[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [

Noob question saw your map run. How u set up spelltotem and ice spar to shoot several ones?

ice spear -Lmp - speltotem ? anything more? what is your setup with the combo?
Ign Cuttaraa/Nuzebel/dohmynamewontfi
nuzebel wrote:
Noob question saw your map run. How u set up spelltotem and ice spar to shoot several ones?

ice spear -Lmp - speltotem ? anything more? what is your setup with the combo?

get a 4 Link. Spell totem + faster casting + GMP + Ice spear
hey guys dont know if anyone is followin this build anymore or not but.. iam lvl 61

with my stats at.

1340 fp
1800 IS
auras i got clairty,an haste ups the dsp alot an speed
my res is bad, 24/44/22/-34 in merc act2

following the build just as is.. an i am havein huge isssues dealin with ranged ele mobs. getin 2-3 hit i am guesseing i need better res gear.? but its hard to not change the other stats on my gear atm to lose life an dps an gain some res.. any ideas?
I'm currently 66. And I too was having problems, then I made a totem (IS) and everything became somewhat easier.

I still have problems with elemental casters though, I have to be really careful and dodge almost all attacks since I can drop in matter of seconds if my totem runs out or dies, and I have no skellies/zombies up. So yeah, I'm playing the "don't ever get hit game" right now.
Yeah you'll need to dodge those projectiles. Luckily you only need to do that until you get a freeze, the you can go to town :)

The build in general is designed so that you don't really 'tank' anything, you (hopefully) just have enough buffer to take a bit of burst damage so you have time to apply a freeze or quicksilver out of harm's way. Seeing trouble coming before you start hurting is also pretty important.

dirtydevil87 wrote:
i am guesseing i need better res gear.? but its hard to not change the other stats on my gear atm to lose life an dps an gain some res.. any ideas?

You could definitely use some more HP and ES. And don't worry about losing a little DPS on non-weapons if you need more survival IMO.
What do you think about Elemental Equilibrium? I figured since it wasn't to far off from the core build its quick and easy cold pen without a whole lot of extra work.
Then again I am pretty new so I was wondering what you thought of it.
Ok, things gettin interesting now ! Please check my gear for weaknesses, i think it´s quite decent now. (lvl 55)

dirtydevil87 wrote:
hey guys dont know if anyone is followin this build anymore or not but.. iam lvl 61

with my stats at.

1340 fp
1800 IS
auras i got clairty,an haste ups the dsp alot an speed
my res is bad, 24/44/22/-34 in merc act2

following the build just as is.. an i am havein huge isssues dealin with ranged ele mobs. getin 2-3 hit i am guesseing i need better res gear.? but its hard to not change the other stats on my gear atm to lose life an dps an gain some res.. any ideas?

Have to agree with Aimlessgun's assessment of your stats here. A LOT of the nodes in this build are +% Life. If you don't have enough +Maximum Life, you are wasting those nodes. I ran a lot of undead/monkey farming in act 2, but large groups of archers can always be tricky. Then you can breeze through Act 2 and farm docks in act 3 until you find a group to finish your progression quickly. Docks also have archers (With cold) which can mess you up if you aren't careful, but as long as you don't get too reckless, it is easy farming.

I literally focused on page 1 of the guide as far as looking at +life on every piece of gear, and then upgrading with other +life gear that upped my resistances. This allowed me to eventually balance and max out (or close to) my resistances for Merci. Then you can start to replace pieces. Fortunately, I went into the build knowing my gloves would be scrapped for Maligros, so I made plans for my resistances for that. You can look for damage on your weapon, and a %spell damage/crit spirit shield while using things like rings and belt to load up on resistances and life. For me, upgrading my resists made all of the difference. As long as my gear had life on it, it didn't matter. I also got a good deal on a 5L piece, but I still haven't even put my added chaos dmg gem in it and am instead using item rarity only due to mana regen, which I am improving on currently. I'm doing so much damage that I don't even need that support gem yet.

You don't even have to replace your gear once you get tanky right away either. Even moving from a 0% to an 8% quality gem for all gems in your FP are huge. In the Freezing Pulse it increses your projectile speed, which improves your range and dmg. LMP, Faster Casting, and Faster Projectiles all are gems where Quality is a huge improvement for your FP. You are either increasing your cast speed or projectile speed. Throwing up a skelly totem and following it in can help survive archers too. Since this is a crit based build, you only need a second or two of pulses to get crits.

Also, scout the forums for gear upgrades. Find a piece in your set that is really lacking. If you are bidding, you will almost always have to pay more than you want to in order to get what you want, but once you do, it is worth it.

Here is my current setup at lvl 71 which is working fine for maps so far. My boots and circlet are next on my upgrade list. I think maybe one piece total was a drop. The rest I purchased off of trade chat or forums with currency I earned from selling other gear I got during leveling. I used to save all of my gear but what's the point. Sell what you can if you don't need it and buy things you do need!


Last edited by damelon#0632 on Feb 26, 2013, 4:06:11 PM
I worked my shadow passive ard yours wishing to be tankier. Can u see if this is good?

Great build, I'm level 46 with it.

The only complaint I have with it are my resists are crap, and it's troublesome for me to solo sometimes. I'm Act 3 cruel right now, and I'm not sure if it's my gear or my build.


Also on another note, I'm concerned about my ES and DPS I should have around my level? I have my FPulse linked with faster casting and LMP. My Ice Spear is linked with increased crit and faster casting. They both have around 590-600 dps.

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