Regnar/Ceto's Ranger Dual Wield Sword Build - Full Guide/Compendium by Ler -Videos included[0.10.2]
Running 66+ Maps now as dual wield ranger.
I am currently level 73 for those who want to see this build in real endgame. Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG #3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE Last edited by Ler#1606 on Feb 4, 2013, 6:25:13 PM
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What's your current DPS with dual strike and cleave?
and what about your hp and defense stats? MFJonesHC
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" Stats: 2,8k life 44% phys reduce 80 fire 79 light 71 cold 18% block 100 life/sec 4k~ dual strike 3,1k cleave -> without frenzy charges Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE | |
What is that 18% block? can you show your gear :)
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15% inherent dual wield bonus + 3% from passive skill
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" Here is my Gear: Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE | |
Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG #3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE Last edited by Ler#1606 on Feb 5, 2013, 6:23:00 PM
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Ler, This could be a very silly question, but in your "Build" section, you are detailing how to progress the build, which is very informative. In the "40 points" section you mention to head towards Blood Magic, and to pick up certain skills along the way. You never do mention when exactly you should take Blood Magic. I assume it's in that 40 point block, but would you prioritize Blood Magic over the other skills on the way like Berserking, Unwaivering Stance, Diamond skin, or take those skills while heading in that direction, only taking Blood Magic later... can you elaborate please? Thank you!
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" Pick blood magic when you feel comfortable with your life on hit / life leech and life reg. Pick unwavering Stance before blood magic. When you lack resistances, you pick diamond skin at any time when its available. Berserking is picked in late game for dps increase and more life leech Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE | |
So I have been following this on the previous guide and due to lack of gear to go by I went with life regen at early game. Due to this guide however I have switched to hp and str and it has more than made up for it.
Lvl : 65 Hp : 2302 resistances : 50-75 in all but chaos dual strike : 3793 >without frenzy or auras cleave : 1763 >without frenzy or auras chance to block : 18% life per second : 88.4
My Gear
When do i switch away from life on hit gems? and why is my cleave damage so much lower than yours?? ign : keyerin Last edited by keyerin#5976 on Feb 5, 2013, 9:39:29 PM
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