Speedy Puncture + Pierce Split Arrow / Reflect Safe or Glass Cannon / Level 100 & Uber Atziri Farmer
The only bows you should even consider regal'ing after 1 mod are T1 Physical (both Tyrannical or Flaring) and even then I wouldn't. You'll never get a really awesome bow if you do that. The best you can hope for is around 350 pDPS with decent rolls on the triple master crafting. But if that's what you want, then you can regal after just the T1 Phys and hope you regal a crit or attack speed. If you don't get attack or crit, you'll end up with about a 320 pDPS bow.
All others, you'll want 2 useful mods, like crit or attack speed plus one of the three phys mods. You basically just use ALTS, likely many many hundreds now that they've scaled the flat phys rolls, and when you finally get a T1 phys + either crit or attack speed, then you regal and hope for the best ! FYI though, it's not as easy as it sounds. I've regal'd 3 bows now with T1 Phys + T1 Crit chance and none of them were even worth master crafting afterwards... Last edited by VixTrader#2228 on Sep 29, 2014, 6:37:20 AM
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Thanks for that vix yep it does seem a lot harder then I think its gonna be, also kinda easy to say will spend 10ex of alts on a bow much harder to actually do, if anyone whos levelling wants a white 78ilvl decimation bow just msg me happy to give it away, crit chance is 34 or so but can be blessed of course.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Sep 29, 2014, 3:11:18 PM
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If you're really gonna craft, the trick is not wasting currency along the way. You're already ALT'ing an unsuitable bow which will cost you too much later on.
1) Map until you find an iLvl 77+ harbinger with 50% implicit crit chance. Harbingers drop all the time, so it won't take that long but then you'll have it done without wasting any blessed orbs later on. 2) When it's white, use blacksmith whetstones and jewelers and roll 6 sockets on it. I've done this at least 6 times and it's never taken more than 200, and most times it's within 100. Don't waste all the jewelers on the master later on. 3) When it's 6 socket, use whetstones and fusings and 5 Link it. Again, should be within 100, but who knows right? RNG is RNG. And hey, maybe you'll 6 link it by accident. Again, don't waste on master later on when it's already a nice rare bow. 4) Now that you have your 6S / 5L ilvl 77 harbinger with 50% implicit crit, you can begin crafting. Alt away, regal sparingly. It's very easy to waste regals / scourings at this stage. In the beginning, you'll want to regal everything. Fight the urge :) The only 5 mods you will want on your finished bow are: - Physical damage % - Flat physical damage - Hybrid physical / accuracy - Attack speed - Crit chance Don't waste your time on anything else. Again, it's tempting to be like, mana leech, that sounds interesting. Or ooh big dex, nice. No, not nice. You ONLY want the above 5 mods, and all 5 can be master crafted so you only have to alt two of them and regal the third. Good luck ! Last edited by VixTrader#2228 on Sep 29, 2014, 3:23:52 PM
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Yeah i will scour its just that it was a tyrannical damage mod, even though it had the stun prefix, suffix never get my head around those. Will try and buy some whetstones cheap as i do gavel recipe a lot should come in handy. The bow is ilvl 80 btw. But guess i should try and get a 50 crit chance but feel like the bow has innate luck now:) gambling gambling Tx again
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Sep 29, 2014, 4:09:51 PM
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I should have checked and read your guide before crafting a bow. In a rush before Flaring nerf, I crafted No blacksmith, no jewellers, no fusing, no crit chance. Lesson learned the hard way. The consolation for me is the bow is still good, just that it is not awesome. |
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Hello Precaso,
finally got myself a decent bow
Got couple of questions: 1) I happen to have leg. kaoms so want to use that, should I change something in the build due to that or I can use the same? 2) I also happen to have this
3) When I gonna use Kaoms, ill only have 4L for the single target...what gem setup would you recommend to use for it? 4) What would you say is better for single targer, Puncture vs Frenzy? thanks a lot in advance |
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" Ya you'll end up spending a couple extra EX 5 linking it after you've crafted, but it's less of a problem after you've crafted a bow you like. You tend to just spend it and still be pretty happy, so good one. I would have crafted Crit rather than attack speed though... |
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" 1. You'll want to run grace because you won't have any evasion on your chest, so Grace + Hatred for auras. 2. You'd have to test it, but you will save passives going to mind drinker and your puncture will probably be slightly better with that quiver over a drillneck. However, drillneck is insane and may be better for split and close with puncture. 3. Yeah 4L puncture works great, Puncture > PPAD > Crit Dmg > Faster Attacks 4. After GGG nerfed frenzy, puncture all the way |
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" thank you for the answer Wanted to ask: 1) In case I wont use Drillneck, should I still use the Pierce Gem in SA setup or get something else? 2) Also, the Balistic Mastery Keynode not worth picking up for 2pts? 3) for the 4L puncture, isnt PCOC necessary? thank you in advance edit: 4) Is it possible to use Blood Rage? Without Frenzy/Blood Rage how do we generate frenzy charges? Last edited by Aerinqq#7055 on Oct 1, 2014, 7:27:17 AM
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" 1. It depends on what you want to do. If you want to be pierce, yes. Otherwise, no. 2. No, it's technically 7.5% projectile damage per point. You'd be better off taking 2 10% physical damage nodes in the shadow, but the build is already point tight getting all the good damage nodes there isn't room to pick up weaker ones 3. If you're killing single targets really quickly with puncture and are using puncture in combination with split (which should have pcoc on it) then you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping up charges. It's a quality of life extreme to have pcoc on puncture. 4. Blood rage is a yolo choice, as you will drain quickly not having much normal regen. Having 3 frenzy charges up is just 15% attack speed, so frenzy charges aren't needed at all by any means. If you were to use blood rage, use it for the leech, not the charges. I will also note when I was leveling in Ambush from level 98-100, I used Kaom's Heart, 6L split in my bow, and a 4L puncture. I also had Acuity. It is an insane setup and it's really really difficult to die. Even though Kaom's is slightly weaker than it was before, it's still powerful. |
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