Remove Only Stash Unlock!

Its funny how people find excuses for the fact that theyre cheapskates and dont want to buy tabs and get remove only ones converted. No, they want new tabs to be empty tabs. Because they want to sell stuff in their shops and on XYZ from those remove only tabs because thats free storage space forever and ever and they know this very well.

If GGG would put a timer on how long remove only tabs last people who took a few month break would not be able to get their items back as theyre deleted. So that is not a solution.

What GGG did is help us with the sorting problem. If you dont want remove only tabs to be converted then dont buy new tabs, very simple.
If you dont want remove only tabs to be converted then dont buy new tabs, very simple.

Why is that a positive thing? I want to support GGG but a new feature is apparently hindering that. A purchased microtransation should never negatively influence your account.

I'm honestly too lazy to sort my remove only tabs so I ditch many of them. If I buy new tabs that means I want new empty tabs.. not ones that will force me to sort out items from previous leagues.
Last edited by kasub#2910 on Jul 7, 2014, 4:36:08 AM
the readonly tabs- mechanic is a huge incentive for players to play the new leagues. my guess is, ggg underestimated players like me who don't care about standard and hardcore and let their hundreds of readonly tabs rot for years.

this not only clogging up the item database, making db maintenance /backup a more tedious and risky task, it's also a huge risk for the ingame economeh when easier trading is implemented and the majority of players is participating on the market at once.

i really do expect more steps to reduce the number of readonly tabs before easier trading is introduced. but that's just me, seeing the game from a game masters point of view.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
kasub wrote:
If you dont want remove only tabs to be converted then dont buy new tabs, very simple.

Why is that a positive thing? I want to support GGG but a new feature is apparently hindering that. A purchased microtransation should never negatively influence your account.

I'm honestly too lazy to sort my remove only tabs so I ditch many of them. If I buy new tabs that means I want new empty tabs.. not ones that will force me to sort out items from previous leagues.

Then ask GGG to delete tabs if you really want to 'ditch' some remove only tabs. This is good for you because it takes the sorting part away.
DirkAustin wrote:
No, they want new tabs to be empty tabs. Because they want to sell stuff in their shops and on XYZ from those remove only tabs because thats free storage space forever and ever and they know this very well.

Well duh! That's what I'm buying - new usable empty space. RO tabs are not usable space.

FYI, I don't have any shops or do trade. I have RO tabs with maps (I'm slowly using those), hi-lvl white craftables which I might someday 'craft', chaos recipe jewellery, uniques (many duplicates yes) and good rares which might someday come useful. Not a single tab is meant for trading.

The solution is very very simple - allow the user to pick which RO tab gets converted. Most people, including me, would have zero problems with such an implementation, even if you are forced to convert RO tabs.

I don't buy, for a single second, the excuse about "database overload". GGG themselves allows and suggest users to have mule chars and mule accounts, to gain more stash space - isn't that "database overload" too??

Does GGG prefer a player that has one account and sporadically buys new stash tabs, or do they prefer players that have multiple accounts and use mules instead of buying tabs? If it's the former, then don't punish us.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
DirkAustin wrote:
Its funny how people find excuses for the fact that theyre cheapskates and dont want to buy tabs and get remove only ones converted. No, they want new tabs to be empty tabs. Because they want to sell stuff in their shops and on XYZ from those remove only tabs because thats free storage space forever and ever and they know this very well.

If GGG would put a timer on how long remove only tabs last people who took a few month break would not be able to get their items back as theyre deleted. So that is not a solution.

What GGG did is help us with the sorting problem. If you dont want remove only tabs to be converted then dont buy new tabs, very simple.

Don't you worry Mr. Austin, I won't be.

Your idea is garbage btw if you take into account GGG wants to encourage players to join leagues. I will never play in another league again because I primarily play standard and playing a new league will just make matters worse in my stash.

My gut feeling is the people you are calling cheapskates have spent significantly more than you have. Glass houses and throwing stones.... You know how that is.

Edit: mule accounts suck but spending several hundred dollars to get a single usable tab won't do well for marital bliss. Time to build up my stable of mules and spend my GGG money on moose antlers...or something :)
Thanks for all the fish!
Last edited by Nubatron#4333 on Jul 7, 2014, 5:59:04 AM
Nubatron wrote:
Have a pretty extensive separate thread on this exact topic. You can't pick which tabs, it is random.

Haha, nice. Stash tabs with RNG! I guess we all wanted that.
Oh well, no more new stash tabs for me then.
I strongly suspect, based on how this was handled (not announced), implemented (random with no player choice) and marketed (as a useful "feature" when it plainly is not), that this was a decision that GGG made based on their bottom line. They want to sell more stash tabs, plain and simple.

Nothing wrong with that reason or decision but it certainly is an interesting choice. I would love to be a fly on their wall when they evaluate the consequences. It would be very interesting to see whether stash sales go up or, because a lot of people are threatening to stop buying them, go down.
Last edited by f4sak3n#2799 on Jul 8, 2014, 9:04:36 AM
Nubatron wrote:
Edit: mule accounts suck but spending several hundred dollars to get a single usable tab won't do well for marital bliss. Time to build up my stable of mules and spend my GGG money on moose antlers...or something :)

lol :D

wrap up:

* players who only play temp. leagues -> unaffected
* players who only play Std -> unaffected
* players who play both -> are the only ones that this change supposedly was made for, but now have no reasons to actually buy more tabs, because new tabs get just negated by RO content?

I don't see any target audience, that this change truly benefits.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
If you want to keep the RO-Tabs as your stash, just buy them. If not, clean them up.

Hillarious that so many don't see something wrong with using 50 tabs as permanent storage but having only payed for 10 or so.

Too bad GGG couldn't see this type of abuse before implementing the system. Now they won't get out of it without having entitled brats QQing all day. People are going to be so salty, I will cook some noodles in here.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Jul 7, 2014, 7:51:35 AM

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