc instead of Haste. -Vulnerability: lvl74 maps and under, run normal. lvl75 and up, run Disc instead of Haste -Ele weak: Purity of Elements instead of Haste. -Minus max res: Either normal setup or Disc instead of Haste. Carry 1-2 atziri flasks. -Blood magic: No Clarity, Haste/Disc, or AA – just TS, if at all. Would not attempt 76-78 BM maps due to loss of MoM. -No regen: No Clarity, Haste/Disc, or AA – just TS. I would not attempt no-regen in 76-78 maps (e.g. Crematorium, Piety), since boss fights are often a little too damaging for a couple mana flasks to sustain my MoM. I've only ran across one map that was 100% impossible. It was a -max res, half-regen, elemental reflect, fracture, extra damage map full of necromancers. I am now in search of another -maxres, half/no-regen, elemental reflect map for some payback. I'm including some special notes about certain bosses because they're especially strong versus block builds: -Torture Chamber boss: It's not incredibly difficult, and I've even solo'd dual torture chamber bosses that had 2-player HP (and yes, that means there are 10 double-HP lightning warp totems coming after me). I'm just throwing out the precaution that you should definitely stick to a pillar to hide behind the moment it starts firing the laser. Also, keep moving so the totems won't insta-nuke you on an unblock streak (especially if you don't have a Rathpith), even if it's just one sidestep every couple arcs. A Saffell's is helpful but I never use one since it's not necessary. -Dominus, second form: Bring lots of staunching flasks. You should be carrying 2 staunching flasks at the bare minimum anyways. -Courtyard boss: The cycloner and the mage are harmless. Stay away from one that shoots fire projectiles and leapslams. The burning ground DoT can hurt, and I've come very close to dying from it in a minus-max-res + vulnerability map. -Arcane Chambers boss: Don't sit in his chaos damage and bring a staunching flask. Derp. -Vaal/Dom: Don't sit under their smash. They can one-shot you in a map that has +unique boss damage and +element as extra damage with vulnerability. I don't think I have to say this. Unique map notes: Poorjoy's: this map rips a lot of people. I haven't rip'd in a Poorjoy yet, but I've come somewhat close (i.e. 30% hp left) in Poorjoy's several times. I recommend bringing Granite Flasks of Warding because the blue whippers will do a ton of damage with the vulnerabilty on you. Olmec's: Try to have at least 0% chaos resistance and 2% life leech to sustain the poison cloud facetank. Last time I ran Olmec, I even swapped in a Geofri's crest for the extra 30% chaos resist, and I brought an Atziri's promise for the +35% extra. Also bring some swell life flasks. Mao Kun: Treat it like a map with a +50% damage modifier. Pretty easy otherwise, since block counters the flicker strike spam. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATZIRI VERSION
With this version, I can do Apex runs without dying.
Gems Auras: Clarity + RM, and TS + LL + ML + RM Arc: Lightning pen, faster casting, Empower, spell echo Boots: CWDT, IC, EC, Enfeeble Gloves: Curse on Hit + Ball Lightning/Arc + Curse on Hit + Conductivity OR Flame totem + GMP + Chaos dmg + Faster casting Misc: Lightning warp + RD, AA, Elemental Weakness Note: To run Atziri, you must have over 3k base mana and over 270 mana regen per second. This means you need level 20 clarity and some great mana regen rings as well as an amazing ES shield. The vaal fight is a piece of cake. I don't run any special swaps, and I don't use Saffell's for the extra res since the ball lightnings and laser cannons do so little damage anyways. Elemental weakness is the only curse I run to keep this fight short and simple. The trio is also easy as well, although it does require good movement speed boots or Lightning Warp skills. I kill the cyclone first. Sometimes I leave the ranged one last, but I mostly leave the dual striker last. The CWDT setup on my boots (CWDT + IC + EC + Enfeeble) ensures that the ranged one won't hurt a ton. I just run around in circles, cursing only the cycloner (to prevent chaining from killing the others first) and shooting Arcs at the cyclone until he’s dead. Then I just sit around and kill the remaining two, and the trigger gems make sure that either is literally unable to kill me due to block. Atziri requires another set of gem/equipment swaps. I run a Saffell for the