Legacy items
i dont like the fact that legacy items makes finding the non legacy items less exciting,
by doing so for standard it just gives people another goal to reach instead of finding a shavs legacy and being over the moon your more likely to just sell any non legacy for currency towards a legacy shavs if you know what i mean, legacy items pretty much just improves longevity by making it harder to get "the best uniqs" ,rather than legacy items being op they made it seem like they are when really there isnt much difference except the prices. making items legacy because they are op is one thing making items legacy to improve longevity of the game is another... |
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" Because RMT only happens in temporary leagues ladder and never in standard? What kind of argument is that? | |
In the grand scheme of things, legacy items are a drop in the bucket for RMT sites. Or no, I shouldn't say that...they are certainly a draw for people, but I'm willing to make a safe bet that RMT is being fueled much, MUCH more on currency orbs like Exalts, Divines, and Eternals (Fusings and Chaos as well). The currency is just so much more flexible and worth it compared to the legacy items, though with that said that doesn't mean they aren't part of the equation for RMT, just much less than people think, IMHO.
As far as sidetherat and a response to my post a while back that I didn't get around to responding to...I don't believe that just because GGG 'tried to balance with Kaom's' that it proved the point. They failed because all they did was simply move all of the goalposts and nothing changed because of that...they didn't actually target the root of the problem. That problem being that life is/was/still is one of the best if not the best form of 'primary defense' in the game. That's what makes Kaom's so strong, because the other supposed 'primary defenses' have horrible scaling and enemy elemental damage is still too much in terms of elemental damage, etc, etc. There's too much 'binary' in this game when it comes to defenses and you can't feel safe unless you stack defense on top of defense and out the wazoo, or use something 'creative'. If in this case with Kaom's armor and the other defenses actually provided adequate protection then 1,000 life - while still strong - would have serious competition against a rare chest that has high resists, high life, and high primary defenses, AND can be 5L'd-6L'D. Of course, it's obviously a bit more complex than that but that's where I'm coming from...instead of direct nerfs to legacies that will in the end leave the same, much bigger root problems in the game, tackle the root problems first. THEN, once those are more balanced out, see if indeed those same legacy items are viewed as powerful as they are now, or will their power be indirectly weakened by allowing more choice and options as I stated in this thread before. That's not to say that legacy uniques/items won't need nerfing even after all of that. Some may very well need it, but before that, tackle the root cause the symptoms have given you hints and pointers to, and THEN see if the ;symptoms' still need treatment...nerfs in this case. |
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^ There is more value to an item then in what it can be traded for anymore though, but also in how it can be used.
Just imagine the value of IIQ items to those RMT sites a year from now, or two years... they won't always just be traded, but bought for personal use on bots to farm. edit - and ya, that mainly goes for the hardcore league where they can actually have their bots moved to standard with their gear. Last edited by Jiero#2499 on Feb 16, 2014, 1:53:51 PM
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" Of course you're right about currency being the bread and butter of RMT sites. But what do you think people who buy dozens of Exalts do with it after they purchase it online? The market in Legacy items may take place mostly in-game, but the cash flow is fueled by RMT. |
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" For some that would be to craft godly items so they can attempt to profit from mirroring services, for others it's to actually buy the mirrors and pay the mirror fees for said godly items already crafted. Still others will buy high-priced rares that might not reach mirror status per se, but they're already 6L'd most of the time, have very, very good stats, and are far more practical to the person than a legacy unique. In comparing prices for what the big ticket legacy items are to their in-game exalt prices are, they're more expensive to buy for straight-out exalts and most of the RMT sites know that, which is why they price accordingly. No, at that point people would be smarter to buy the legacy item straight out, but then there's limited quantity on those and currency is much more valuable, tradeable, liquid asset than legacy uniques in the long-run. Cash flow for these sites is definitely getting some value from legacy uniques, this I don't disagree on, but in the grander scheme of things, it's Mirrors, Exalts, Eternals, and things of that nature along with the mirror-worthy gear that players in game and even on some of the sites offer that is the bigger cash cow. |
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"Since Chris calls legacy items a "feature", I have to admit defeat here and either try to have fun with the game as given, or just move on. "The word you're looking for is instanced, not unique. You compared changing the data of legacy items to changing character names. Changing character names can conflict with the uniqueness constraint on those names. There is no such constraint on item data. But let's not haggle over technical details. We just have different ideas on how complex database updates for the legacy items would be. I firmly believe that Rhys wasn't telling the truth when he claimed: "I am sure that it is possible to implement a "migrate item" feature, preferably performed at logout time. No downtime required. Some people said: "I paid/farmed/RMT/whatever so much for these items, you can't take them away from me!". Let me remind all of you of the terms of use, which I'm sure we all read when we created our accounts: "I myself am prepared to get my legacy facebreaker and several old onyx amulets migrated, maybe even loose some iiq gems, so it's not all envy. It won't happen though, cause my facebreaker is a feature, yeah! |
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Does GGG have OCD regarding Legacy items?
Why do you keep making items legacy? I understand some nerfs or changes like kaom's heart. But I don't understand trivial changes like recently meginord's. Just to keep making more legacies for the fun of it? Path of exile is a great game you keep developing it further to a better game in most aspects. But legacy items will be the downfall of PoE. Either convert all legacies to normal items or the other way around. And stop with legacy OCD. Legacy items does not benefit the game at all. |
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" Says will be downfall of game, doesn't mention why. Please share your enlightenment with us... https://youtu.be/T9kygXtkh10?t=285
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" I exaggerated of course, but how would you like it if half of the uniques become legacies? There is no reason to make legacies now, the already overpowered legacy items are nerfed. They should now rebalance the new items instead of making new legacies |
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