Remove Only Stash Unlock!

Regardless of GGG's intend and funny statements about 'abusing remove only stash', my personal relation to this topic is simple: If it weren't for this auto-remove feature, I would buy a stash tab right now. I am not going to buy 5 at once to have effectively only 1 more.
Last edited by dyneol#3245 on Jul 7, 2014, 2:09:33 PM
morbo wrote:
Negacya wrote:
I bought 18 stash tabs in Ambush and I was planning an upgrade after a month in standard. But now there is no point in doing that. I'll never pay for unlocking RO tabs.
How can this change make more money for GGG?

I feel the same. But I suppose GGG thinks there will be more players that would feel pressured into "buying out" the RO tabs, that are players who now see buying additional tabs as completely pointelss.

For every two or three players who wont buy more tabs, there will be someone who will buyout his 30+ RO stash. This is still profitable.

 It's simple. You start PoE with 4 stash tabs. You bought 3 of the 6-packs and now have a total of 22 stash tabs. At the end of Ambush league those 24 are now 24 remove-only tabs in Standard League. So at this time you should have the 22 + 22 = 44 tabs in your standard stash. Let's say 1/2 of these remove only tabs are 100% full. You buy a 6 pack bundle of additional stash space. But do you get 6 empty tabs added for a total of 50 tabs? No. What you get is 6 of the RO tabs have been converted and are now normal tabs. You have purchased 6 but your total number of tabs hasn't increased by 6. You also have a 50/50 chance that GGG picked 6 RO tabs that are 100% full to convert so now you have paid $11.00 or $15.00 (when on sale) and gotten no new storage space at all. You would need to buy additional 6 packs of stash tabs to eventually get one of the less than 100% full remove-only tabs converted to a normal tab. If you are planning to vendor a bunch of items to free up the space, fine, but you have to get rid of them in order to make space. You are not getting a full 6 tabs of storage out of the purchase unless you are willing to vendor 6 full tabs worth of gear.

 This change is cheating us out of storage space big time and GGG knows it. They probably thought that they could sneak it in under the radar and pass it off as a convenience for those that want their RO tabs converted in full so as not to have to manually move the items from an RO tab over to it. Also helped the GGG coders with an unknown technical problem they encountered. Either way it has shafted the rest of us and we aren't getting what we pay for any longer. This is a major error on GGGs part and if not changed back will only magnify in severity come next November at the end of our next 4 month league.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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So somehow people think that GGG should buy extra servers just to let them store all there RO trash? Data takes up space on their servers. Excess useless data will slow down servers. This permanent RO thing is illogical. Unless of course you want (potentially) more latency.
Last edited by 60x7#2399 on Jul 7, 2014, 4:14:26 PM
Clearly the more RO tabs you have the more hardcore you are! I'm still not seeing why this is such a fuss :\ GGG isn't cheating anyone out of stash space.
Here is my problem with people saying this is a bad thing. I do like the example that was given that we need all this space for long term hording for new characters and builds. Buuuuuut. If you own about 15 tabs like I do and get 15 from a temp league ending as remove only, do you really need that much space for all these items you dragged across. I find it incredibly hard to believe that every item people bring from the leagues is going to be useful at some point and if you do have some things that will be used, for how long? Since these are permanent leagues, better gear will always be more and more accessible for cheap or through drops more than likely. And if you play the permanent league chances are you will find an almost exact replica of something in that remove only tab that you held on to for 7 months and saving that item and all similar or worse items pointless. Ambush was the first temporary league I actually played seriously and had higher end crap. I was able to make room for every single item in my permanent tabs or vendor the trash in a couple of hours (including organizing gems). If I bought 15 more tabs instead, it wouldn't have made any difference because I know the stuff I vendored and everything I kept could be replaced within about a month or less of playing and I want to be playing this for years as well.

