Legacy items
" This is just absurd X-files type fantasizing that is of no relevance to PoE at all. If you really must have a perfectly random event generator, you can simply use a Geiger Counter. But for the purposes of a video game, a long-sequence pseudo-random number generator is more than adequate to produce uncorrelated and completely upredictable results. |
secret info inside - do not read unless you are authorized by Atziri!!!
" "This world is an illusion exile" There are those that theorize that nothing really exists except our individual perceptions. Under this idea, there may be people playing PoE where Chris and GGG not only encourage RMT, but send thugs out to enforce payments. The bad news may be a missing finger if you miss your monthly Kaom's mortgage payment, but it might be a perceptual reality (hah) where desync cannot exist, general discussion is always civil (or else EvulRhys9000 bot comes to house and breaks your knees) and Solwitch is the founder of Microsoft and uses all his wealth to make a real world version of Wraeclast (think Westworld). PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
More Random stuff
" It may seem X-Files-ish, but ...
then so does the idea that a company (one based in Phoenix, AZ amd another in Maryland)would be building robots that can feed off their kills. They have an expected 100 miles per human (150 lbs biomass). The smaller ones have processed mice and insects to recharge their fuel cells. When they are eventually combined with Atlas and Boston Robotic's (now owned by Google) Cheetah, we will see some very interesting power struggles.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=chPanW0QWhA http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zkBnFPBV3f0 http://gizmodo.com/a-closer-look-at-googles-new-robot-army-1483302945 :-) The relevance to PoE is to illustrate through absurdity (extending the idea) that just because a casual observer may perceive something as Easy for GGG to do, doesn't mean that it is in actuality. The relevance to Legacy items is due to posters contesting what Rhys (? I think) from GGG stated in regards to the difficulty of changing legacy items. I would agree that for the purpose of a video game it is more than adequate :-) My dispute doesn't lie with practicality at all. It isn't fantasizing or speculation at all. I have redacted what I was going to say in response to protect myself and anyone reading this post. Let's just say that a good university library may have info that Google will not let you search for. Why? Because it's more difficult to nerf physical books than purge online sources. DOE has already spent far more than a few billions chasing the ideal RNG. The combination of treaty requirements (START I and START II) and national security make it imperative that they use the best RNG they can get ahold of. Geiger counters/radioactive decay is random enough for most purposes. When your purpose is accurately predicting how trillions of radioactive decay processes will happen the geiger counter type sampling fails. It fails like a snowball in a 2 megaton blast. The non-random errors are exactly of the type they need to use randomness to counter. It's not quite like the mathematical equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome, nor is it exactly like asking 100 Hillary Clinton campaign workers if you should vote for her. It's worse than either of these, because the errors are locked in and cannot be bypassed. PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
items that don't exist anymore - as drops or otherwise - should not be in the game.
pure and simple. once something goes out of the game, it should become unusable for those who have it. marked red because they are instances of items in the code, that don't exist anymore. that's the solution, Rhys, not writing scripts to re-roll items in people's inventories, and certainly not doing that manually. items that got changed (buffed/nerfed), are indeed harder to deal with, so let's focus on the "removed/added something" kind. those should be unusable (red) as well, but with a very simple vendor recipe that upgrades them to latest version. certainly no requiring Divine Orbs (that I didn't see drop in over 5 months). and I'm saying this as a proud owner of several Increased Item Quantity gems - some leveled - and despite having half a Standard Stash of "legacy" items from Open Beta and onward. for the good of the game, the fight against RMT, and fair ladder competition (for those who play the ladder) - please stop with the "legacy" crap. Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on Feb 14, 2014, 8:20:46 AM
" The sake of a good game is a matter of perception and opinion, just like yours. RMT stands, but it was present before the nerf, and will always be present in an online game. Fair ladder competition in permanent leagues? Really? |
" EDIT: Self-edit, what I had to say was about as constructive as what I have quoted. Last edited by Sinnesteuer#7507 on Feb 14, 2014, 9:53:32 AM
" Grinding is about time investment. Stop f***ing pretending that everything is obtainable easily by trading, to trade you have to accumulate wealth, and for that you need to grind ( RMT is out of the question here, people using RMT are pathetic and bad for the game, but GGG cannot just detected all of it ). In order to 'circumvent' - as you say - RNG/time investment ( even if well ... that's actually not really possible ), you need to know the game well => spend time learning it + time playing it. Every possible complex game will somehow encourage player to try to go through it whatever the expected means, PoE included, and all those means in PoE still needs an important time investment. "circumvent the aRPG elements" ? /rofl You are only doing what GGG expects you do to if you are playing efficiently in PoE, it fitting what you think an aRPG should be, or not. This is completely out of the question. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
| |
A good flipper hardly needs to "play the game".
Standard Forever
" No, you don't need to grind. Here, using ass pulled numbers as an example. A. Grinding alone will produce 1 Orb of awesome per 10 hours. B. Grinding with some trading will produce 10 orbs of awesome per 10 hours. C. Trading alone will produce 100 orbs of awesome per 10 hours. Now, one can maximise by attempting to trade at full potential (or near to) and also grind at full potential (or near to). Let's call this D. D. Maximising will produce 109 orbs of awesome per 10 hours. You see the grinding part is of the least productive, the only point in grinding from a wealth accumulating perspective, is because it can be done while trading for the most part (trade chat, forum, xyz, streaming and soon to be trade stash tab). Now, trading AND grinding SHOULD give the maximum. But the grind should be the meat of it, orbs found, picked up. Currently, rather than trading adding, say 10% to wealth actually picked up from grinding. We have grinding adding something like 1% to wealth picked up from grinding. Now, I'll agree that isn't possible in the model GGG chose and can't be possible without using mechanics that GGG refuse to. But the point remains, by playing this game hardcore, you will get cock-blocked. By playing this game casually, yet path-of-least-resistance, there will be no cock-blocks. Keep telling yourself the shop-sim is hardcore, the 6 man party aura fest is hardcore, the circumvent RNG is hardcore, wtb [insert every item with tailor made stats] is hardcore, it really, really isn't. It is so far from hardcore aRPG it's laughable. "Only doing what GGG expect you to do" Is the entire point of my post, they did NOT design/target a hardcore game/audience. They do not promote or reward hardcore game play. They EXPECT you to roflestomp fast track the game and happily take the hardcore tag. The game is about short term leagues for crying out loud. Casually casual. Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Feb 14, 2014, 6:32:41 PM
Geat realistic, trading does nothing if you don't have base items to start flipping = you need to grind, that's not even questionable tbh.
Of course you get more wealth by trading because you basically profit from player not having very good knowledge of the market, but first you need to grind ( and if you don't like trading, you need to grind much much more, granted of course ). Now, group play facilitates the thing a lot ( too much imho ), that's true, it's much more hardcore for solo players. A casual gamer will be miles away from being able to get what a player spending 30 hours/week can get if he plays the game well ( and partying, without partying, this won't be a huge amount of wealth at all, still end game quite accessible, this is basically why this game has not been designed for casual players. Ff they want to be efficient in maps and have a good build, they'll need to spend a lot of time learning all the mechanism and build their character, and even though most of them won't even reach lvl 70+ maps on their own. Throw a brand new player in PoE and tell him "let's meet at level 80", without helping him. It will takes him a big amount of time to reach that point, and he will most likely have died many many times and have a messed up build, where he'll probably need to start over ( this is true for let's say 90% of the population maybe ) if he wants to go further. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Feb 14, 2014, 7:01:59 PM