Speedy Puncture + Pierce Split Arrow / Reflect Safe or Glass Cannon / Level 100 & Uber Atziri Farmer
Time to switch to 270 dps bow and see what this build can actually do (in teh Dockz) :D
One last question. In your guide, you suggest Vulnerability and Curse on Hit for Puncture. Yet your last gear update has PCoC and Added Fire damage. Which is to be used ? Also, how do you open strongoboxes safely? EDIT: Nice, from 2,2k to 4,4k dps. Clears docks almost as fast as my main char. Might just turn this into my main character and spend the currency on gearing it. Last edited by _Elminister_#6625 on Sep 27, 2014, 1:41:04 PM
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" I've never used herald of ice, it is really bad and not effective for this build. " both viable options, added fire + PoC for brute dps, CoH vuln for kiting hit and run " no, the slight extra damage it gives is not worth the added risk of one shotting yourself with impact damage. It also slows your attack speed, which if you're one shotting all the mobs anyways, it slows down your clear speed. |
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" Interesting, I think it's pretty good actually all things considered. First off, Hatred + Ice + Ash give add a lot more damage than Hatred + Haste, at least on my non mirrored gear. About 8% on split and 6% on puncture, which is quite a bit. Hatred + Ice + Ash - 33,104 on split and 48,870 on puncture Hatred + Haste - 30,671 on split and 45,955 on puncture So if it's a choice between those, it seems clear ice + ash are better than Haste. Haste is pretty underwhelming actually considering it's a 60% aura. Giving up that much damage for 9% run speed? Secondly, using Hatred + Ice + Ash saves 6 skill points that can be used elsewhere. I'm at lvl 88 and I'd have to skill out of 6 nodes just to get Charisma so I could use Hatred + Ash + Haste. All the nodes I currently have I feel are more valuable than trying to get Hatred + Haste + Ash so I don't know what I'd give up to get it. I'm not convinced it's optimal to give up 6 skill points to do this, but if I were to, what are the least important nodes in your tree in your opinion? At your level you'll have them all, but at lvl 88 we have to choose. What 6 nodes are the final 6 to fill in when you have everything else? Last edited by VixTrader#2228 on Sep 28, 2014, 3:47:47 AM
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used HoA + HoI + Hatred aura
gear : i used swap for aoe/puncture, atziri easy/tanky for me i think, i feel in love with bow build so much now :D |
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If I would switch to 2x60% aura's and HoA I'd be running with about 40 mana. I do have Acuity, but does anyone know if that's sustainable mana wise?
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" No you'd actually reserve 89% mana, so you'd definitely have more than 40. You'd probably have closer to 60 mana to work with if you did that, so 3 shots to leech from before running out. As far as mana management I think it would be fine with 2 x 60% and 1 x 25% aura. Again though I'm not convinced it's worth 6 points to do it... Last edited by VixTrader#2228 on Sep 28, 2014, 12:31:01 PM
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Ah, you're right. Would have 52 mana, was looking at my current reserved pool, not the total pool when doing the calc. I was planning to get the Koams Heart later on, I think Grace might be good to run then, to recover the lost evasion of my current armour.
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If you're running Kaom's, grace is extremely helpful.
As for auras and dps, herald of ice doesn't add that much, but hatred + HoA will be more dps than hatred + haste (though probably closer clear speed wise, haste adds "invisible dps" or increased clear speed). Haste is underrated, because at high levels of gear it does wonders for your clear speed (because when you 1-2 shot packs, the only thing limiting your clear speed is attack speed and movement speed). However, I optimized all the build details around my level 100 character. I could see if you don't have all those extra points, that optimizing may be different. Think of taking charisma as: 5 points for 15% extra physical damage as fire, which is 3% added fire per point or for haste: 2% movement speed + 3% attack speed + 3% cast speed per point |
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Well I spent some regrets to try Charisma out and like I suspected, Haste is pretty underwhelming for what you give up. It's definitely only advisable for people in the lvl 95 and up range who have points to spend.
However Charisma is pretty sweet when you use Grace instead of Haste and then slap on a Queen of the Forest. Some serious potential there, but I just couldn't get my resists maxed out. My ideal set up if I ever get my hands on some high resist jewelry would be: Charisma Hatred + HoA + Grace Queen of the Forest Atziri Boots Phase Acrobatics Insane evasion, super fast run speed, and 46% spell block. If I could wear that with max resists, Uber Atziri would be a lot easier... Last edited by VixTrader#2228 on Sep 29, 2014, 3:29:13 AM
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Hi got a ilvl 80 harbringer, this is it here
Also does anyone think these vorici necklaces are powerful, pushing up life leech rate seems pretty good overall. Many thanks still really enjoying the build. |
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