I see your point but I think it is incredibly flawed and this would be an aspect that GGG probably thought about. I have to agree with a lot of the people here telling you to stop complaining. The only reason so many are complaining is because its free store space and with what I just said, those items will likely be overrun by new drops before they ever sell.

tl;dr: I see your point but you don't need 15+ extra stash tabs that are untouched by purchases to hold items for future builds unless you burn through build ideas like cigarettes and I mean that almost literally.
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
Last edited by PleiadesBlackstar#6327 on Jul 7, 2014, 3:22:43 PM
I'm pretty confused by this uproar as well.

Anything you plan on using needs a r/w tab so you can return it when you're done.

If you only play leagues, then who cares what kind of tab your items are in? You're not using the standard stash for gameplay reasons.

If you just use them as "maybe I might play standard some day, and these items just might be useful eventually," then you store too much stuff and need to buy some more tabs for extra space - as intended.

If I was GGG I'd set hard limits. Like a week or two. Storing one person's stuff shouldn't take much space, but with a lot of people I'm sure it adds up - and storage isn't free.

In short, if you have any number of RO tabs you are already using space. Buying more tabs just means that you've actually paid for that space. Whatever GGG's official justification, it is only right that the items in RO tabs get moved to newly purchased ones.
Nobake wrote:
I'm pretty confused by this uproar as well.

Anything you plan on using needs a r/w tab so you can return it when you're done.

If you only play leagues, then who cares what kind of tab your items are in? You're not using the standard stash for gameplay reasons.

If you just use them as "maybe I might play standard some day, and these items just might be useful eventually," then you store too much stuff and need to buy some more tabs for extra space - as intended.

If I was GGG I'd set hard limits. Like a week or two. Storing one person's stuff shouldn't take much space, but with a lot of people I'm sure it adds up - and storage isn't free.

In short, if you have any number of RO tabs you are already using space. Buying more tabs just means that you've actually paid for that space. Whatever GGG's official justification, it is only right that the items in RO tabs get moved to newly purchased ones.

You saying that puts it in another real life situation for me. My dad used to rent out storage buildings. I have never seen him or anybody else in the business tell one of his current renters "Oh you have more stuff to store and that one is full up? That's alright I'll let you use this one for free until you decide that you want to pay for it or clean it out a month or more later. But you want to also rent a new empty one as well? Alright I'll get the contracts."

That just about puts it in perspective for me and I'm kind of thinking argument done in my mind...
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
Personally I think people should take a genuinely hard look at what they have in their stash and vendor all the junk. THEN try a little thing called's a good way to generate currency AND clean out your stash at the same time. If you find yourself thinking that your items aren't worth trading PLEASE REFER TO MY FIRST COMMENT.

Also the above posters analogy sounds strangely familiar...
refer to 6th post down. Probably just a coincidence...
Last edited by 60x7#2399 on Jul 7, 2014, 4:28:48 PM
60x7 wrote:
Personally I think people should take a genuinely hard look at what they have in their stash and vendor all the junk. THEN try a little thing called's a good way to generate currency AND clean out your stash at the same time. If you find yourself thinking that your items aren't worth trading PLEASE REFER TO MY FIRST COMMENT.

Also the above posters analogy sounds strangely familiar...
refer to 6th post down. Probably just a coincidence...

I only read the first few pages of that thread. Sorry :P
"It's all clearer now
And I hear her now
And I'm nearer to
The Salvation Code"
I personally have mixed feelings on this.

On one hand going into leagues should not just give you double your storage, once the league ends, even if half of them would end up being RO. I know some people are saying it is a money grab, well yeah. I mean they do have to make money somehow and if the just give you a bunch of extra storage they wont.

However the big problem is that when you come out of a league and all of the sudden you have all the extra tabs full of stuff as well as taking over any extra tabs you had in standard, it makes it extremely difficult to organize because you have no room and on top of that you have to purchase so many extra tabs JUST to get one. It is a nightmare situation, especially for players that play a lot and have built up a lot of items for trade or crafting.

Honestly I don't know the correct answer, however they way they have it now is extremely messy and really took away from the game this past weekend after the close of the leagues. Going through so many tabs and trying to figure out what got moved to empty tabs and where along with the RO tabs really sucked.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

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