fight for the extra +res, and the shield already has its own RM + Clarity + PoF so I don't need to swap gems between the Rathpith and the Saffell. More of a quality-of-life thing than a necessity, if you only have one good clarity + RM to spare then you can swap them. I run a spell totem with 18/20 elemental weakness. This helps the fight to move along a little faster. Enfeeble is absolutely not required if you play smart and run all the right trigger gems. Edit: You may wish to link Spell totem + ID to both EW and Warlord's Mark. That way, you can use WM against her 4-form to offset the reflect. I also swap out the CoH gloves and put on my Flame Totem gloves, which run FT+FC+ACD+GMP. Tempest Shield becomes USELESS against Atziri. Sure, block drops to 70% without it, but since we're running Saffell's, total spell block is max at 75%. I take TS off and swap in a really neat set of trigger gems. This trigger ensures that taking a hard flameblast hit will quickly spawn a devouring totem to heal you, plus a couple skeletons to draw aggro of subsequent flameblasts. It works wonders… sometimes but not always. Tactics: Drop a EW totem when the curse expires. Always drop a flame totem next to her. I find that the fight is much, much easier when I'm investing time into dropping flame totems by her to draw her aggro. A couple flameblasts will hardly scratch you, sure, but it's nice to have the flame totem draw aggro and do damage when you're moving away from a flameblast. Storm calls hardly hurt, and her bleed does barely any damage to be honest. 30% MS boots or excellent LW skills are a necessity for this part of the run. Always stay mobile! The really big flameblasts will hurt a ton (although they don’t always one-shot if you’re full HP), so go hide in the farthest corner. The bleed spears don't really hurt much, so I wouldn't worry too much about those compared to the flameblasts - if there's a FB under you and you're bleeding, move! A staunching flask will be necessary though, I prefer to run a Panicked + Staunching for best effect. When she's in the invincible phase with the minions running up to heal her, I just drop a flame totem on one side and Arc her. The 4-form is the most difficult part by far, since we only run 75% spell block and 79% lightning res along with MoM to combat the mirror'd form. While some people solve this issue by running PoL + Topaz flasks, I just use a Topaz for 89% total res; the only issue here is the intense mana drain from the reflection, which means you need a ton of mana regen. I just stick to one wall (usually the wall with the entrance) and constantly spam totems while dodging flameblasts and stormcalls. I throw in Arcs whenever I can, and if there's a very clear opportunity to Arc for an extended period of time, then I pop a Topaz + Ruby if necessary and Arc for a bit. 93% fire res and 89% lightning res is more than enough to root myself since I have spell block as well as a CWDT trigger. I make sure to keep her EW'd at all times to keep the fight short and improve the leeching, and I summon flame totems right after and between each storm call. Just keep this up for a bit. The devouring totem will ensure that you don't drop too low, and a couple mana flask + bubbling/panicked life flask will ensure that you don't run out of either life or mana. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feedback & testimonials
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Also, the funniest one. I was trying to buy a Silverbranch to make leveling my ranger a little faster. Me: "wtb silverbranch 1alc" Him: "Which one? I have 2" Me: "The 73% one please" Him: "Hey, aren't you that guy with the tanky arc build on the forums?" ![]() Thank you all for the positive feedback! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any comments & questions are welcome. If you're having trouble with the build, feel free to post your build + items and I'll be glad to help! BM Arcer has been archived here:
KuteKitteh’s poor-man’s BM Arcer – clear end-game maps for an insanely low cost!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer #1
This build is not meant to be a permanent solution. It is explicitly designed to be a step-up build that can transition flawlessly into the main build once you get enough currency for a Rathpith. If you want a cheap and permanent solution, I recommend that you follow a squishier, higher-DPS build.
