New Trading System IN MARCH 2014?!

CharanJaydemyr wrote:

GGG need to seriously stop expecting so much from their players. They need to accept that what they have now is run-of-the-mill f2p players who don't want to engage in barter trade to get the items they want, or even need as I am sure many believe

"run-of-the-mill f2p players" doesn't mean anything, people make demands on developers on any game, asking for features the want/do not want.
Go look at any other game board, they all look the same.

Anyway, this thread got derailed big time.
At least he posts on his actual account and not an alt.
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for trading.
The silent majority.
PanicAK wrote:
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for trading.

Not if 99% of the players hates it.
This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
that sounds awesome Chris, just hope to see it in 2014!
mazul wrote:
PanicAK wrote:
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for trading.

Not if 99% of the players hates it.

99% of the players dont hate it.

I like it, I try to keep it friendly and in 95% of the cases, we have a brief chat, trade and say gl hf...

Fucking terrible experience, right?

I dont want an auction house and is not one despite the claims, what is, is a way to get in touch with a guy that has the item you need.

That is the biggest problem with trading in PoE. It is not agreeing on a price, rude sellers/buyers, lack of interaction. The problem is finding the guy with the item you want and I am not talking about anything epic. I sell 1-10c items all the time, but if I look through trade chat or the forums finding a 10c item that I need can be really difficult.

That is why indexers are a good thing imo. Makes finding that person that much easier. So what if people list BOs. I always offer less than that anyway. Take it as guidelines, not a firm price.

The additions to the trade system listed by Chris are welcomed, and thanks for the reply Crhis.
Rugs wrote:
mazul wrote:
PanicAK wrote:
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for trading.

Not if 99% of the players hates it.

99% of the players dont hate it.

I like it, I try to keep it friendly and in 95% of the cases, we have a brief chat, trade and say gl hf...

Fucking terrible experience, right?

I can relate to this, and I have not yet come across any major assholes, despite there apparently being so many of them out there.
I always try get a favorable price for whatever it is I'm buying or selling and have had no trouble bartering back and forth. Even when a trade doesn't go through due to myself and the other party not being able to come to an agreement on a fair price I have received no abuse.

Can't wait to see the new system in action though.
mazul wrote:
PanicAK wrote:
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for trading.

Not if 99% of the players hates it.

mazul, I think you are missing the "MUST" in PanicAK's statement.
A trade, by definition, occurs between two or more entities. It is an exchange of some sort between parties. How can you make an exchange with zero interaction?

I suppose enabling "buyouts" could allow for essentially interaction-less trading. Choose items to trade, set buyout price, post, and go on vacation. Buyout prices would encourage or even force players to set prices on items and likely discourage bartering/negotiating.

Chris wrote:
The new trading changes aren't in the March 1.1.0 patch - there are two reasons:
a) We're keen to deploy them as soon as they're ready. There's no real need to wait for the next four-monthly patch.
b) The new trading stuff is not ready yet. It's a major system overhaul and we're still working on it. I'm really sorry about the delay.

As for how it works, the current plan is a combination of public stash tabs (to make it easier to find items) and separately, an asynchronous cross-instance-website trading system. You can basically trade (without buyouts) across the game and website. The trades and offers are still there when you log in later, so it's possible to trade with offline people or people who aren't in your game area or are on their phone or work PC.

How much more non-interaction can you ask for? Asynchronous trading.

Traders cannot quite read one other's minds and have a trade occur by mutual telepathic understanding.

Rugs wrote:

How did that become my quote?

Sorry Rugs! Issue fixed. I must have quoted your quoting of mazul and PanicAK to save time, and I did not notice, or there has been an interesting bug-type occurrence.
TY to those who called me out on my BS on these forums. There is no benefit to being so selfish as to fail to acknowledge others' differing beliefs of what "should be" or believe your own opinions so supreme as to be factual and thus dismiss others' opinions as being somehow a lie or delusional.
Last edited by Perfect_Black#6704 on Jan 15, 2014, 10:15:05 PM

How did that become my quote?
PanicAK wrote:
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for trading.
There MUST still be some form of player interaction for farming.

See what I did there?

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