IMO GGG should just set a timer on remove tabs and be done with it.
IF GGG were to do something like this, they would need to make sure that the timer started ONLY when a NEW league's batch of RO tabs came down the pike, and only for the previous league's RO tabs. That would ensure that nobody might go away for a while (playing something else, military service, spending time in a coma...) to return and find that they have lost all those RO tabs. The activity on the account indicated by the arrival of the new RO tabs would mean that the player could then be notified by something in BIG RED LETTERS whenever they open their stash that those older RO tabs were gong to expire on (date).
Or just make it so the timer starts the next time that person logs in after receiving a new read-only tab. Have a window pop up when they first log in, similar to the one you get when your skill tree is reset, saying, "This account has read-only stash tabs in the [League name] league which will expire in [Time remaining]. All items in these tabs will be lost if they are not removed before this time. You may also purchase additional stash tabs through our Microtransaction Shop." Make the timer something like a week or even a month starting from that first login.
Before I start this post, I want to caveat that I'm not against this change. It is what it is.
Anyone claiming that every one who is affected by this change is a cheapskate is just wrong. I have spent many 100's of dollars on this. I would say 500 is a good estimate. It was in bite size chunks to support GGG while not pissing off the wife.
Because of prior policy of GGG the remove only tabs were never something I thought much about. I empty them as i progresses. I'm not sure how many tabs I have at this point but I counted at least 150 to 200 a bit ago. I'm a hoarder. What can I say.
Anyway, the argument that this change will cause me to buy my tons of RO tabs is flat out false. I simply won't be buying tabs anymore meaning my number of RO tabs will remain until I clean them out. I have a ton so that is going to take some time.
Until then I might buy some MTX shineys .... Or not. My #1 purchase is tabs. No idea how this will impact what I do. I like supporting GGG. We will see.
Calling people cheapskates when they simply operated within the system GGG put in place and spent a lot of money in the meantime is flat out wrong though. Nothing more to say.
The whole game is designed so that you produce more swag than you have space (also more then you need space at any given time), because of child leagues funnelling items into parent leagues. Indefinite RO tabs are not a privilege but a base mechanic to support this design. I'm slowly clearing my RO tabs (chaos recipe, maps, craftables, currency..), but since I play in temp. leagues too, this process is really slow.
This system worked just ok up until now, so what's the rationale behind these changes? I don't see anything that holds water (database overload?, lol), except money grab.
If this was done for convenience of some players, then why there is no option to choose if you want to take advantage of it or not? Is there even an option to pick which RO tab gets transferred? Afaik, no, which is such a convenience -_-
The game is not P2W and forcing people to spend money with such tricks really paints GGG in a different light that we are used to ('ethical' mtx??).
I'm periodically throwing money at GGG, usually for tabs not for effects, because tabs = functionality. But this change assures I'll never buy tabs again, not while I'm still interested in playing in Standard, where I still have about 25 RO tabs.
Well, I sent a feedback mail to support (who answered back in like 20 min, showing again they are awesome) and sent the same mail to Chris, who actually took time to answer too, which I really appreciate.
My feedback mail
Hi there!
I'm seeing there is a new stash tab implementation, where if you have remove-only tabs and you purchase a new tab or bundle, a RO tab gets converted to an active one, while before you would get an extra empty tab instead.
I was wondering if there is any way for the user to pick or influence which RO tab gets converted to an active one? Or if you plan to add such functionality?
Such functionality seems crucial for the user, because if you have to convert RO tabs now, you would at least want to have a say in which ones are converted. Reading the forum feedback it seems this process is just "random" or at least there is no way for the user to select which tab.
This change impacts players who play in ladder leagues and also in Standard leagues. They have now less reasons to buy new tabs, as you are effectively buying occupied space, until you "buy-back" all the RO tabs. Many players that are in this position, feel that is unfair to make them buy-back all the RO tabs from all the old temporary leagues, before they can buy new empty space. The price for this "cleanup" can be in several hundreds of dollars. While just keeping the "status quo" costs you nothing and gives more or less the same functionality.
Of course some players say that keeping RO tabs indefinitely is an "abuse" and that people do this just to keep shops in Standard, but many of us play short-term PoE in ladder leagues and also long-term PoE in Standard leagues. Holding onto gear & orbs for possible future use is crucial for long-term play & character building, that's why we keep items in RO tabs for so long.
Also the wording in the shop is now somehow misleading, as you don't get >extra< tabs (ie. extra space) if you still have RO tabs left.
In short: most of the players that are dissatisfied with these changes, would be fine with them, as long as we are able to choose which RO tab gets converted. I ask GGG to think about implementing such a solution.
An easy way to do this, would be to convert the RO tabs as they go from left to right. This way the player could lay-out the tabs as he wants them in advance of the purchase.
Thank you for your time.
I suppose it's ok to post Chris answer:
Thanks for the mail!
The core problem here is how our stash code works. There's no way to choose which tab is upgraded, which causes a problem in some circumstances where users can receive an unlimited number of stash tabs (without having to do any races). The change to how the stash tab purchases work (where it increases your entitlement of real tabs, rather than forceably generating a real one each time) was to fix that. We're not really concerned with people using read-only tabs as long-term storage like they have been doing.
I'm not completely happy with the solution and want to find a better one.
Kind regards,
The bold part is what's most interesting to me. Also the issue looks like a purely technical one (and not a 'change of policy'), so hopefully GGG will find some time in the future to hack up a solution.
Awesome, thanks for the post :D As I said earlier in this thread...
CanHasPants wrote:
Nightmare90 wrote:
So, did anyone ask support if they can get around this shitty new system? :P
I was wondering the same thing, after my last post ^-^ Support is pretty freakin awesome, and I feel we're all assuming an awful lot here.
I was pretty sure this was all a knee jerk reaction, but since that's how the conversation became polarized, I figured I'd pitch in my two cents under those assumptions. It's obviously a very touchy issue, and I'm glad they're looking into a better solution.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”