Disclaimer #2
This build runs BM for the sake of extreme cost efficiency. If you come across some great ES items and mana regen rings, by all means, take EB and run mana-based. If you don't like the concept of transitioning from a BM to an EB build, then you can start right away with the build listed above. If you are an experienced player and you know how to itemize, by all means, start with an EB build.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build Highlights -Blood Magic, Unwavering Stance -75 block, 47.5 spell block -4500-5500 HP -6-8k Arc DPS -Super cheap, new-league & beginner viable -No mana regen necessary -No auras or TS -No AA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Goals of the Build
1. Make a build that can compete with the Block Arcer for an insanely low cost. Make it new-league and beginner viable.
2. Retain high defensive capabilities. 3. Keep a decent level of DPS with cheap uniques and gems. 4. Make an end-game viable build. 5. Keep the BM build and the MoM-EB passive trees so similar that anyone can convert from the BM build to the MoM-EB build in under 20 respec points. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pros and Cons
-Insanely cheap. It would cost anyone 5-10 chaos tops, and it works extremely well with self-found gear. -Mana regen and clarity do not matter. Rings only need life + res, not life + res + regen. -Pretty darn tanky. The eHP is still extremely high for the cost of the build. -Blood Magic. Like, how cool is that? Cons: -Not as tanky elemental-wise. -Not entirely immune to elemental reflect. ER maps will reflect 2.4% of your DPS back to you, which doesn’t hurt that much but definitely requires some good flasks, an Atziri flask, or Warlord’s Mark. -Dependent on a high health pool. You better have great T1/T2 life items. -No AA. However, block negates the lack of AA quite well. Voidbearers will damage you only half the time, and small phys hitters will damage you a quarter of the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats
http://i.imgur.com/8WyH758.jpg ![]() http://i.imgur.com/ETKZ6vP.jpg ![]() I obviously went with a more tanky setup at the cost of lower DPS. The health pool is insane enough to make the build a front-liner even without any leech sources. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Passives
Bandits: N: Oak C: Alira M: Passive Some notes about the passive tree: -I’ve outlined the must-haves in the first 85 levels (103 point tree). From then on, you can go more defensive (health circle around Constitution) or take the Herald circle and load up on cast nodes for greater offense. The defensive option gives ~10% more survivability, whereas the offensive option gives ~10% more DPS. -The difference between this tree and the EB-MoM tree is quite simple. This tree takes the mana, EB, and MoM nodes plus a few block nodes and invests them into BM, life/regen, and spell block. Converting from this one to the EB-MoM build is extremely simple, and it only takes 15 points to do the transition at level 85. -Reaching BM fast is priority with the build. It can be obtained by level 50-60; at that point you can ditch clarity and mana regen. This will result in some minor leveling pains between level 60-70. Make sure to have a large health pool by the time you get BM. -Tree gives only +50 Dex. Although I’m not running AA or Haste, some items and gems cannot be used due to the dex requirement, unless you have +dex items. The tree gives sufficient Int/Str for all other requirements. -Despite the lack of leech on the build, I didn’t take the flask nodes. I found that the new 1.2 life flasks are more than enough to sustain full facetank on a BMer. -The tree + Crest of Perandus will give you 75% block. Stone of Lazhwar gives 37.5% spell block, and the tree gives +10% spellblock. Therefore, the build will give 75/47.5 block no matter what. -The tree gives 27% to all resists. You can either use this to lower the resistance requirements on your gear or overcap resists enough to run Elemental Weakness maps. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gear & Items
Crest of Perandus is only 1 chaos, and it gives some nice HP and resistances along with a magnificent 40% block chance. The massive boost to block is enough to drop some block nodes and Tempest Shield. Stone of Lazhwar is also a necessity. A fail-corrupted Lazhwar can be obtained for 1 chaos. You also need a way to apply +1 curse. The most common is You can also use Windscream or get the +1 curse node in the passive tree.
Any of these 2 uniques are great for a budget build. Cybil’s is strongly recommended due to the lack of life leech in the rest of the build. In fact, Cybil’s completely counteracts the life cost of running Arc. If you want to use a non-unique spell wand, stats to look out for are: Spell damage (80% minimum) Cast speed (8% minimum) Resistances (optional)
Rest of gear
You just need life and resists on everything. ES, mana, and mana regen do not matter, making this build extremely cheap and self-found viable.
