evasion v armor

Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....
It complately depends on you gear actually. If you get armor from your gears then I dont recommend getting IR before at least merciless.

I am at Cruel act 3 with my new ranger. Got about 500 armor right now. And running Grace. But yet i dont pick IR thanks to Granite flask. Got 2 in my flask spot with %90-ish increased armor during effect mod. This is just eneough to tank any physical dmg.

With grace i have like %50 evasion which is great. If i would go for IR now, my evade change will drop zero and got only extra 1,3 armor. I dont trade those its nonsense.

But its complately depends on your gear as i said. If you have all your gear EVasion you prolly better go for before merci
-"This world is an illusion."
pajomk wrote:
Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....

Evasion > Hard slow hard hitters
Armor > many "tiny" hits
pajomk wrote:
Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....

Evasion > Hard slow hard hitters
Armor > many "tiny" hits

thats a bad explanation if you have low hp, even versus hard hitters armour is the only way to go (sure it will reduce damage by very low amount but it will let you not to get 1 shotted), evasion overall gives you much better damage mitigation than armour(due to the fact that you mitigate elemental attack damage too), however the major flaw of evasion is that bleeds are very dangerous and if you dont pay attention you can die in a couple of second when puncture monster crits, best idea would be to take iron reflexes as soon as you can, elemental damage doesnt give all that much of a trouble until late game, by the time you reach it you will probably have enough experience to decide which mitigation methode to choose :)
pajomk wrote:
Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....

Evasion > Hard slow hard hitters
Armor > many "tiny" hits


Evasion = Only viable if you use ondar's guille or Iron Reflexes.

Armor = better in all other cases
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mazul wrote:
pajomk wrote:
Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....

Evasion > Hard slow hard hitters
Armor > many "tiny" hits


Evasion = Only viable if you use ondar's guille or Iron Reflexes.

Armor = better in all other cases

Dat Bullshit... Eva with ot w/o Dodge is still viable and good.
But ofc, when u dont pick a single HP node on your way, then there is no wonder u get 1 shotted.

And Armor helps a shit, cuze hard hitter migate your armor with such a big amount, that it feels like you run around with nearly 0 armor.

But better spread the shit, that eva is useless as fuck w/o iron reflex. loled
pajomk wrote:
Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....

Its part of the forum myth about Iron reflexes/high armour being mandatory.

Armor is good against small physical ataacks hits - great for melee

If you play ranged Evasion is amazing because it makes you (with Ondars Guile)immune to projectile attacks including chaos ranged attacks, piety ice shots, devourers.. Small melee hitters should never get close to you when you are ranged

IGN: Eric_Lindros
CET: Timezone
Ludvator wrote:
pajomk wrote:
Can somebody explain me, why and when should I take Iron Reflexes node i passive tree?
I dont get idea when better is evasion and when better is armor....

Its part of the forum myth about Iron reflexes/high armour being mandatory.

Armor is good against small physical ataacks hits - great for melee

If you play ranged Evasion is amazing because it makes you (with Ondars Guile)immune to projectile attacks including chaos ranged attacks, piety ice shots, devourers.. Small melee hitters should never get close to you when you are ranged

na na broh... dont tell the truth here, not good boy.

let them spread the shit with ir around... so my ev or ev/es stuff still keep very cheap, cuze its so "useless". lulz
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Last edited by mazul on Jan 1, 2014, 8:17:07 AM
mazul wrote:


Evasion = Only viable if you use ondar's guille or Iron Reflexes.

Armor = better in all other cases

Dat Bullshit... Eva with ot w/o Dodge is still viable and good.
But ofc, when u dont pick a single HP node on your way, then there is no wonder u get 1 shotted.

And Armor helps a shit, cuze hard hitter migate your armor with such a big amount, that it feels like you run around with nearly 0 armor.

But better spread the shit, that eva is useless as fuck w/o iron reflex. loled

There is a difference between "viable" and useless :P. Evasion is viable if you go either ondar's guille or iron reflexes.

The thing with iron reflexes is: determination + grace + endurance charges + hybrid evade/armor gear + jade flask + granite flask yields so insane physical reduction.

Sure you won't be able to tank maze vaal hits, but that's it XD.

Ondar's Guille roflstomps every projectile attack and even makes you evade the grand majority of your own reflected projectile attacks.

Evasion without Iron Reflexes and without Ondar's Guille is meh.
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