Legacy items

iamstryker wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

By the same "logic" that it can't be done anymore, all characters should be erased completely every time they change the skill tree because it is impossible for other players to level using the old skill tree. Would that make any sense? No, all it would do is hurt the players who have already leveled.

Thats a horrible comparison. Players aren't running around with the old passives are they? No everyone is now using the same passives. Thats not the same as leaving in items that GGG says are broken for people to continue playing with.

It is a valid comparison. Players may have gained benefits (dual sporker pmus freeze pulse ring a bell?) of leveling and item finding that current players don't have access too. Many of the good legacyy items were in fact obtained by high map dual sporking that is not as easy or as viable as it was with the old skill tree.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
nexuscz wrote:
Help me finish the list so we can somewhat summarize the discussion.

What we can say about legacy items:

- They have some collector/ownership and UNIQUE value

- It might be fun to mess up with them? Yes because they are broken and were patched for some reason :)

- No need to run query on HUGE database consist of all characters with theirs inventories and stashes.

- Some people get wealth multiplied overnight with game update out of fairness and all that without any effort from their side.

The obtaining of the uniques in the first place took some effort. Otherwise everyone and their doge would have a Kaom's Heart.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
iamstryker wrote:
Ya they mentioned nerfs but people had no idea what items were going to be nerfed. I never expected thunderfist to be nerfed and I traded them shortly before it became legacy. Lost out on more than 10 exalts right there. Thats not fair either, none of this is fair to anyone. GGG should still do whats best for their game.

Just to drop a logic bomb onto this, you say that its not fair that you lost out on 10 exalts right there.

Lets say that the same situation occured, but they did this whole retroactive server down for a week backdate changes no legacy thing.

Now we have you being happy, you sould them for a ficticious 5 exalt, which is 4 more exalt than they are worth now. The person who bought them feels ripped off, he just paid 5 exalt and instantly they were nerfed. Thats not fair.

There is someone unhappy on either side of the fense either way, so this is a pointless argument. People always complain about how they sold stocks on the stockmarket right before they shot up, or they bought and it crashed. And others say omg, I purchased a share and then it quadrupled in price.

This is all besides the point though. There are further complications with the idea of retro changing.

People say just reroll the mod to the new amounts, lets take two examples that are moral quandries

First is koams:
Current 1k HP, new 500Hp+firemod
If they rerolled the mods, everyone with a legacy koam would have just 500HP, no firemod, without something that is way more complex than just changing numbers. Should we be doing this backdating completely breaking their item so its worse than everyone elses ever

Second is a fictitious facebreakers:
Say the mod was rolled 700-1000, (instead of the 800-1000), and you happened to have an item with a roll of 799.
Now they reroll all of the stats. for the legacy items. Would we be rerolling this persons facebreaker that was worth nothing, and is now worth the most the item could be, or would we keep it as is so someone with a roll of 801 loses out because their item was only slightly better than the new threshold
Last edited by Real_Wolf#6784 on Feb 10, 2014, 4:26:45 PM
RogueMage wrote:

Yep, with enough RMT-fueled lucre, you can have any pay2win Legacy trophy your heart desires.

Path of Exalts uber alles.

One of the way, which was here even before the legacy price skyrocketing, so...

Not sure why everybody thinks people have to do RMT if they have 100+ exalts.
100 exalts it not impossible for a legitimate player but over 800 with no trade history is a little suspicious.

IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
tinko92 wrote:
Not sure why everybody thinks people have to do RMT if they have 100+ exalts.

Sure, you may have traded for those Exalts with perfectly legitimate items.

But where do you suppose those hundreds of Exalts actually came from?
RogueMage wrote:

Sure, you may have traded for those Exalts with perfectly legitimate items.

But where do you suppose those hundreds of Exalts actually came from?

So what should I do about that? What can I do?
tramshed wrote:
legacies were never meant to be exclusive

Then why did they make legacy items?

Im fairly surprised people are still trying to figure this out.

Didn't you read the post by Rhys. Its mainly (like 90%) due to technical reasons. In order to remove legacy items, GGG would have to shutdown the game for an extended period of time and write a script for every item as a migration

The issue with legacy items has always been technical, not design
DalaiLama wrote:

It is a valid comparison. Players may have gained benefits (dual sporker pmus freeze pulse ring a bell?) of leveling and item finding that current players don't have access too. Many of the good legacyy items were in fact obtained by high map dual sporking that is not as easy or as viable as it was with the old skill tree.

Still not the same thing at all so I have no idea how its a "valid" comparison. There's a major difference between continuing to use OP legacy gear versus having used old passives or gems that now no one can use.
Standard Forever
iamstryker wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

It is a valid comparison. Players may have gained benefits (dual sporker pmus freeze pulse ring a bell?) of leveling and item finding that current players don't have access too. Many of the good legacyy items were in fact obtained by high map dual sporking that is not as easy or as viable as it was with the old skill tree.

Still not the same thing at all so I have no idea how its a "valid" comparison. There's a major difference between continuing to use OP legacy gear versus having used old passives or gems that now no one can use.

It is like comparing cats and dogs - though they seem different, both are mammals, both are pets etc.

It is valid because:

A) In both cases the person with the legacy (Item or skill tree) gains a significant advantage

B) Newer players cannot obtain this advantage

C) The advantage of both continues past the time of change. In the case of the skill tree, this is because
1) character gained extra levels (life, skill gem leveling etc) that a new player would not gain as easily.

2) the player who took advantage of the pre-skill tree nerf sporker very likely has a stash of very nice items they quickly and easily acquired. These items continue to make the game easier as well as giving the players additional wealth.

So - in fact - the legacy skill tree player probably has an even greater advantage than the player who just has a couple legacy items.

Though the legacy skill tree (sporker build or some such) can actually be a bigger advantage, you don' see players worrying about it because they cannot see it. Out of sight, out of jealous mind.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910

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