[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [

ryudude wrote:
What do you think about Elemental Equilibrium? I figured since it wasn't to far off from the core build its quick and easy cold pen without a whole lot of extra work.
Then again I am pretty new so I was wondering what you thought of it.

You have to hit them with a spell that does no cold damage to get the -resist for cold, which is actually quite a pain in the ass. You'd need something that was fast casting and hit every enemy your FP would hit, that also does OK dps so it isnt a waste casting it. That's not easy to set up.

iNz0r wrote:
Ok, things gettin interesting now ! Please check my gear for weaknesses, i think it´s quite decent now. (lvl 55)

I'm not totally sure how to judge lvl 55 gear :p For upgrades I'd probably try to get resists on belt and resists and life on boots (though that is kinda hard to get that on boots and still have decent movespeed).

Sleepynite wrote:
I worked my shadow passive ard yours wishing to be tankier. Can u see if this is good?

Looks ok if you can keep up on mana without the witch talents. You'd need some pretty good mana and mana regen gear to do that.

Jerp wrote:
Great build, I'm level 46 with it.

The only complaint I have with it are my resists are crap, and it's troublesome for me to solo sometimes. I'm Act 3 cruel right now, and I'm not sure if it's my gear or my build.


Also on another note, I'm concerned about my ES and DPS I should have around my level? I have my FPulse linked with faster casting and LMP. My Ice Spear is linked with increased crit and faster casting. They both have around 590-600 dps.

I think those DPS numbers are fine. Resists in this build mostly rely on your gear. Act3 cruel is really just a rough time for a lot of builds, right before you can get strong farming merc ledge and felshrine and equipping high lvl gear. If you're not doing it already you'll probably want to have some ring sets for certain areas (fire res for crematorium and gravicus, light res for rest of barracks). Sewers will suck no matter what you do though :p
Hi, I've somewhat followed your guide and it's great so far.

But now I'm not so sure how to upgrade my gears


Level: 68

Stats: Buffed
HP: 1448
ES: 1314
Resist: Max 75
Chaos Resist: -35
Armor/Evasion: almost negligible

Freezing Pulse (20%)(LMP): 2518
Ice Spear: 2589

Three of those uniques are found by myself (except rathpith) and i think i got lucky cause they pretty much complement my build.

How are my stats at my level?
What should i prioritize? HP? ES? DPS?
Should I start doing maps now?

Last edited by ert2mars#0099 on Feb 27, 2013, 2:48:13 AM
Well like I said im fairly new but if you used the spark totem you mentioned earlier would that apply the elemental equilibrium?
ert2mars wrote:
Hi, I've somewhat followed your guide and it's great so far.

But now I'm not so sure how to upgrade my gears


Level: 68

Stats: Buffed
HP: 1448
ES: 1314
Resist: Max 75
Chaos Resist: -35
Armor/Evasion: almost negligible

Freezing Pulse (20%)(LMP): 2518
Ice Spear: 2589

Three of those uniques are found by myself (except rathpith) and i think i got lucky cause they pretty much complement my build.

How are my stats at my level?
What should i prioritize? HP? ES? DPS?
Should I start doing maps now?


Your gear is quite decent, if i´d be you, id go straight for a 5L Armor. I think FP with 5 Links is essential
ert2mars wrote:
Hi, I've somewhat followed your guide and it's great so far.

But now I'm not so sure how to upgrade my gears


Level: 68

Stats: Buffed
HP: 1448
ES: 1314
Resist: Max 75
Chaos Resist: -35
Armor/Evasion: almost negligible

Freezing Pulse (20%)(LMP): 2518
Ice Spear: 2589

Three of those uniques are found by myself (except rathpith) and i think i got lucky cause they pretty much complement my build.

How are my stats at my level?
What should i prioritize? HP? ES? DPS?
Should I start doing maps now?


What you need to upgrade to is totally dependent on how you are doing. Your HP total is low for your level, and chaos dmg could kill you quickly. But if you are not dying then it really doesn't matter. ES is just a damage buffer in this build, and health is your primary survival stat. The more ES the better of course, but due to the nodes you are taking, Health is always a focus over ES. Otherwise you would spec your points to Bonus ES% vs HP%.

The 20% FP is a nice gem, but you can easily increase your FP DPS by getting +Quality gems for LMP, Faster Casting, and Faster Projectiles. For some reason, people sell +Qual gems up to 10% quality for dirt cheap, but get to 12-14% and the prices seem to grow exponentially. I've seen 8-10% gems on all of those go for 1gcp, but 16% go for 7-8 gcp. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Both LMP and Faster Casting will give you +1% cast speed for every 2 quality points. The faster projectiles +quality does the same as a +quality on your freezing pulse, just not as effectively. I'd look for some 6-10% quality gems for really cheap short term, or if you can afford it, up to 20% qual for all of them. Eventually you would want that anyway.
Last edited by damelon#0632 on Feb 27, 2013, 9:54:43 AM
another noob question here:
I saw u add a +% quantity on ur curses ... is this working ?
if i add a +% quntity and +% rarity on my curces and use them on mobs will this mobs been afected from those 2 support gems ?
Last edited by KoTKoHe#4596 on Feb 27, 2013, 1:20:26 PM
KoTKoHe wrote:
another noob question here:
I saw u add a +% quantity on ur curses ... is this working ?
if i add a +% quntity and +% rarity on my curces and use them on mobs will this mobs been afected from those 2 support gems ?

They do not currently interact. IE: IIR/IIQ linked with a cruse do not increase your drop rate/rarity on a cursed npc. Only on offensive abilities. However, it has been suggested by many people that this would be a useful feature for things like grouping since one person's gems could supplement an entire group's drop rate regardless of who got the killing blow. I haven't seen GGG comment on it though.
Sorry noob question but can i ask whats the point of getting so much cast speed? Wont getting higher spell dmg be better? Saves on mana and less hits needed.
Hey aimless, great build/thread. Question on passives. I was thinking of tweaking your defensive lvl 82 build, but the link isnt worked. Basically using 4 points to get nullification from the 4 movement speed node and paying for it by losing the first bloodthirst node cluster and the 3 8percent life nodes. Also losing some mana regen to get inner force and the really good es node. So basically lose sone crit chance, mana regen, and life but get es, some evasion, and inner force. Running clarity grace and discipline i figure inner force will put me ahead. Sorry again for no link, uses same 102 points. Thoughts?

Sleepynite wrote:
Sorry noob question but can i ask whats the point of getting so much cast speed? Wont getting higher spell dmg be better? Saves on mana and less hits needed.

There will be a point where your regen will balance your mana use. While true, pure spell dmg increases your dmg per hit, cast speed lets you hit more often. Keep in mind a major reason for using cold damage, and the focal point of this build, is to get the freeze/chilled crits. You only have a certain % chance to crit. The quicker you can re-cast, the higher your chances of critting an enemy, and thus, preventing them from hitting you. Both of those things play directly into DPS since it is a combination of your damage AND time. You want both, really, and they are both important.

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