Cheap, Tanky, DPSy: Summon Raging Spirit [not updated for 1.3+]

I like the build changes and on a side note I'm really hoping we can make this CI build work (polish it probably) as I think it would up our survivability more and Chaos Damage sux. Just Annoying.

That being said.. Mmmm Dream fragments. Might consider running a Chayula's too? Since ES has an issue of being stunned, would only further our survivability.

Regardless of your choice on Chayula I think Dream Fragments can certainly have a place. It lessens the amount of mana regen you need from other gear or tree a bit and dat frozen immunity.

Though if you choose to use Alpha's Howl I'd probably go with a rare ring instead. Get some mana regen, resists, rest is bonus?

And about you topping out at 7.8k that's with Discipline?
Is there a general consensus yet on whether Scion or Witch will be the way to go with the new tree?
Dheim wrote:
Is there a general consensus yet on whether Scion or Witch will be the way to go with the new tree?

Scion if you want to replicate the 1.1.5 build, witch if you want to do something new.

Grownupfun: what would you use instead of alpha's?
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
If you wanted to drop Alpha's I'd probably just go with a high ES helm with whatever stats you're needing honestly. You said a 400ish ES helm may be expensive, but that may not be the case with the new crafting, though even if that was still the case and you could only end up with 200-300 ES you'd still be sitting pretty well IMO (Especially if you gain stun/frozen immunity).

Generally 1 Life = 1 ES, however Life gives you gradual immunity to status effects I believe. ES does not. Gain stun/frozen immunity then 1 Life=1 ES. ES is easier to get than HP. (This does take 2 of your jewelry slots though).

Might be missing something?

Grownupfun wrote:
If you wanted to drop Alpha's I'd probably just go with a high ES helm with whatever stats you're needing honestly. You said a 400ish ES helm may be expensive, but that may not be the case with the new crafting, though even if that was still the case and you could only end up with 200-300 ES you'd still be sitting pretty well IMO (Especially if you gain stun/frozen immunity).

Generally 1 Life = 1 ES, however Life gives you gradual immunity to status effects I believe. ES does not. Gain stun/frozen immunity then 1 Life=1 ES. ES is easier to get than HP. (This does take 2 of your jewelry slots though).

Might be missing something?

No idea how rare/expensive this is as I've never personally seen it, but the Vertex mask wouldn't be a bad option. Though a 400ES helm may be better in the long run. Depends what you'd put in the Vertex?
MatrixFactor wrote:

As i have been playing around with it, this is pretty much what i have been thinking. Couple of questions though:
1. Are the 6% Inc Aura nodes worth it if we are only running 3 Auras?
2. Also, would the 55% Stun Avoidance while casting nodes (Practical Application) be a viable alternative to Eye of Chayula allowing for a better Amulet? (Would only cost one equivalent point as we could drop 15% Minion Life and Alacrity)
3. And finally, still not convinced the 3% Minion Life Leech is necessary. (We have picked up 1% at the top in the Death Attunement wheel)

No one think to go for Zealots Oath (energy shield reg instead of life)?

is some posiblity playing on low life with this build? (withou shavrone)
Last edited by Jarovb#6867 on Aug 18, 2014, 2:56:47 AM
Grownupfun wrote:
ES is easier to get than HP. (This does take 2 of your jewelry slots though). Might be missing something?

If you play the new league (and especially Hardcore where there is a constant drain due to people dying), Chayulas, Dream Fragments and Alpha's will be *very* hard to get/expensive during the first few weeks, as all the ES guys need them.

In Standard they are redily available.
Dear Maligaro,
I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru
My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney
And I am sending my Heart to you
--- Love, Malachai
Mahanen wrote:
MatrixFactor wrote:

As i have been playing around with it, this is pretty much what i have been thinking. Couple of questions though:
1. Are the 6% Inc Aura nodes worth it if we are only running 3 Auras?
2. Also, would the 55% Stun Avoidance while casting nodes (Practical Application) be a viable alternative to Eye of Chayula allowing for a better Amulet? (Would only cost one equivalent point as we could drop 15% Minion Life and Alacrity)
3. And finally, still not convinced the 3% Minion Life Leech is necessary. (We have picked up 1% at the top in the Death Attunement wheel)

1. Yes the 6% aura nodes are the biggest source of DPS we have from the tree. One 6% node: boosts haste so that you move and cast spirits faster, it makes the haste give the spirits more move speed and ias, and it increases the cold damage they get from hatred. It also increases the amount of ES you get from discipline and the amount of mana regen from clarity. No other node addresses defense, offense, and mana sustain in a single node.

2. Practical application is avoidance of interrupt while casting. This isn't stun avoidance as far as I understand. For example when I farm Rima in the city of sarn, and I use the portal gem, even if one of the Carrion Swarmers touches me for 0 damage (because of AA), my portal cast still gets interrupted. As I undestand it, if I were to get stunned the chance to avoid interruption wouldn't have any effect at all.

3. Well let's consider the numbers in a 18% ele reflect map. My L27 raging spirit has around 4.5k HP. It has 65% fire resist, 0% cold resist, and no armor. It does about 3k phys, 3k fire, and 2k cold per hit against a target with -69% res (40% base - 50% EE - 59% EW). So each target it hits the skull takes 3k * 0.18 = 540*0.35=189 fire damage, and 2k*0.18=360 cold damage. Now the skull attacks about 8 times/sec with vaal haste and flesh offering up, so if it's dealing 189+360=549 damage to itself per hit, it will kill itself in about 1.1 sec. This is much less than its duration of 5.0 sec, which will be even more in 1.1.5. With 3% leech, it will gain 8k*0.03=240 HP per hit, so it's only doing 309 damage to itself per hit, so it's up for 1.8sec before dying. In the extra 0.7sec it does a good bit of damage. So ele reflect does hurt our DPS significantly but minion leech helps. For 18% phys refelct, we take 3k*0.18=540 damage, but leech back 240, so again we only take 300 damage/hit instead of 540. From these numbers you can sort of see that running purity of elements in ele reflect, and grace in phys reflect maps would actually improve your DPS a good bit.

Jarovb wrote:
No one think to go for Zealots Oath (energy shield reg instead of life)?

is some posiblity playing on low life with this build? (withou shavrone)

Feel free to draft a build with zealot's oath, it sounds like it could be very good for ES-based builds.

Lowlife with/without Shav/Lorica is possible but I don't see the benefit. You can't go bloodmagic-mortal conviction, because you won't have enough unreserved life/life reg to cast spirits. You can reserve an aura or two on life but you're still going to be limited to the same amount of auras as a non-LL build because you need free mana and mana regen. Again I would be happy to be shown a nice LL build that changes my view.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 18, 2014, 6:37:05 AM

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