[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [
what stats need to be on rings and ammu?
And what is good on ur unique helmet? I mean when use unique u already know why u will use it. IGN:SoRcE_
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Hello Aimlessgun,
First of all thank you for the guide! It's very well written and explains almost everything we need to know about the build. I do have a question tho. What is your opinion on the passive called "Eldritch Battery" ? Would dumping all our ES for more mana be efficient? I really do hate mana pots and mana in general, but I like the playstyle of the spec. Would you recommend going Blood magic in 5L with the FP or instead taking Eldritch battery and having bigger mana pool helping in late game? IGN: Mahakali
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I am lvl 52 right now and on merciless act 1. I am having considerable problem with simple physical attacks like from archers on the ledge. Does anyone think if getting AR/ES gear would be a better? I feel squishy but i have 1.4k hp, around 900 ES and 75% all res.
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" Rings are good for life, resists, mana and mana regeneration. You can get cast speed and cold damage from them too but that's not as important. Amulet is good for crit damage, spell damage, and getting stats (STR, DEX). It's good to get life and resists here too though. That unique hat is only good because nothing else in the game gives +XP. The 19% ele dmg isn't that huge of a DPS increase and you can rare hats that are way better defensively. " The easiest way to stop using mana potions is to put in mana leech in your 5l. Taking ELdritch Battery requires a significant change in the spec and gear. You would need to get quite a few more HP nodes, definitely take the Body and Soul circle, wear armor/ES with good armor, and run Determination with all that mana (or alternately take the Nullification circle and go for ES/EV and Grace). " Spiralling into the archer packs and then alternating sidestepping and casting will neutralize most of their damage. Or just totem and ice spear them down :) |
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Ah i see combat is more involved than i thought, I guess im still used to face tanking mobs with LOH on my LA archer. Pretty fun so far, gotten to lvl 56 and finally picked up a 5L and Maligaro. Still hunting for better +res and +life gear, pretty hard when nobody responds to your bids. I traded 10 gcp for a maligaro, I hope it was a good deal =P.
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In your FAQ's you say to level all gems. However, LMP has a dex requirement and you only have 52 dex not including items (according to the skill tree you linked). I assume you're making up the rest with gear but at lvl 20 LMP needs 108 dex. That's a lot dependence on items for dex, isn't it? I don't have much experience with these types of builds so maybe I'm missing something.
Anyway, I wasn't really paying attention and I just kept leveling my gems and I just noticed that I'm stuck with a pretty crap ring just because it has +dex on it until I either take a dex node or find a replacement which also has plus dex. You might want to add some notes about dex requirements for the gems so people can avoid becoming item locked. POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums. Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all." QFT: 4TRY4C&4NO |
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My current setup using aimlessgun's awesome build for most part (used bit more hp nodes though)
lvl 80 3,200 HP/3,000 ES DPS tooltip: 5,300(kinda low at moment) ( i use mana leech instead of Faster projectiles for high level maps at the moment because even with VERY HIGH mana regen I still can't support the the 6th gem(Life Steal) effectively) Hoping next level of clarity(lvl19) will provide enough mp regen to swap the mana leech out for faster projectiles. IGN:Prysion Last edited by Prysionero#3280 on Feb 24, 2013, 9:39:05 PM
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" Yeah this definitely requires more effort than a life stacking LOH archer :D 10gcp for maligaros is pretty standard I think. " I believe I have 82 DEX in my builds. But I'll add a note about it, that is a crappy situation. You might want to take another 30 dex node in the meantime, I've specced in and out of them a couple times depending on my gear situation. " Goddamn I think you might have better gear than I do :o |
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Added an intro to mapping video. Next time I get a high lvl map I think I'll try to record me and my friend duoing it with cold casters.
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Could you update with your current gear please.
Also i've noticed that cold dmg does not improve my dps. What should I look for in the gear to improve my dps? Last edited by zDreamz#4062 on Feb 25, 2013, 7:19:20 AM
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