Regnar/Ceto's Ranger Dual Wield Sword Build - Full Guide/Compendium by Ler -Videos included[0.10.2]
" As far as I understand the mechanics elemental damage doesn't contribute to life leach whereas physical does. So early on if you have ele gems spare maybe worth using them but once you have blood magic you are really gonna need that %life leach so physical is the way to go. IGN~Dyspeptic or Praecantarix
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Self found and Solo -> Yes.
Physical Damage over Elemental Damage -> More life leech. Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE | |
Love this build. I'm currently level 41 with it. Why didn't you pick up blood drinker in the final build?
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Thanks for consolidating the thread in one place!
One quibble on the armour though. With iron reflexes, hybrid armour beats out both pure armour types in terms of total gained and without slowing one down as much as heavy armor. Is there any other reason to stick with the heavy? *Edit Nevermind. The advantage armour wise varies piece by piece. With Chest the advantage seems to go to hybrid but with the other pieces it's a little murky. Last edited by BlackDandy#1813 on Feb 1, 2013, 3:33:28 PM
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Quick question as I'm fairly new to the game:
Why Savant? |
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Posted this on Ceto's thread, re-posting here since it seams more appropriate.
Wouldn't sacrificing some base dmg for crit be a good idea for this build? For example this build. Here are the differences between Ceto's build and my crit variation. Ceto's build:-----------------------My crit variation: Con's---------------------------Pro's Evasion = 0 (-40%)-------------Evasion = 40% (+40%) Crit chance = 0 (-30%)---------Crit chance = 30% (+30%) Crit multiplier = 0%-------------Crit multiplier = 40% (+40) Pro's----------------------------Con's Attack speed = 11% (+7%)-----Attack Speed = 4% (-7%) Accuracy = 22% (+22%)--------Accuracy = 0 (-22%) Phys melee dmg = 70 (+37%)---Phys melee dmg = 33% (-37%) Dex = 30 (+10)-----------------Dex = 20 (-10) These listed stats are only the differentiating gains and losses from comparing Ceto's passive skill build and my crit revision of said build. There is room to favor Accuracy and/or Attack speed over dmg in this build. Wasn't sure which would be the most beneficial late game so went with dmg. Read earlier Accuracy was needed, its possible to get more accuracy than Ceto's build with this crit revision with a major hit to phys melee dmg. Also the same is do-able with attack speed (modifying it further than the original Creto build for a heavy phys melee dmg loss) which wouldn't shock me if it turned out to be the winning min/maxer with crit. Really curious to hear any decent theory crafters thoughts on how this compares for end game grinding (don't care to much about the leveling aspect). Seams to me this would scale with gear more so than base dmg (esp with crit multiplier %). I'm new and don't know when stats hit soft / hard cap. Assuming it's fairly safe to grab all these crit modifiers without hitting said caps but not certain. Especially since the biggest modifier added in my build is multiplicative instead of additive. Also seams like you'd get alot more survivability with the 40% more evasion been converted into armor. Unless you're already hitting soft/hard cap and it's just useless fluff? Anyways respond! At the very least give me soft caps/ hard caps and average stats pool for a decently geared end game ranger ((with this build) for all the listed stats)) and i'll do the math myself and re-post findings! |
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" From what I can gather, since folks tend to use Wrath with this build, they need a little boost to intelligence use it effectively at higher levels. |
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Thanks for compiling all the information over here, as of now I have two questions, the first one is where are we going to keep the discussion about this build? Over here or in the original thread?
And my second question is about the build, what are recommended max level for skill gems? I'm still only level 22 but I'm a bit worried that I might over level a skill and that that could cause some trouble in the future Oh and about the flasks, have you thought of the mod that increases the amount of health restored but costs you mana? Having blood magic I think that would be awesome for the flask that you would regularly use for healing IGN: Aenquis/Mebius Last edited by karasu271#6354 on Feb 1, 2013, 4:23:51 PM
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" Switch the discussion over here since everything people need is in this "guide". You wont use flasks for healing in later stages of the game. Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE | |
Streaming act 3 merciless progress at the moment.
Twitch: | Twitter: @Ler_GG
#3 Hardcore Duelist | IGN: LerLoLGEE |