Block Nerf?

With Sacrifice of the Vaal coming, what do you think the nerf to Block will look like?
Block will be nerfed because it solves 3 problems:

1) Aegis Aurora will be weaker

2) BoR will be slightly weaker (BoR encourages Block builds)

3) Block will not be overpowered in PvP

But how exacly can Block be nerfed in a good way so it has all three desired effects? I came up with something like this:

1) Maximum Block is lowered from 75% to 66% (2 chances in 3)

2) Some of the 2% block nodes in a cluster will be removed,
4% nodes will be lowered to 3%,
6% nodes to 4%,
10% nodes to 7%

3) The new strong unique shields will have lower block chances

What are your thoughts concerning this topic?

PS: I myself play a tri-totem dual curse Scion (lvl 84) with 77% Block (the Anvil) and 69% Spellblock. The reason why I post this is to start preparing her for the nerf, which I think is justified because it really makes her megatanky even with only 2.5k life, 1.5k ES and no leech.

Last edited by Soepkieken on Mar 2, 2014, 3:30:14 PM
Reducing the chance to block makes block unreliable.
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Skyforth wrote:
Reducing the chance to block makes block unreliable.

Lol no it doesnt it just makes it less OP. D2 block chance = 40% on shield. Median XL block chance 4% on shield. I know what you guys will say which is better.
passive block nerf would make BOR stronger..
A shielded blow is now deflected = 35% of the hit is still done to the player.
(additionally the monster could receive 35% of its own damage)

On a critical hit being blocked = 70% of the hit still gets true to the player.
(no damage gets reflected back to the monster)

This would be sort of cool. It would make block interesting and would still require defense investment other then block alone.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Skyforth wrote:
Reducing the chance to block makes block unreliable.

Lol no it doesnt it just makes it less OP. D2 block chance = 40% on shield. Median XL block chance 4% on shield. I know what you guys will say which is better.

Some shields had 75% block in D2 was pretty easy to achieve even with magic shields.
Here are some different ways to fix the current problem with block.

Few examples from other games:

1, Block = Use some value of the shield to determine how many % of damage to be mitigated (higher ES/armor/dodge would have higher mitigation) This would also solve problem with value of rare shields or ther than ES being very unwanted.

2, Block = 50% damage reduction instead of 100% (Doesnt have to be 50%, would need balancing)

3, Lower block chance and keep it at 100% reduction

I personally dont like to lower block chance because it will become to simular to dodge or evade.
Hope they dont "nerf" blocking. It already has pros and cons vs life/es stacking. DoT, big hits, status ailments etc..

Would make game more boring.
They can at most nerf shields that currently are imbalanced. If they nerf block in general, they will destroy the build of many other shield users who are not using those imbalanced shields.
Doesnt matter what they do to aegis, everyone will still run block just with a rare shield instead.

The basic problem still stands. It isnt the shield is the whole mechanic

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