1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
Hey All - Looking for some info.
1) Been using this build through 50+ levels and I think it's pretty rad. I've been heavily using Endurance charges via a 4L with Ground Slam > Physical Damage > Life on hit > Endurance charge on Stun. Does anyone else use this skill with this build? Is this viable later in the game? The Endurance charges giving a passive 4% per charge damage reduction seems too good to pass up. 2) Life leach Vs Life gain on hit: Using napkin maths it seems that life on hit would be the better choice for Ground slam since you're aiming to use it on multiple targets. My Ground slam DPS seems pretty low (Around 800 DPS is what it states @lvl 56) I'm assuming this is per target? Many thanks for any help you can give. |
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" Also seems nice :) Just swap two of the 8% life in the Scion tree for the two life nodes right next to the Sovereignty: You still get get 2x8% life, but also 3% Buffs increase and +20str for free (Holy Strength) ;) 3% may not sound like much, but when you get more than 5 Auras in parties, it adds up! @tsxp: Like buzzinowt said, more life is always good. You could have a better Mace at your lvl... Also your Armor is not that great, only one (low or mid-range depending on how you see it) res and a bit of str... Try to find one with >80 Life and two res over 35% for cheap if possible. @Hexcell: 1) EndCharges are great and should be used, the thing is how to get them. Never tried ECoS myself, if you can deal with the loss of DPS (compared to using a dmg-giving support gem instead), then great :) Also the CwDT gem will works great with EndCry ;) 2) Many use the LGoH instead of LL for GS, because of one reason: it gives HP instantly (Leech is an "over time" thing). Never seen one use it in end game though... Also if you do more than a few K of DPS, the amount of HP you get from LL is much more than using LGoH instead. The "multiple targets hit" works like you said in both cases. One of the parameters of having high DPS is the links and the support gems you put in them. If you use two out of three slots in your 4L for non-dmg-giving gems (in your case LL and ECoS), then you will end up with low DPS :/ Do you have any other "x% of dmg Leech as life" in your gear? You could try replacing the LL and ECoS gems for dmg-giving gems and see if that works better, because higher DPS means higher life leeched. Use EndCry or WarlordsM to get you Charges in that case. Just a test, tests are useful :) PS Never have empty slots on your gear guys... Put in gems so you can lvl them up. Use the second weapon slot for that also ;) Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 25, 2013, 7:42:09 AM
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" Yeah you can see in the formula the more life you have the less chance to get stunned. I play a charachter with 3700 life without unwavering stance and i can say that i don't need it. Just try it out yourself. Just one point to spec out of it or a regret orb. |
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can somebody rate my gear?
71 lv 4,3k hp 7,7k hs 3,2k gs 6-7k arm 6 enduring stack all resses 77 chaos 25 hp regen 140(+ one from endurings) skill tree
the question is, should i focus on maxing chaos res? or better to get some nice regen/flat hp rings? how about maps and bosses, what stats are best to try out dominus on cruel/vaal merci. maps- ochrand boss, crew you. |
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Firstly Thanks for your GREAT GUIDE sir ^^
My Gear
passive skills
Heavy Strike:11k dps ~ Ground Slam : 7k ~ elemmantal res : 75 all Chaos Res: -21 Hp:3252 Def:8475 What do you think? Those stats normal for 71 lvl ? am i failing at passives? |
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" One thing i havent decide yet is where to go 1st, to the top for the auras or to the right, next to scion for hp ?. im 41atm Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Nov 26, 2013, 3:52:22 AM
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" In my opinion, definitely go for Life! I have no experience at using Auras at your lvl (not with the new 60% Auras/tree at least), so i don't know if it's a good idea or not :/ Like i said i run 2 Auras without the Sovereignty nodes and atm with only one mana-related stat: 2% Mana Leech. No mana regen stats (atm i have 8.9/sec) or +mana stats (463 Mana). I have 73 Mana left after Auras and my HS costs 28 (in GS i use BM gem). My mana pool comes from my Int stat (100-120 depending on gear). Also i find that i don't need WarlordsM any more... I can keep my mana up without it and Enfeeble is "autocasted" all the time due to CwDT. I have to say that this is possible now that GS does over 10K DPS, when i did 6-7K only 2% Mana leech was not cutting it... I try out different gear atm (not because of mana issues!), but here is my current:
Amulets i am trying out: Rings for second slot too many to post, lol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @kompaniet: You play in maps? You don't get stunned by map bosses at 3700HP? Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 26, 2013, 8:58:02 AM
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im a beginner and i cant understand one thing in this "noob marauder build", how basic attack skill gem, for example "heavy strike" can work in armour if it reguires an axe, mace, one or two handed sword ? I dont need to put it in weapon and other support gems to work proprly ? or what, need someone to explain
Last edited by AdmiralCarambas#6203 on Nov 26, 2013, 1:46:38 PM
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" It doesn't matter where you put the skill, it will always use your Weapons. But if your weapon is a Claw, then you can't use GroundSlam or Heavy Strike (or better GS will not work with that type of weapon). Simple misunderstanding ;) Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 26, 2013, 1:50:25 PM
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I cant decide between this
and this Items
(cruel) Res are 75 chaos 9 armor 1370 hp 1723 GS 1638 (gonna be higher soon when i get my lvled melee phys) 48lvl marad ========================================== " I dont get how you run x2 60% auras...reduced mana doesnt reduce that much... Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Nov 26, 2013, 6:00:44 PM
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