[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [

Quick question...

Does having the Increased Quality / Quantity support gems on your curse actually give the effect when they are cursed and die?
SabreWolf wrote:

I got lucky I was able to buy my Quality FP for cheap, Now I'm trying to get a good Kris so I can use Whirling Blades to get out of those tight situations. I also need to upgrade my gloves and belt to get more +life.. but other than that, im not sure what to do! Also not sure where to go with the build from here..

Either continue into the templar area or get HP nodes for passives. For gear, it looks like you're really low on resists. Other than that, the next big step would be getting a 5link.

xNovember wrote:
Quick question...

Does having the Increased Quality / Quantity support gems on your curse actually give the effect when they are cursed and die?

Hah no, I was just lvling that gem to 20 and forgot about it.
How early would you recommend getting a quality FP gem? just started and i don't have much currency to spend yet. How much do they usually sell for?
IGN: Afflictio\Sparkyyz
Last edited by Rataraxia#4173 on May 27, 2017, 7:44:44 AM
Ive been running a pretty simular build to this one and afew days ago when watching Kripp I decided to try out added lightning dmg with GMP to my 5L pulse. I will just say that I am never going back to LMP, I highly recomend going GMP if you have mana for it (Mana leech).

With only about 2.5k tooltip dps of your FP you will oneshot blue packs when you are in melee range if you crit due to shock stacks, and that is in 70 map group play.

I will test out static blows in afew levels to see if it can get even better.
IGN Mauraudar
Why u use in gear glove and boots with Evasion not with ES?
Does Maligaro perfect for this build? or u planning to change it in future?
Really interesting. Waiting for answer )
I got stucked so hard :( . I'm currently level 49 about to be 50. But gears i use are still for 25-30 level. Because really i cannot find any good items . Also i'm unlucky since i cannot drop even 1 item for this build :(

If anyone has good gear up tp level 50 please pm me in game.

IGN - CrackTheWorld
Martinhq wrote:
Ive been running a pretty simular build to this one and afew days ago when watching Kripp I decided to try out added lightning dmg with GMP to my 5L pulse. I will just say that I am never going back to LMP, I highly recomend going GMP if you have mana for it (Mana leech).

With only about 2.5k tooltip dps of your FP you will oneshot blue packs when you are in melee range if you crit due to shock stacks, and that is in 70 map group play.

I will test out static blows in afew levels to see if it can get even better.

Solo I don't actually notice a performance increase with GMP and Added Lightning. Maybe at 30k DPS it just doesn't matter anymore :/ I use added lightning in groups but it's hard to gauge there with all those other variables.

Mathematically GMP being better relies on the assumption that projectiles can benefit from shocks applied by other projectiles in the same cast. I have no reason to think this is untrue...but it still sounds weird :p

sebay wrote:
Why u use in gear glove and boots with Evasion not with ES?
Does Maligaro perfect for this build? or u planning to change it in future?
Really interesting. Waiting for answer )

Maligros is perfect yes, it is worth the defense loss. Boots, well, I just don't have any good ES boots :p

yomaner wrote:
I got stucked so hard :( . I'm currently level 49 about to be 50. But gears i use are still for 25-30 level. Because really i cannot find any good items . Also i'm unlucky since i cannot drop even 1 item for this build :(

If anyone has good gear up tp level 50 please pm me in game.


That sucks man. Sadly all the gear I find is lvl 59+ usually.
Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Feb 22, 2013, 2:19:32 AM
chaos INO you have that node in late game lvls. like 100 points out of 120.. but in ur vids ur life is not 1..
dirtydevil87 wrote:
chaos INO you have that node in late game lvls. like 100 points out of 120.. but in ur vids ur life is not 1..

No, only mentioned that.

"In closed beta, this was a CI build. In Open Beta with the gear available to the average player, in my opinion CI is flat out inferior to HP at everything, except at mitigating chaos damage of course. I may convert this to a CI build in the future, but to make it worthwhile I believe will require lvl 90+ and absolutely ridiculous ES gear."

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