GGGs reasoning on not making a SFL?

Xavderion wrote:
DogFaceNoSpace wrote:

The whole point of an aRPG is to find cool gear and build certain characters around said gear.

But you do realize that trading makes the gear you find more valuable and thus improves your gear finding experience? It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Trading takes away the achievement part out of the game (except if you're aiming to flipping/scamming specifically). Finding good loot and making something out of it's simply more rewarding then sitting for couple of days trading and not killing 1 mob in the process. At least for me personally.
Xikorut wrote:
I'd prefer a character to be able to party while self found yet require the loot be on permanent allocation. There'd also at least need to be a choice on whether or not to have a shared stash, because if you're on your fifth character and want to make a specific build, it'd be nice not having to farm Mud Flats for hours hoping for a damn Puncture gem. Likewise, a cheap but build enabling unique like Facebreakers would almost be required for later characters.

I understand the joy of building a character around what you find, but after multiple runs, people would like to put some of their other items to use too.

This would be highly abused unless some serious thought and adjustment to party level verse character level verse area level was considered and adjusted.

Parties will need min/max level reqs areas would need min/max party level reqs.Loot would need permanent allocation and delete on timer if not picked up,drop item from inventory needs to be disabled,trade window needs to be disabled.

If the stash is shared then following characters taking from it will not be solo self found and riding of the back of muling/twinking and NOT finding stuff themselves to use.

No,a build enabling unique would not be *required*.Again that's given,not earned,not found and certainly not satisfying.

Capping it up,that's the life of being solo self found.You want to be solo self found without being solo self found.POE has other leagues that do exactly as you ask for. =P

Last edited by Temper#7820 on Apr 29, 2014, 6:03:13 AM
aldorus wrote:
OK, so explain to me as a SFL mindset rookie :

There are this two really great builds I would like to try.

Build I needs uniques X, Y and Z to be effective.
Build II needs uniques Q, W and E to be effective.

While going self-found, I managed to find uniques X, Q and T.

And you are telling me you are going to have a better time ("fun factor") than someone in a "normal" league, that could trade X for W, T for E and at least try build II compared to a guy from SFL, that was lucky on drops, but is unable to assemble an effective build out of it?

I still do not believe there will not be a rain of tears about exactly this as soon as SFL is possible. But I am open-minded and am waiting for explanations to really understand.

A very few of us actually do have characters played this way.Fully self sustaining characters that are built around the need to survive with what they find or rewarded rather than what they're given.

I don't feel I've missed out on anything by playing solo self found characters.but gained satisfaction from being independent of charity.

Fun is very subjective.

Luckily if I want to sample build enabling uniques or special must have gem builds,then I simply play a non solo self found character.

Last edited by Temper#7820 on Apr 29, 2014, 6:04:17 AM
Temper wrote:
meekoo12 wrote:
Xavderion wrote:

The whole point of an aRPG is to find cool gear and build certain characters around said gear.

But you do realize that trading makes the gear you find more valuable and thus improves your gear finding experience? It's not a hard concept to grasp.

some people like to keep the items they find themselfs... and build characters out of it... i know its hard to grasp

Which is fine and enjoyable,it's understandable.

So long as the character finding them is the one using them.

But not for one second are twinked characters solo self found or ever will be because they were given what they don't have access to.


wtf is solo self found? never heard of it

just make a offline version of the game.. dont need a league

then we can all just log off and not have to deal with reres like this guy
meekoo12 wrote:

wtf is solo self found? never heard of it

just make a offline version of the game.. dont need a league

then we can all just log off and not have to deal with reres like this guy

The title of the thread is

GGGs reasoning on not making a SFL

So wtf are you here ? =P
Last edited by Temper#7820 on Apr 29, 2014, 5:16:24 AM
Not sure why people are debating whether it's SF or not to trade between chars. If you want to do it, fine. If not, don't. I just want to be able to accrue my own gear by finding it myself either way. If I choose to put it in my stash for another of my characters to use then that doesn't diminsh the fun of having found it myself.
meekoo12 wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
DogFaceNoSpace wrote:

The whole point of an aRPG is to find cool gear and build certain characters around said gear.

But you do realize that trading makes the gear you find more valuable and thus improves your gear finding experience? It's not a hard concept to grasp.

some people like to keep the items they find themselfs... and build characters out of it... i know its hard to grasp

You don't get it, you can still do that. But the items you don't need you can sell and buy items you need. Which means finding items you don't need is rewarding. Which means trading improves your gear finding experience. Guess it's harder to grasp than I thought x(
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Barium wrote:
Xavderion wrote:
DogFaceNoSpace wrote:

The whole point of an aRPG is to find cool gear and build certain characters around said gear.

But you do realize that trading makes the gear you find more valuable and thus improves your gear finding experience? It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Trading takes away the achievement part out of the game (except if you're aiming to flipping/scamming specifically). Finding good loot and making something out of it's simply more rewarding then sitting for couple of days trading and not killing 1 mob in the process. At least for me personally.

A word of warning.
In PoE, an achievement is paying someone 20 ex for a boss kill, for this you will be rewarded with a limited edition MTX. In PoE an 'extremely challenging achievement' is completing a shopping list, for this you will be rewarded a T-shirt.

The head man at GGG (along with more if not all of them) has stated several times that there is no awesome, no fun, in finding items to use. The fun and awesome comes in finding something to sell. The man who said "it comes back to the core aRPG thing where the reason you value the items is because other people 'want them'".

The word achievement is lost in PoE, self-finding fun doesn't exist in PoE.
Using the two together in a post is double Dutch.
Casually casual.

bluefalcon74 wrote:
Not sure why people are debating whether it's SF or not to trade between chars. If you want to do it, fine. If not, don't. I just want to be able to accrue my own gear by finding it myself either way. If I choose to put it in my stash for another of my characters to use then that doesn't diminsh the fun of having found it myself.

Because for a SFL to be even considered,a self found character needs to be defined and rules need to be applied for the league.

regardless of where a character gets the gear from,if it didn't acquire it on its own steam then the character is not self found and nothing it finds in the future will be self found and all characters sharing the stash in this way will also be not self found.

Even the original highest level character may not be solo self found if it's being fed orbs from a horde of characters following in the shadow of its footsteps.

rules,they're what define a game. =P

Last edited by Temper#7820 on Apr 29, 2014, 6:06:11 AM
TheAnuhart wrote:

A word of warning.
In PoE, an achievement is paying someone 20 ex for a boss kill, for this you will be rewarded with a limited edition MTX. In PoE an 'extremely challenging achievement' is completing a shopping list, for this you will be rewarded a T-shirt.

The head man at GGG (along with more if not all of them) has stated several times that there is no awesome, no fun, in finding items to use. The fun and awesome comes in finding something to sell. The man who said "it comes back to the core aRPG thing where the reason you value the items is because other people 'want them'".

The word achievement is lost in PoE, self-finding fun doesn't exist in PoE.
Using the two together in a post is double Dutch.

Contesting Sexcalibure for hyperbole king? :P
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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