Hey aimless, great build/thread. Question on passives. I was thinking of tweaking your defensive lvl 82 build, but the link isnt worked. Basically using 4 points to get nullification from the 4 movement speed node and paying for it by losing the first bloodthirst node cluster and the 3 8percent life nodes. Also losing some mana regen to get inner force and the really good es node. So basically lose sone crit chance, mana regen, and life but get es, some evasion, and inner force. Running clarity grace and discipline i figure inner force will put me ahead. Sorry again for no link, uses same 102 points. Thoughts?
I am lvl 82 with 3400 hp/ 3000 es. 5300 dps freezing pulse .I don't have 1 es node taken. Trust me, stack hp. Inner force is good if your a build that runs tons of auras but in this build your only going to be really running like 2 maybe 3. I have basically 0 armor and 0 evasion and I still can take more damage then anyone i've ran into I believe.
Heres my passive tree
I own everything I run into. Only places I haven't been is 75-77 maps. But they tell me Peity in 71 shrine is tuffest boss and I can kill her within a minute or two.
i love this guide.
But i want to know what is the different between Shadow vs Witch??
Who got higher DPS?
Why you use Shadow to play cold caster > Witch?
Or you just for fun to use Shadow?
Three of those uniques are found by myself (except rathpith) and i think i got lucky cause they pretty much complement my build.
How are my stats at my level?
What should i prioritize? HP? ES? DPS?
Should I start doing maps now?
What you need to upgrade to is totally dependent on how you are doing. Your HP total is low for your level, and chaos dmg could kill you quickly. But if you are not dying then it really doesn't matter. ES is just a damage buffer in this build, and health is your primary survival stat. The more ES the better of course, but due to the nodes you are taking, Health is always a focus over ES. Otherwise you would spec your points to Bonus ES% vs HP%.
The 20% FP is a nice gem, but you can easily increase your FP DPS by getting +Quality gems for LMP, Faster Casting, and Faster Projectiles. For some reason, people sell +Qual gems up to 10% quality for dirt cheap, but get to 12-14% and the prices seem to grow exponentially. I've seen 8-10% gems on all of those go for 1gcp, but 16% go for 7-8 gcp. Doesn't make a lot of sense. Both LMP and Faster Casting will give you +1% cast speed for every 2 quality points. The faster projectiles +quality does the same as a +quality on your freezing pulse, just not as effectively. I'd look for some 6-10% quality gems for really cheap short term, or if you can afford it, up to 20% qual for all of them. Eventually you would want that anyway.
I've managed to get a 5L ES armor.
I've gotten my HP up to around 1600+, and ES to 1500+. and the chaos resist went up to -11%
I also added a +Chaos damage to my FP which is now 3300dps. That's a 25% increase in DPS.
I haven't tried doing map runs yet so i don't know how i fare in terms of survivability.
So far, Docks run is a breeze. I might run docks for a few more levels and get more HP nodes and try to bring my HP close to 2000.
About the quality gems, that is some good advice. I tend to discourage myself from buying "pseudo" upgrades, but i think a bunch of "pseudo" upgrades would be very good. I think i have around 1ex left for those gems.
Hey aimless, great build/thread. Question on passives. I was thinking of tweaking your defensive lvl 82 build, but the link isnt worked. Basically using 4 points to get nullification from the 4 movement speed node and paying for it by losing the first bloodthirst node cluster and the 3 8percent life nodes. Also losing some mana regen to get inner force and the really good es node. So basically lose sone crit chance, mana regen, and life but get es, some evasion, and inner force. Running clarity grace and discipline i figure inner force will put me ahead. Sorry again for no link, uses same 102 points. Thoughts?
I am lvl 82 with 3400 hp/ 3000 es. 5300 dps freezing pulse .I don't have 1 es node taken. Trust me, stack hp. Inner force is good if your a build that runs tons of auras but in this build your only going to be really running like 2 maybe 3. I have basically 0 armor and 0 evasion and I still can take more damage then anyone i've ran into I believe.
Heres my passive tree
I own everything I run into. Only places I haven't been is 75-77 maps. But they tell me Peity in 71 shrine is tuffest boss and I can kill her within a minute or two.
Nice to have some other experienced people in here answering questions :D
I recently realized that there is 30% resist all for shield users very easily available in the templar area for those lacking resist gear, added a note about it in the guide.
ert2mars wrote:
I haven't tried doing map runs yet so i don't know how i fare in terms of survivability.
So far, Docks run is a breeze. I might run docks for a few more levels and get more HP nodes and try to bring my HP close to 2000.
With 2k HP and your current ES low lvl blue maps should be very doable (though I wouldn't try soloing chaos dmg per second yet!)
bchiu10 wrote:
i love this guide.
But i want to know what is the different between Shadow vs Witch??
Who got higher DPS?
Why you use Shadow to play cold caster > Witch?
Or you just for fun to use Shadow?
The small difference is covered in the passive spoiler section.
It would be exactly the same, except you could drop lord of the dead if you wanted to (I personally wouldn't).
Progression would be first to the shadow start, because you need DEX, and IMO crit and freezing are too important and shadow has more crit than templar. And then you'd go towards the templar start around lvl 50.
How is FP compared to EK? I was thinking about going EK shadow, but @ lvl 47 atm levelling with FP its just so much fun that I think i'll stick with it to the end, and my tree is very similar anyways. I've already tried switching to EK (no EB yet) and not to mention that it's literally impossible to maintain the mana cost for me (i'd have to run 5 mana flasks i guess - i run out of mana after 3 casts). Besides FP playstyle is very satisfying for me, as I've been going kinda glass cannon so far so I'm juking a lot and when I get a crit I mindlessly decimate the frozen mobs with an evil grin. EK playstyle on the other hand seems very dull and boring, and thats something i don't want. One thing that bothers me is that I took 12% physical from bandits on cruel... will this be a problem?
also how much would i have to pay for a quality FP? the bonus is so good
Last edited by dezerus#6396 on Feb 28, 2013, 9:22:21 PM
I've sart to run the same type of build before seeing yours but I'm realising that I didn't plane to take as much life nodes as you do. I was actually focusing on +%ES / +CD recovery ES for defensive skills, is it a bad idea ? I mean, is it affordable to only have a few nodes of %life at end game ?
Another question : don't you think the permanent curse skill is worth it for bosses, or too far to be good ?
I also wondered why you didn't chose to take nullification and % evade/ES nodes ?