Arc + Faster Casting + Spell Echo + Lightning Pen 5L: added lightning damage or Life Leech 3L: CWDT + Immortal Call + Enduring Cry 3/4L: Flame totem + Added Chaos + Faster Casting, +GMP if enough Dexterity Alternatively: Spell totem + Arc + Lightning Pen + Elemental proliferation Optional 4L: Vaal skills Vaal Storm Call Increased Duration Spell Echo Conc Effect OR Vaal Spark Increased Duration Spell Echo GMP or Fork Vaal skills can help with mowing down single targets. 2L: Lightning Warp + RD Overall, the gems are essentially the same as the build above. However, we don’t need either Tempest Shield or the Auras, meaning there are two 4-links that are freed up for your imagination. I would run a flame totem or an Arc totem for faster clear speeds. Curses: Ball Lightning + Curse on Hit + Elemental Weakness 4L: Conductivity or Warlord’s Mark Because Warlord’s Mark now applies to spell damage as well, dual-curse is extremely potent for the build due to lack of leech. If you can get your hands on either the Doedre’s ring or Windscream, having Ball Lightning dual-curse a foe will drop its defenses AND allow you to leech life, since there is no source of life gain asides from flasks and life regen. If dual-curse is outside of your capabilities, then you can either self-cast or curse-on-hit, and you can choose between Warlord’s Mark (defensive option) and Elemental Weakness (offensive option). Even if you can’t run dual-curse, I would still carry around both curses. [2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757 Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Dec 13, 2014, 12:36:34 AM
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Interesting. I love spellcasting builds that also boast a high blocking chance.
The relative cheapness also makes this build quite appealing to start anew in a fresh league. A few noobish questions: 1) Regarding your cheaper BM version, how do you achieve that ballpark of 5-5,5k life? I can't seem to reach that number with 156% maximum life from your passive tree (178% if I spec out of the lightning wheel in favor of life nodes). Does the rest just come from the gear? How much life is it reasonable to expect from gear? 2) Would you substitute Flame Totem with any other more defensively oriented ones such as a Summon Skeletons + Spell Totem / Decoy Totem or is it tanky enough on its own to provide some crowd control? 3) Do you use any Vaal skills? Vaal Storm Call sounds like it'd fit this build's need for a single target dps burst quite nicely. Thoughts? |
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"1. All of the gear should have considerable life. All of the equipment I run has T1 or T2 life. Although this requirement seems daunting, it's made quite easy by the fact that the passive tree gives so much resistance and that mana regen on rings is no longer a necessity. I ran my usual gear with some coral rings instead of my mana regen rings, but I took fewer life points in the tree. I ended up with over 5.2k life. If I dropped a few HP items and picked up some more health nodes, I would stay in the same range. 2. I don't need distractions - I AM the distraction. 3. Vaal skills are pretty meh. I use Vaal Spark as a leveling tool for single-target nuking in CQC, but otherwise they're not great. Vaal Storm Call doesn't have amazing single target DPS since its hit rate is limited when there's only 1 enemy to hit. [2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
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All in all, this is a very solid build. I appreciate the focus on survivability, which is in contrast to FoxTactic's focus on dps.
Three questions on the passive tree: 1) How essential is Unwavering Stance? How does it measure up to the Practical Application cluster in the Witch area? 2) What do you think about the Mind Barrier cluster in the Witch area? The extra 10% spell block, when added with a perfect Rathpith and Rainbowstride, would yield 95% spell block conversion. This would allow for an amulet with extra life or maybe even The Anvil. 3) The block cluster just south of the Templar area worked better for me than the Marauder area. What are your thoughts on the difference?
