[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

ShadowyDream wrote:
Just wanted to throw this out there...

It might mess with our single target damage a bit since EH is a random element, but another thing I have been toying with... My LA damage is roughly 70% lit damage, 20% fire damage, 10% cold damage. Would it be worthwhile to take Elemental equilibrium, then use a Spell totem with something like Spell totem+Frost pulse+Faster projectiles+LMP? Would probably work better if I could flip some of my fire damage to cold/lit, and use a spell totem with Firestorm+increased area+faster cast? idea mainly being to continuously hit them with a non-lit single element source to give them -50% to the other two elements which would make up most of your main damage.

[edit] I guess I should clarify, the only real concern I have with this idea, is that my attack speed is so high that I can't really see the totem properly re-setting EE between each of my attacks. I could almost see it with the firestorm totem though. Does the continual burning ground effect from something like fire trap work for re-setting EE? Basically, just throw a fire trap grenade style (with increased area support), then enjoy -50% lit and cold res?

That certainly wouldn't be a horrible idea at all, but that type of thing is so hard to test quantitatively, it would be very difficult to really notice much of a difference unless you just tested it on end act bosses or something (something with LOTS of life so that it dealing significantly more damage would be a noticeable difference).
Last edited by morsdraconis#3848 on Feb 20, 2013, 1:57:13 PM
I did just stumble across a post in the EE thread that said the ground burning does not count as a hit... thats too bad, would have made it very easy to continuously set to +25 fire-50 lit, -50 cold :p
Can someone please help me decide!! Please!

Which quiver would be better overall?

Quiver 1:

+ 26% increase elemental damage
+ 43 maximum life
+9% lightning resist
+20% increased projectile speed

Quiver 2:

+15% increase elemental damage
+50 maximum life
+1-27 lightning damage
+21% stun duration
Mephixara // Lvl 91 Phys Tornado Ranger
Tynux // Lvl 86 DW Ground Slam Marauder
Ripheuxa // Lvl 90 KB Wander

jtrand wrote:
Can someone please help me decide!! Please!

Which quiver would be better overall?

Quiver 1:

+ 26% increase elemental damage
+ 43 maximum life
+9% lightning resist
+20% increased projectile speed

Quiver 2:

+15% increase elemental damage
+50 maximum life
+1-27 lightning damage
+21% stun duration

Quiver 2, without a doubt. The 1-27 lightning damage is going to equate to a FAR larger amount of damage than 11% extra elemental damage.
but is the extra lightning damage worth more than almost 10% lightning resist?
Mephixara // Lvl 91 Phys Tornado Ranger
Tynux // Lvl 86 DW Ground Slam Marauder
Ripheuxa // Lvl 90 KB Wander

I am lvl 67 HC. I am not sure if I should get the weapon elem dammage in the ranger tree or those in the templar tree ?

I'd like to get more life so I can't take all of them unfortunately. Any idea/comment? thanks!
My Shocker is now lvl60, the passive skill tree looks like: link.

I'm farming Merciless at the moment, the clear speed is incredibly high, the survivability as well.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
jtrand wrote:
but is the extra lightning damage worth more than almost 10% lightning resist?

I doubt it. 10% isn't THAT big of a deal.
Looks pretty standard, one thing I just wanted to point out though...

you spend 3 nodes to get the savant by BM (2 +10 str and the savant). Depending on whether or not you plan to do elementalist/celestial walker, you could respec out of that now for 2 in nodes+elementalist for the same 30 int, but with an additional 10% ele damage :p

Super minor, and I assume you will be respecing that savant node endgame anyway, but just felt like pointing it out lol.

You have any thoughts on trying to get EE to work out, or is there just not a good enough totem to apply the off element fast enough to keep up with 3+ LAs/sec?

Assuming I can't come up with a totem for EE that satisfies me, I will probably try a RaT+RoA+FA+WE totem and a RaT+IS+LMP+WE totem and see if I can get any significant damage out of them. Part of me still wants to try RaT+EH+WE+FA since a boost to single target will probably be more notable than a boost to AoE, but I am not shelling out for a second EH for a whim lol.

[edit] as for the quiver debate, the one with better flat elemental damage will do more damage (as was pointed out already). If the reason you aren't sure comes down to your resists, we need more information than just the quiver :p.
Last edited by ShadowyDream#4629 on Feb 20, 2013, 3:59:28 PM
Elemental Equilibrium... In my opinion, waste of point on this build. And it is most usually a waste of time to bother using it. I find the clear speed is fastest when I don't bother spawning anything useless, just straight out shoot into the mobs and smash them.

And @ShadowyDream, that's just my passive tree at the moment, it IS going to change soon. Don't worry about seemingly crappy choices; I took what I needed to make fastest progress.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.

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