[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
" You most likely won't have the linked slots for it yet. From personal experience, it took until Norm act 3 Lunaris before I started finding any 4L items or even just 4 socket items on multiple characters I've run up there. IGN: Troheim
Item Shop: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/368180 |
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As usual, my post wound up longer than I want, and Im just answer questions I saw asked as I remembered them so its probably all out of order lol.
Still leveling my alt build without IR for comparison, but as usual, took a break to play around on my main, couple thoughts/misc. RaT was either hot fixed or never actually broken, so I did some playing with it today. RaT+RoA+WE+Concentrated effect had pretty good listed damage, and it could even kill things on its own... but I feel like the totem can't properly adjust for the delay built into RoA so it wasn't really great on the other hand, I was loving RaT+IS+WE+LMP. While the damage wasn't super necessary, it could kill packs on its own, and it just COVERS the screen in ice patches which is really nice utility. Honestly the only downside to this is that I currently only have 1 LMP (being used in my LA) and I'm a cheapass who doesn't want to pay for an "expensive" gem that can be gotten so early in the game, but I REALLY don't feel like rushing another alt >.> I gotta horde all my currency so I can blow it trying to get a good roll on my 6S thicket that I re-roll everyonce in a while >.> The thing that really is messing with me though, is that I was liking the IS ranged totem so much, i tried switching it in for LA... and I think my kill speed went up. I know that IS has higher damage (no inherent .7 multiplier) and my 5 link did reflect that (LA+LMP+Chain+LoH+WE=1316.7 IS+LMP+Chain+LoH+WE=1650), but I was always thinking that the cone effect on its AoE wouldn't work as well as LAs AoE which can hit in any direction. Would really like some other people to try IS and tell me if they get a similar feeling. I was running Lunaris, and i know some enemies there do lightning warp, so maybe they just resist LA more? As for the question about what to do with a second 5L, I honestly would just leave EH in the 4L as the options for the 5th arent spectacular, and I would use the second 5L to go RaT+IC+LMP+WE+FA, maybe LoH instead of FA if its true that the actually does heal both you and the totem, but even then probably FA. As for curses, I am still a fan of Conductivity, but that is partly because almost all of my stacked damage is Lit (my LA damage is 70-75% lightning damage), and I figure the extra chances to shock make up for the universal debuff of Elemental weakness. That and Im too cheap to buy an elemental weakness since I don't think it would be significantly better :p Also, while I still say you can get more out of duelist than ranger (its 1% less projectile damage for 2% more IAS and 2% more health, see my post on page 43), yo uare getting more than 15% projectile form ranger, its all about the IAS at that point in the build. I can post my equipment later as well if someone wants, but right now my equip is all spreadout and a mess since I was playing with new skills and am passing equip between my 75 and my glass cannon build that is 48. |
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" He stated that if u get 4 linked, to go with Fork, Loh, elemental dmg and split arrow. So, that doesn't make sense. Mess with the best, die like the rest.
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" He also stated it is all personal preference, so that doesn't make sense. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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Does the passiv Skill "Amplify" (12% increased Radius of Area Effects, 8% increased Area Damage) effect the Lightning-Arrow Skill/Spell/Gem?
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" Yes. I'm not sure about the Area Damage though! LA does not deal area damage per se; it just chains over to a few targets in an area. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" Tanks for your answer, when you say "IC", you mean Ice Shot ? |
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" He does. Also to answer the totem heal - totem only heals itself, not the player. (Unless it is the Rejuvenation Totem trolololol) Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" But isn't this a LA build? Why run split, if u can get ahold of a 3-4 linked? I'm just trying to figure stuff out, no need to be snappy :P Mess with the best, die like the rest.
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" Not snappy, just giving answers. It -is- an LA build, but I like to use SA early game. If you want to link up LA WED LoH LMP straight up, why not. There is no set advantage over any skill in early game, really, because it all just works. It is mid game, post lvl40, that things start to either shine or fall off (and for an elemental build, LA shines, SA falls off). This is the same thing as going melee for the first 30 levels - I did that, some others started using bows since lvl10. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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