Legacy items

tinko92 wrote:
A player paid for a certain item, nerfed version doesn't worth the amount he paid for, therefore he lost currency/time, and by the way, that's not a small amount at all.

That's pretty normal in online games, items get nerfed all the time, mechanics change, stuff loses value all the time. If RF suddenly became unsustainable phoenix shield would cost 1 chaos instead of 6, Shav didn't lose value solely because of stat nerf but also because of RF fix which made RF/LL much harder to pull off.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

magic_knilch wrote:
... which should not include legacy items.
magic_knilch wrote:
Everyone has the same fair chances. Legacy items break this balance, unless you think that buying legacy items is viable and will stay that way in the future.

Well, apparently I was wrong:

Chris wrote:
Old mods and items will not be removed or changed for players who currently have them. Powerful legacy items are a feature of the permanent leagues.

I'll tell every new player about this great feature, especially if they plan on going PvP. Thank you Chris.

Since Chris clearly stated his point of view on this matter, let's drop this topic.

Just one last word about "It's just envy". If two people do the same work and person A earns twice as much as person B, if B complains, it must be envy, right? But if anyone else complains, maybe it's demanding fairness and justice? Obviously person B can't have such noble motivations, can he?

I don't want to play an unfair video game. Do you?
BoltThrower87 wrote:
I recently bought a legacy Kaom's, but it took everything I had almost.
If you delete my Kaom's Heart, you delete everything I have worked and saved for in Nemesis.
I can see why this was a very big factor in the decision GGG made.

You knowingly bought an unbalanced item to have an overpowered/unbalanced game experience, to make the game trivial, aka no different than cheating.
That is a gamble you made and ggg should not take this into consideration: they should balance the game, its their ultimate purpose.
iamstryker wrote:
There's going to be bad side effects on anything GGG does in handling a mistake they made. People are going to suffer but its best IMO if they choose to fix their mistakes instead of letting them stick around in ANY league. People need to remember that basically everyone suffers in one way or another. I lost many exalts along with other people who traded away uniques that then became legacy. Is that fair as well? People spend many hours making builds that are nerfed to the ground in ALL leagues, why? Because GGG wants as much balance as they can get in ALL leagues.

Everyone suffers at some point but its best that they make the game as good as it can be. OP uniques sitting around does not help to achieve this goal. I also think that its worth mentioning that if you have a legacy that gets nerfed its not worthless. If you spent 80 exalts on a unique and it gets nerfed, its not worth zero, Maybe it lost around half its value give or take but not all of it.

another good post
I love how these threads really take off before "speculative" nerfs....

I have read *10's of these kinds of threads over the course of the last 4 months and I can safely say from deep down in my heart that there will always be QQr's.

No more tears, only dreams.

++Lots of love to GGG for making the most awesome game one could ask for! Keep Up the good work guys.
TheKillSwitch wrote:
No more tears, only dreams.

When dreams die only wasteland remains.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

mobutu wrote:
BoltThrower87 wrote:
I recently bought a legacy Kaom's, but it took everything I had almost.
If you delete my Kaom's Heart, you delete everything I have worked and saved for in Nemesis.
I can see why this was a very big factor in the decision GGG made.

You knowingly bought an unbalanced item to have an overpowered/unbalanced game experience, to make the game trivial, aka no different than cheating.
That is a gamble you made and ggg should not take this into consideration: they should balance the game, its their ultimate purpose.

Last post...

But seriously dude, stop using that word," cheating" you obviously have no idea what it means... pls.

Define Cheat:

: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something
<< Ex: RMT
: to take something from (someone) by lying or breaking a rule
<< Scamming etc...
: to prevent (someone) from having something that he or she deserves or was expecting to get << nerfing legacy items from people who worked hard for them due to QQr's

Explain how he is cheating?

This thread.... no more tears, only dreams
Last edited by TheKillSwitch#1835 on Feb 13, 2014, 4:27:57 AM
Rhys wrote:
"Legacy" items are a natural consequence of our implementation of the mod system. When a mod is rolled, the result is stored in the item. The maximum and minimum values are never used except for the initial roll and any subsequent rerolls (Blessed Orb, Divine Orb, etc).

This means that if we change the max/min values for a mod, e.g. the +life mod on Kaom's Heart, this does not directly effect any existing items, only new ones that drop or old ones that are rerolled. Another way to create legacy items (at least for Uniques) is if we add or remove entire mods from the item.

This also means that we do not have legacy items of skill gems or currency, because they do not have mods. We do not have legacy passive skill trees because we do not support multiple trees.

So legacy items only happen when we make numerical changes to min/max values of mods, or if we add/remove entire mods from a unique. We do not create legacy items when we change what mods do (this is fairly rare, though).

If we really wanted, we could painstakingly go through every item on the realm and perform an "item migration" to update legacy items to their modern equivalents. However, this is something of a last resort; it has several downsides:
-it requires substantial downtime of the entire realm for an unknown-but-lengthy period of time.
-it requires manually looking at every individual item we wanted to update and writing a custom upgrade script for each one.
-any mistakes or reversals of balance affect the entire realm's items, rather than a handful of new items dropped between patches.
-pissing off often long-time players by (potentially) destroying significant wealth right out of their stash.
-we'd have to do it all again every time we made changes that would result in a legacy item.

I'm not saying legacy items are all sunshine and rainbows, but they are at worst a necessary evil.

shallow words thrown in the face of the fanatic believer.
If there's a will, there's a way, I'm hundred percent sure there is a elegant/efficient technical solution for this.
heck, just make all affected uniques unidentified again and when they are identified later they will reroll in the new corrected/balanced values. dont forget to provide the scroll of wisdom.

i'm even surprised that you mentioned "pissing players" on that "list" of yours because i expect 100% objectiveness from a developer and not a bit of subjectiveness.
Last edited by mobutu#5362 on Feb 13, 2014, 4:36:32 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
This is Jealousy.

Do you understand that a balanced game cannot have unbalanced parts inside of it?
It has nothing to do with jealousy or envy or whatever small-limited-mind-thing that you are implying.
-it requires manually looking at every individual item we wanted to update and writing a custom upgrade script for each one.

Such a BS statement, I cant believe anyone is (was) buying the technical excuse...
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She cloaks the world
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