In the end, this is what I came up with
This tree incorporates the 3 changes listed above, which may or may not be ill-advised. I look forward to your feedback. |
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"1. Unwavering stance is AMAZING. Well, it's not as amazing anymore since vulnerability maps won't lead to crazy stunlocks with the vuln nerf, but it's still worthwhile. That being said, it's not necessary in most situations. It's superfluous for non-intensive stuff (like easy-mod mapping). However, I find that: a) It boosts my effective DPS, since I don't have to kite a pack of charging rhoas, avian wretches, or other heavy hitters. b) it takes the edge out of dangerous situations by allowing me to stay mobile or continue to leech during moments of heavy damage intake, which is when I need mobility/leech the most. Practical Application is a great circle and I'm glad GGG put it there, and it works wonders for builds without stun immunity. However, stun is extremely problematic when chained by multiple enemies or multiple hits. Getting hit multiple times increases the likelihood that PA will fail you and stop your cast animation. It also doesn't work when you're simply moving, e.g. versus the ranged one in the Atziri trio. All in all, if you really like your evasion or your Cast when Stunned and you don't mind the occasional stun, then by all means, use PA over Unwavering. I personally find tankage to increase infinitely with Unwavering. 2. With the Mind Barrier cluster, I do agree that Rathpith + Rainbowstride is now in competition with the Rathpith + Lazhwar combo. However, the first combo needs an additional 4 nodes and forgoes HP boots (with the only upside being a choice of amulet), whereas the latter combo gives 4 nodes and HP boots. I find that Anvil murders clear speeds, and that HP amulets are very difficult to come by. Therefore, Rathpith + Lazhwar is still the tankier (and cheaper) combo of the two. Also, Lazhwar is corrupted far more often. Lazhwar corruptions are extremely high in supply, hence why I own both a +1% leech and a +1 curse Lazhwar. 3. 6 points into Plated Defense gives 20 strength and 8 block. 6 points into Aegis gives 40 strength, 20 dexterity, 5 block, 40% increased ES from Rathpith, 1.5% life regen, and direct access to some amazing life nodes. The latter choice is far better. Keep in mind that since Rathpith gives 30% block and Tempest Shield gives 4%, the tree only needs to give 40-41% block for the build to achieve 74-75% block. Your suggested tree has 45% block for a total of 79%, which is wasted block - unless you're not running TS, of course. [2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757
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Thanks for your feedback.
" Good call on the 40% increased ES. I overlooked that benefit. " Right. No TS. I forgot to mention that I'm skeptical of TS's awesomeness. Let's say that TS will deal 500 damage on block (75% of hits) after increases to elemental/lightning damage. It will then return 44 life and 26 mana from level 20 life leech and mana leech gems on block. Is that really worth it for the mana reserved and, more importantly, the gem slots? I'm asking honestly, as I've never used TS. Last edited by thewrongthing#7867 on Aug 21, 2014, 2:46:37 PM
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" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZVxZzPkW5c&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqslkqPTvQE&feature=youtu.be Leech on TS is a complete waste versus hard hitters (e.g. Vaal smash, Dom smash), but generally, you'd be surprised by the significant amount of passive leech simply from the sheer quantity of attacks and spells blocked. Even Dominus's laser streams will heal you more than it will hurt you. I would highly recommend it since the life regen is simply worth the mana reservation, and the mana leech makes up for the reserve cost in 99% of cases. The only time the reservation cost will hurt you is if you get smashed for 3k+ damage (very, very rare) and you're running Haste + Clarity along with low ES. Those hard hits are generally very rare since they come in the form of slow, avoidable hits. The only time I ever take TS off is versus Atziri. In all other cases, it is absolutely worth it. [2.2] KuteKitteh's CI EA Regen Tank - Durable w/10k ES, instant clear, EZ-Atziri, affordable!: /1625757 Last edited by KuteKitteh#5381 on Aug 21, 2014, 7:40:45 PM
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Missed the Atziri video. Neverheless yeah max spells block is where most builds need to go since we cant max resits anymore.
Git R Dun!
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I like the build a lot, it resembles my 1.1.0 Incinerate build that used tempest shield which was a lot of fun.
I don't know if I agree with your damage claims and numbers though, you say that you abhor fake dps but you then go on to over explain yourself as to why 20k~ is your effective damage. In reality, your damage is 10k~ with dual curse. Fair enough, the people who understand what that means should know that it is a considerable amount. But, you then go on to create a number which makes no sense to me, 20k~ dps is entirely subjective since you even go on to talk about resistances. Dual cursing is fine, but trying to work out the mathematics behind it is not going to work when you are not dealing with a static value when you curse a monster. I'm not trying to come across as hateful or trying to spite you in any way, it just seems like you went ahead and made the same mistake which you said you dislike to see; inflated dps. The guide is well written regardless and you did a good job with creating the build. I have a similar guide which instead uses Ondar's Guile and blinding to deal with spears, you could also add an Immortal Call setup to the guide, 4 charges and a 3L 20/20 IC with enhance is 8 seconds. That makes the trio much smoother. Good luck. :) IGN: SlightRedeye (GMT + 0:00) Last edited by SlightRedeye#1935 on Aug 21, 2014, 10:47:33 PM
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