[1.0.6] Lunys' LA / Frenzy High End Crit Ranger GUIDE (in-depth analysis) 3 VIDEOS
So, u must understand that: UR WEAPON is working with ur passive tree and other gear.
When i use voltaxic, i wont have to take VP OR BM, so i can take other passive points to improve my dps, so 'Voltaxic's damage is a joke' just show ur ignorance. Due to ur point of view, no one should use quill rain, the dps is such a jokeeeeeeeee!!! Second, before u say '-This is not really a con... but some people will be so jelous of your damage that they will hate you! Actually mapping can become quite boring for your party members, if you kill everything before they get the chance to touch it. My friends love it though... fast exp & low risk for them :)' plz play with some end-game POWER SIPHON build player. Last edited by Ultrakiller#7257 on Jan 3, 2014, 1:16:12 AM
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" i have post my gear in page 4, some of them have been sold, u can see in the selling thread quoted in page4. As for the passive tree, i have described it, easy to get Last edited by Ultrakiller#7257 on Jan 3, 2014, 1:18:36 AM
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" Those dps figures are not achievable without auras while maintaining some semblance of balance. Namely, 6000 hp and enough life regen to mitigate reflect, life consumption and minor damage. I watched the video, that is incredibly unstable game play and you were a blink away from death on many occasions. I fully realize it was a reflect map but the point remains. I think taking a death count now and then again at every level would be a good measure of viability. I think a better test would be solo(without dps auras from allies) on a map with monster damage, max resist, or vulnerability as what will kill you is burst damage and lack of life regen along with the random reflect pack. IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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In ur video, the flicker strike guy kills no less fast than ur do, and he attracts the attacks, and he has better survivability. So maybe his build is more easy to make ppl jealous?
At the same time, too vulner in PVP Last edited by Ultrakiller#7257 on Jan 3, 2014, 1:35:43 AM
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" You are right about the flicker striker in my video, his clearspeed is very high and even faster than mine when he solos or plays in small partys. This is not a pvp build and has never been intended to be one. So it does not matter at all how vulnerable the build is in pvp. Oh and it might be hard to believe for you, but the point of this guide is not to make people jealous. I said this once before and didn't do it, which obviously was a mistake ... but from now on i'll ignore every post that comes from you, even if its adressing a different topic. Which is what most people have been doing all this time i guess :) " I realize that it may look like increadibly unstable gameplay and i admit that there are a ton of other builds out there, which are much saver to play. But keep in mind, it was not just a reflect map. Elemental Reflect + Elemental Weakness + Shock Ground + nasty devourers all over the place. And not being on max life after you finished a monster pack on a reflect map is totally normal if you use vaal pact. I'm not saying its good, but in my opinion its viable as a high range character. I'll make a solo video soon, in fact i would alrdy have done this if i currently had any 77/78 maps of my own. But since i am saving up for a mirrored quiver, the only way for me to do a 78 map video right now was by joining a friends map. He just gave it to me, so i could show it at the start of the video. But i'll make an exception for you, get my hands on a courtyard map of my own... Try to get a nice roll with Vulnerability or something else nasty and maybe you will be convinced once you see how easy i can solo a map like this. Or maybe you will just say ... "you just got lucky, i am sure you die much to often in order to ever achieve lvl 100" but in this case, it will take some time to convince you ... since i've play only 2 lvl 78 maps within the last 2 days :P Once an exile, always an exile.
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looking forward to more videos
Last edited by Vikingforward#4715 on Jan 3, 2014, 2:59:46 AM
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I'm actually uploading another one right now.
Palace lvl 78 this time. But since its with the same party as the first map video, i'm sure the critics will just use the same excuses as before to "prove" my build not viable ;) Once an exile, always an exile. Last edited by Lunys#1038 on Jan 3, 2014, 3:10:49 AM
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" Not at all, I want VP to be viable for life based builds as it has been abused by ES since its inception and is imo the single most overpowered thing in the entire game. Though you really can not do them with aura support and in a party with a flicker for obvious reasons. Your death count will speak for itself whether or not you play often. Again, I would urge you list your current death count now somewhere in your OP and then again every level. at this point, it wont be reflect that will gimp you most often but lack of regeneration outside of anything except your lifeleech gem. I have refined my version of the LA build for some time now and what ive found is that life regeneration is a huge part of a life based build's stability (as well as supporting 171 mana cost LA). for a build to completely neglect this is something very new and different. IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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Streaming now.
http://de.twitch.tv/lunysqt Just some lvl 76 maps with random parties and one friend. You can also check the twitch vods later i guess Once an exile, always an exile. Last edited by Lunys#1038 on Jan 3, 2014, 3:27:40 AM
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done streaming for now.
stream quality was far from perfect, but didn't want to risk any laag. i'll do this more often from now on. i currently can't think of any more crazy experiments i wanna try out, ...i know now that i can facetank residence dominus projectiles but certainly not palace dominus... facetanking crematorium boss works out perfectly fine until she dies and her multiple firerains on my position just kill me instantly... ...so i guess i will start leveling again. So let's start the death counter Nephalim requested. I'll put it at the beginning of the main thread. If you don't want to trust me on this i can screenshot my current deathcount for you. Its at 118 right now ... yeah i tried out a lot of stupid stuff :P no harm done when you are at 0%! It's only a wild guess, but i think i had less than 20 deaths that did actually cost me 10% experience(first one at my first ever dominus normal attempt at lvl 39 in nemesis -.-). But since i didn't play this build all the way from 1-90 this is irrelevant anyway. Once an exile, always an exile. Last edited by Lunys#1038 on Jan 3, 2014, 4:43:30 AM
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