New Trading System IN MARCH 2014?!
The reason you think others are 100% wrong is that they're thinking of a 100% different thing when they say "auction house". Most use the term when they're actually thinking of a consignment shop. The two are radically different.
I'm more in favor of a Bazaar where traders can go and set up their shops. I was hoping that the hideouts would be this way... where you could put your "Open" sign up and people come come and go and see what you had to sell, but trades would be handled one on one. |
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" I am talking just as much about a traditional WoW AH as I am the runescape grand exchange, or a unified platform to put items up for offers without buyouts (so long as all offers on all items can be viewed). The way flippers actually operate is by taking advantage of superior information and lack of transparency in the market. For instance, currently trade is separated between a 3rd party website, the noticeboard, and multiple trade chat channels. This makes it hard for the average player to know if he is getting the best deal, regardless of if he is buying or selling. Flippers take advantage of the unaware by having a better knowledge of the current prices. This is either gained by playing the trade game longer, knowing the right people who will always buy a certain item or currency for a set price, having a personal indexer, or just keeping track of prices over time in a spreadsheet. There are many other ways, but you get the idea. Basically flippers operate in the dark spots of the average player's knowledge. An AH, and especially a runescape style AH drastically reduces the size of the dark spots of the average player. Joe Trader has better information about current and historic selling price, along with the advantage of having all buying and selling happening at one place (instead of 3 like poe currently has). This lowers the information differential between the trade prince elite and Joe Trader, making it harder for the princes to take advantage of Joe. The funny thing is that all the AH chicken littles have to be Joe Traders or even non-traders. By irrationally hating AHs they pretty much scream out that they don't know much about economics. Hindering flippers is just one of the many benefits that an AH provides. The only valid criticism I have seen of auction houses is that they would make gearing up both cheaper and easier, and I personally can't see how that is a bad thing for anyone else but GGG. Keep PoE2 Difficult. Last edited by Fluffy_Puppies#3904 on Jan 25, 2016, 12:14:57 PM
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The "average player" doesn't deserve the "best deal". He's not spending time or effort to get it. He pays the costs of convenience by selling an item for less than its worth or for buying an item for more than its worth.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nothing. The only issue at hand is what system would be the most fun. |
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" Nothing wrong with it except that they function as convenient middlemen at best and heartless vultures at worst, oh and that the current system is not beneficial to the majority of players. It also allows a small collection of players to control the vast majority of wealth, while the average player only has a few ex to their name. I wonder if you have the same view in the real world? Nothing wrong with the richest 62 people controlling as much wealth as the bottom 50% is there? Maybe just maybe the best system is the one that benefits the most people. An AH benefits the most people. Even if many AH detractors don't know it. Keep PoE2 Difficult. Last edited by Fluffy_Puppies#3904 on Jan 25, 2016, 12:50:07 PM
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You're taking this way too seriously if you think my views on this have any basis of comparison to real life issues. I know the difference. Seems like a rarity on this forum.
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" So being a nolifer is considered being skilled in POE. Got it. Honestly, I cant imagine any other gaming community where 3rd party apps where you have to give your login info would be tolerated for 3+ years in order to be able to enjoy the game. ign: klavesnica
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Wooo trade improvements FINALLY. 2 YEARS for this UPDATE LOL
" Last edited by banes312#2874 on Mar 1, 2016, 10:06:52 PM
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Yes, and they are imo on the right way with that.
"better to simply go balls deep full retard if you gonna go retard." -Boem-
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![]() HABBENIGZ? Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
" It's March at least :) Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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