[OUTDATED] Zivko's WoE + BoR build - Seems like the build is dead
Yeah, all the block and dodge this build has got going for it is pretty awesome. Unfortunatly my higher-end map pool has dried up a bit but this gave me the chance to experiment with my lower maps a bit and its pretty hilarious what you can get away with. For around level 75 maps i can run cleave/multi/IIR/IIQ giving me still decent enough clearspeed to find some nice rares/uniques and build me up some chaos orbs and other random junk, lower maps than that i can even lose just about all my resists and add double andvarius to the above formula and still not die too horribly often (just cherry-pick map mods ofc when i do that).... so cool to have 10% resists across the board and still be able to do lower to mid 70s ;)
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" can u two post your trees? |
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I just found Thief's Torment, is it worth wearing?
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I did this build with an duelist and WoE, BoR, SoL, Rainbows. Im lvl 87 atm and porbably trying atziri with lvl 90.
Now my question : Do you need : Blood rage / PoF / PoL for Atziri ? Atm running Hatred / Herald of Ash / PoL (but stuck at 100 Int so lvl 12isch) Not using : PoF / Blood Rage Tree Now
Tree at 90 (when not using PoF AND PoL)
My Gear atm
-> Will change CwS setup soon to CwS - IC - EC - Enfeeble(Vul for mapping) Stats atm
Life 4818
Mana 885 18.5k Dps 73/73% Block What i got to say to Build : Very nice! Perfect Tank Build! Its just sick! And extremly cheap! (Rampage : 8c WoE, 3ex BoR, 25c 25% Rainbow, 2c SoL) tyvm Last edited by Azedex#6009 on Oct 11, 2014, 1:08:32 PM
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Hi, I started playing poe in the last months and I doing this build. I would be grateful if you guys give me some tips on how to improve my skill tree and my equipment:
4.600 hp 69% block spells 69% block attacks resists 76/75/75 I using cleave + concentrated/increasearea because i got nice rings to give me mana and int DPS with HATRED + HASTE + HERALD OF ASH + 3x frenzy : 45.2k DPS with HATRED + HASTE + HERALD OF ASH + VAAL HASTE + ATZIRIS FLASH : 64.5k. im actually level 87, can i do atziri with this status ? my gear :
my skill tree level 87:
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" yes, i did it at 85, and got no experience to kill her ☞ @Torgh
MADE IN FRANCE ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ 232691 ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ |
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I'm 85 was just trying Atziri and died 3 times because of the bleeding from trio. I know its because i dont have 20% increased duration and immortal call(both lvl 18) and so have only 4sec IC. And cant get enough life even with the anvil amulet.
Rest was easy. |
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" I finally got the correct colors to roll on my BoR so used some regrets and moved gems around a bit. I went from 14.x DPS up to 18.1 DPS. Not a bad jump at all. I know my gems are not 20/20 and my gear is not tweaked perfect so I have more room for improvement but a ~3.5k DPS jump makes me happy. My block did drop down to 73/73, if memory serves me roght, but after running 4-5 70-73 maps I did not have any issues. I did die 3x in two maps. One the boss exploded on death and tore me up. the other was an exile in a lvl 71 map that did a painful ring of fire thing. I was cocky the first death so was my fault and not sure what happend the second. My resists are not maxed yet so I need to watch things like that closer.
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Happy to report I finally got my new PC and drummed up the courage to give Atziri a go and triumphed...had only tried her once before with a summoner and got absolutely demolished by the trio.
My build has around 26K DPS and 5.3K life at L92 with 73pc block/spell block. I also use a spectral throw (no leap slam) curse on hit max level/quality enfeeble which I think it quite handy and probably helped alot. Only other main diff is that I have 2% life leech from the tree (life cluster near and above the acrobatics area) instead of getting the 'increased flask recovery' life nodes, and with 2% leech on a ring, the 4% seems to be sufficient due to good DPS. I don't use blood rage. Vaal duo was easy. Got them both down relatively quickly. Trio was quite hard since I'd not had any 'effective' practice against them before. My one attempt as above with a summoner ended up in disaster. This time kept placing myself in an area where my life would degenerate quite quick, I figured out (I think) it was the area in the room with a red hue. Got the first enemy down easy enough, kept trying to get Qura 2nd but don't know how but killed the other one next so was stuck with Qura and his darn CB last and with all the chaos damage area around, was very hard. Luckily I'd brought two bleeding flasks with me. After several near death experiences, finally got him down. Didn't use 'Anvil' amulet as would have insufficient intelligence for enfeeble curse. Atziri was in hindsight quite easy. Only thing I changed was to get rid of HoA and replace with Purity of Fire. However I did RIP once to her with a one shot in her first clone phase. Still no idea what it was that got me, I definitely wasn't attacking the mirror clone and was focussing on the spear throwing clone. After that, was pretty much smooth sailing. The reward (along with MC fragment): Looking forward to giving Atziri another go tomorrow. I'm sure I'll do better against the trio 2nd time around and hopefully can avoid whatever one shot me when facing Atziri. Maybe need to sacrifice a couple damage nodes and get more life. |
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" No need, my tree is basically the same as the one described in the OP. All ive done is make some minor tweaks to suit the gear i have, make it work for scion and to fit my personal play-style better. Since you will not have the same gear as me and probably also have a different play-style its best to just follow the main guide on this build, get a feel for things and make changes however you see fit yourself. |
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