[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [
Serious question : playing witch should I change any passives?
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" You can get rid of Lord of the Dead if you want. I wouldn't, it's a good node and minions are super useful, but some people don't like dealing with them. " That is an excellent question, and I can't decide either! Red has options beyond life leech actually, you can also put in item quantity for farming, and reduced mana as a crappy analogue to mana leech. If you were interested in doing PvP red would probably be the best for life leech, but then you might have to replace faster projectiles with cold pen. Also, I havn't tested this yet but I have a feeling Knockback might be interesting in PvP. My friend decided on red for his 6link and he's running quantity atm with othe quant gear and getting last hits on map bosses, causing them to explode with loot, so that's pretty nice ^ ^ " Great! And yeah getting more regen and higher lvl clarity will help. I'd guess your FP is what, ~60 mana with Added Chaos? With 2.5 casts per second that's around 150 mp/s required. 20% qual hallowed flasks give about 100 mp/s so you need 50 mp/s from your regen. Should be pretty achievable. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Feb 19, 2013, 11:12:09 PM
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I am assuming you use an spirit shield for an offhand with this build (w/e one thats gives the %spell dmg baseline)? Sorry for the dumb question...just got my ranger to 80 and dont know much about the others specs...
really cool build and guide man Last edited by girth#5363 on Feb 20, 2013, 4:09:36 AM
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Great guide. But why do we need STR and DEX in this build? Is it to wield Daggers that require a certain level in those attributes? Also, I just reached Act 2 and I still don't have LMP, did I miss a quest in Act 1 O_o? Or what?
Sorry for these dumb questions man. I just joined and I've got to admit that this is more overwhelming than I thought! Also also, this is the gear I'm wearing. This is my first playthrough so it's pretty much garbage:
What's your assessment on that? Are there any places in Act 1 I can farm for some better gear? Thanks alot dude! I'm pretty weird. Last edited by Venecan#2623 on Feb 20, 2013, 1:17:10 PM
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I Have been searching for ages trying to find a Hardcore version of this, my friends all play Hardcore and im going to join them (I know I might die a lot to begin with) but I have played this build to cruel ant 3 so I know how to play it, just unsure how to build it for HC.
Any ideas or skill maps from any of you fellow cold casters would be massively appreciated |
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Kripp did a HC version which looks like this build but started with Marauder, then took all the life nodes till the starting area of shadow and then took all the +crit chance nodes. I noticed he skipped almost all +dmg nodes so I'm guessing crit scales better on high level then damage. Big plus with starting as marauder is that your life pool is bigger in the begin with better resists for survivability.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbBaotIcOOg&list=UUeBMccz-PDZf6OB4aV6a3eA&index=3 Last edited by Elbacone#1183 on Feb 20, 2013, 8:20:44 AM
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noob question(i didnt read all topic, sry)
how do you manage your mana? im like 30lvl and im oom all the time. On higher lvls will be better because of clarity or what do you use for mana regen? |
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" " I'd suggest reading the whole thing through next time, haha ;p. I'm pretty weird.
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" Yes. " You will need 109 STR and DEX for lvl 20 support gems. You get LMP from an A2 quest. Don't worry much about gear early in the game :) " Yeah Kripp's build looks pretty solid. You could do something very similar with a shadow, though for the first half of leveling you'd have more damage and less HP, so I guess it would be a riskier starting point. |
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I saw this thread last week and got tired of my Bow Shadow so I decided to give this a try and.. wow! This build is so much fun!
I'm currently level 70 using this build (I just added 10% cast speed) And this is my gear; I got lucky I was able to buy my Quality FP for cheap, Now I'm trying to get a good Kris so I can use Whirling Blades to get out of those tight situations. I also need to upgrade my gloves and belt to get more +life.. but other than that, im not sure what to do! Also not sure where to go with the build from here.. |
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