Remove Only Stash Unlock!

Sneakypaw wrote:
Remove-Only Tabs are supposed to be temporary.

They are not to be your extra stash space where you keep your league stuff for months.

I can totally see why GGG made this change. And if it would go to a vote whether to keep it or not I would vote in favour of it.

This is absolutely false.

Whether explicitly stated, or implied through allowed behavior and lack of reinforcement otherwise, read only tabs have clearly been, for a year now, a solution for "buy one tab, have it in all leagues."

Sneakypaw wrote:
If you want to keep the RO-Tabs as your stash, just buy them. If not, clean them up.

If there was a problem, it can (likely) be directly attributed to the decision to "buy one tab, have it in all leagues." However, those are the rules GGG established, and the rules under which players made the informed decision to purchase new tabs.

Changing the rules post-hoc is foolhardy at best, unethical at worst.

Sneakypaw wrote:
Hillarious that so many don't see something wrong with using 50 tabs as permanent storage but having only payed for 10 or so.

Too bad GGG couldn't see this type of abuse before implementing the system. Now they won't get out of it without having entitled brats QQing all day. People are going to be so salty, I will cook some noodles in here.

If that is the problem, then there is a more elegant solution--one which accepts accountability for making a poor decision (if indeed that is the case), and does not negatively affect players for the informed decisions they made.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Yay, now there is no point in me ever buying more tabs. I have probably 25 tabs of temp league junk. Until now didn't affect my choice whether or not to buy tabs. If it's just going to unlock the temp-league tabs, I'll need to drop a tonne of dough before I actually expand my stash.

Congrats GGG, you've seen my last greenback!
Sneakypaw wrote:
Hillarious that so many don't see something wrong with using 50 tabs as permanent storage but having only payed for 10 or so.

I have paid for exactly as many stash tabs as I need. It's not my fault GGG designed the game as leagues that funnel gear into each other, causing "overflow" of gear. RO tabs are indeed temporary, with the time you have to vacate them not being specified ;)

I'll repeat it again, slowly:

I would not have any problems with this change, even if you are forced to convert RO tabs on purchase, as long as the user could choose which tab gets converted. Since you cant choose, it smells like a not very ethical trick.
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Last edited by morbo#1824 on Jul 7, 2014, 8:47:39 AM
kasub wrote:
Remove-Only Tabs are supposed to be temporary.

Permanent till removed.

You're making up reasons that GGG did not state. They clearly said why it was done. They're not against people hoarding their items in the remove only tabs.

PR spin. When a company does something, they always announces it as "beneficial", "convenient", "we did this for you".... which more often than not is complete BS in one way or another.

The remove-only tabs were always intended to be temporary. GGG expected people to at some point use/access the items on these tabs and that eventually the tabs would be cleared and deleted. However, real world, this doesn't happen. So GGG implemented a fix. It's that simple. But GGG will never present it this way. Thus, the PR spin.
So, did anyone ask support if they can get around this shitty new system? :P
Nightmare90 wrote:
So, did anyone ask support if they can get around this shitty new system? :P

I was wondering the same thing, after my last post ^-^ Support is pretty freakin awesome, and I feel we're all assuming an awful lot here.

At any rate (back to assuming ;D): @Galtrovan: I really don't think any of us are in a position to suggest what "GGG intended." We can, however, examine expectations, implied or otherwise, established over a year's worth of precedence.

No matter which way you spin it, some players feel punished by this decision, and assuming either which way, I don't believe it's the players who are at fault.

My position is simply: Perhaps something needed to change with the stash tab situation, but if so, it should be done in a manner that does not retroactively enforce rules contrary to the established expectations, under which players made decisions to purchase stash tabs.

I don't think there's anything unreasonable about that; I do, however, think it's unreasonable to express disagreement based upon an assumption of intention.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”
Last edited by CanHasPants#3515 on Jul 7, 2014, 9:37:26 AM
It doesn't use RNG to decide which remove-only stash tab to convert to a normal stash tab, the game simply remembers which tab is which regardless of you repositioning/renaming them. It will convert the first tab in the original order of tabs, to a normal stash tab.

It only seems like RNG because everyone re-arranges their tabs differently from each other.
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Last edited by Nicholas_Steel#0509 on Jul 7, 2014, 9:49:20 AM
Result: Players with many RO stashtabs won't buy Stashtabs anymore.
bansiddhi wrote:
"We recently made a change where the contents of a remove-only tab are automatically moved into a new stash tab as one is purchased. "
I'm very concern about that quote, It's mean if I purchased stash then the "remove-only stash" will unlock instead of got new-clean stash?
This is unacceptable for me and not enjoyable anymore because I want to freeze item/memory in stash rather than unlock it. How could I still purchased new stash and retain remove-only stash? Or it's "Technical Problem Solve" by Marketing Team?.

Yes, I have expressed my same concerns about the change and have another thread going in the Feedback Forum on the same topic.

Auto making a remove-only stash tab a regular tab needs to be stopped
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Sneakypaw wrote:
Remove-Only Tabs are supposed to be temporary.

They are not to be your extra stash space where you keep your league stuff for months.

I can totally see why GGG made this change. And if it would go to a vote whether to keep it or not I would vote in favour of it.

I completely disagree. This change completely undermines the idea that PoE is a long term grindy arpg that we can expect to be playing for years and years.

See my Feedback forum post here: Auto making a remove-only stash tab a regular tab needs to be stopped with my follow up post hopefully explaining why the change is very detrimental to long term playing of PoE.
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