Cheap, Tanky, DPSy: Summon Raging Spirit [not updated for 1.3+]
Hey Matrix. Was cooking up a few trees for 1.2, I thought I might as well post them in your thread since it's a lot more active than mine.
While drawing from the same general ideas, I interestingly ended up with quite different results. - Drop IR. I was on the fence about it to begin with, and the nerf to mana reservation (although just a few %, that actually makes quite a difference) will force me to drop an aura. That would be Grace. - Drop Coil, which was indirectly nerfed a bit by the removal of elemental adaptation, which lets me drop purity of lightning too, and have more mana available for Cloak of Defiance, which I will be switching (back) to. - Scion is now probably better if you try to remake the build as it is now, but I just ended up today thinking that the witch version would be really interesting too. Here's a 112pt witch tree (that needs to lose some weight). It's very aggressive - lots of minion nodes, lots of cast speed, and not that much life. I just realized pathing through shadow to Charisma is better than the highway through scion now that coordination has 6% cast speed and with blood siphon being so strong. Although I guess ditching Charisma altogether as you did is also an option.... Here's my "stick to what works" 108 scion tree, but I think I like it less and less. It might be simply by taste for change. I'm proud I made the build that got hotfix nerfed by 80% in under a week :
Kamikaze Clones /1204796 (LL Mirror Arrow Instability Prolif) |
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AlexUngur: the templar life area is just too point inefficient compared to the scion life wheel and the Barbarism nodes next to mid left 45% skill effect.
vodeni: Chober is ok, but the cost of 5Ling it is way more than the cost of buying a 5L staff and rolling +2 fire, or a 5L weapon and rolling +1 gems (bow+life/res quiver preferred). Pepper: what's your purpose for getting charisma? What auras are you thinking of running? All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 17, 2014, 11:11:55 AM
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" Anyone? I see everyone seems to be leaning towards Life, maybe that is the way to go. With this, even if you move a few things around, you can pretty easily reach 8-9K+ ES. You'll have to run Clarity and grab a little mana regen on a couple pieces, but it should be relatively easy to have enough mana regen for Arctic Armor(This is using the old/current mana cost, not sure if it has changed). In addition if you pickup a Cloak of Defiance you will have 3-400 ish of unreserved mana for Mind over Matter. This assumes Clarity >> Haste >> Hatred >> (Adding Purity will give you around 200 mana unreserved). |
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Grownupfun: I played with your tree a bit. I changed it slight to this. In general I'd try to stick to L90 or L95 trees, not L100.
So one issue is that if you want to run 3*60+clarity there is no other option except to use alpha's howl. It's possible to use a 400-500 ES circlet to achieve the same effect as discipline, but this is way more expensive. I don't think cloak of defiance is good for a CI build. You lose a lot of ES from not having a pure ES chest. With alpha's, a 700 ES chest and about 220 ES from gloves/boots/jewelry combined I was able to hit 7.8k ES total. I also had 280 unresereved mana and enough regen for L20 AA. This is very good IMO. It is now one of 4 builds I'm considering. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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" I'll have to look, but I'm almost positive that is NOT right, since currently with an alphas my 60% auras cost 20% (23% without alphas). I know aura reservation nodes got nerfed, but I don't think it was enough to jump them above 30% without an alphas. It's doable, you would need proper gear to support it. Last edited by Moose65#0910 on Aug 17, 2014, 1:26:33 PM
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" Appreciate the time, really looking forward to this patch. I can agree with not using a CoD. 220 is a bit low for gloves/boots/jewelry combined isn't it? Fine for testing, but if we went CI and focused on this would be able to up it more relatively easily? 7.8K is still comfortable IMO. Originally I wasn't considering running Discipline, Only Haste, Hatred, & Clarity. (Purity if needed as well). Discipline adds nearly 2k ES so it is definitely worth considering. I was using PoEBuilder and it's all too easy to fudge numbers when making gear, but I believe I kept the numbers relatively average or at least not maxed for sure. |
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" Any reason in particular you stuck with pathing up from EE instead of pathing through the one point left of unnatural calm? I'm guessing for access to the mana/cast nodes? Also, is shaper 40% mana regen not worth picking up now even though it's a 1 pt investment? What are the other 3 builds your looking into? I'm almost convinced on CI being the way to go as of right now, bring on the patch notes! Last edited by Menacetech#7194 on Aug 17, 2014, 1:41:05 PM
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" Thanks, fixed L95 tree. I'm still topping out at 7.8-8k ES. I'm curious if there's any obvious gearing options I'm not considering. Also using dreamfrags+alpha's seem like a waste, but dream frags seems so good. All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 17, 2014, 1:55:37 PM
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I've been following the development of this SRS build for awhile and first, I'd like to thank everyone here for their efforts in adapting it to the new 1.2 skill tree. MatrixFactor, why not drop the Heart and Soul cluster and Alacrity node, then use the 5 points to come up from Charisma to Soul Siphon. It seems to be a more efficient use of the points for CI.
Old 30 dex 28% inc mana 20% life New 30 dex 10 str 26% inc mana 10 max mana 5 mana on kill 6% inc cast speed 12% inc attack speed |
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" Thanks that was an other oversight. Though I don't like Soul Siphon for the amount of points it costs. L95 Ci Tree All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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