1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Could you guys give me some advice too?


lvl 66


Well you got nice gear :)
You have seen the CE effect, so it's a matter of preference... To sacrifice AoE for dmg or not, that is the question lol.
Well the Marohi will give you that 28% Increased AoE, so it cancels out the CE effect more or less.
Add me ingame, i can give you my Marohi for a quick test in Docks before you decide ;)

I am happy for you getting a 6L armor, but...
What is the matter with Dom people? Sold a 6L with those stats?
Sorry to say, but those stats are not good enough for a 6L... Life is "ok", but only one 13% res??? Never mind the >400 AR...

Must be a really low ilelvel item... Majestic Plate is lvl53 min, i don't think it's much higher. Check the ilevel and post if possible please (pick up the item on your cursor and type in chat box "/itemlevel" enter).

Still you can get up to 41% res if it's ilvl60 or higher (35% max if not), and up to 99 life if it's ilvl64 (89max for ilvl54).

You spend some currency for the 6L already, personally i would Alch it all day long until i got >70 life + 2x >30 res, and maybe a descend AR rating.
I mean honestly i vendor armors with those stats (no 6L ofc), i won't even sell them for 1chaos :/


Take the rest of the Scion Life Circle life nodes ASAP, 2.2K life is low for your lvl...
Take the Blood Drinker node.

Your gear isn't bad. However you could have some more life on them, for example i would trade that 316 AR for 90 Life in your belt any day of the week (high life + one high res belts are 1chaos in Standard)
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 27, 2013, 8:20:23 PM
I started with this build. Wound up down my own path. I dont like casting crap, so I skipped the charges. I'm at 73. What do you guys think?

4k life
2.5k dps ground slam
6.1k dps heavy strike
around 10% life leach
75/75/53/-10 resistance - Need some more light resist
4372 Defense - 37% reduction - could be better


Last edited by Airtech#2908 on Nov 27, 2013, 11:21:27 PM
pls rate my gear, i lost idea what to upgrade 74 lvl
4.4k hp, 5,5k arm->to 9,1k from determ
resses 77/77/77/49
7 endiuring stacks, ~210hp/s stackedup
using cwdt lvl 3 with immortal call+molten shell+inc duration. which make me a bit more extra tanky.



i'll be rly glad if i get any answer. Thanks!
Last edited by merandill#5667 on Nov 28, 2013, 4:04:30 AM

Thx for your offer but I've just bought it :)
It was 8 EX B/O so not that bad.

Now what I think of this upgrade:

Mahori is fcuking slow, but i got used to after 2 hour.

Concentrated effect + Increased Aoe from Mahori is the way to go.

Now I have 15K dps AoE and started to be affraid of physical reflect on some maps (and have 4500HP and 7 endurance charges).

The strange thing is that when I tried it w/o concentrated and I had dps same as with my recent weapon I noticed ,that killing Dominus was much quicker!!

Looks like it is better to have bigger per-hit damage and slower IAS than great weapon IAS with weaker damage (sorry for my english- it's obviously not native :D)

Other pros: My life leech is from Carnage Heart only and with much more physiscal from concentrated effect (70% boost) I heal myself much more.

So I am happy after all :D

Question: What should I upgrade in first place (not wealthy enought for 6L Marohi) ??
Will "Le Heup of All" be an upgrade for me?? Or not worth it??

Edit: Maybe rings with attack speed to speed up Marohi a bit ...
Last edited by skarbziemi#6662 on Nov 28, 2013, 4:31:34 AM
Airtech wrote:
I started with this build. Wound up down my own path. I dont like casting crap, so I skipped the charges. I'm at 73. What do you guys think?

4k life
2.5k dps ground slam
6.1k dps heavy strike
around 10% life leach
75/75/53/-10 resistance - Need some more light resist
4372 Defense - 37% reduction - could be better


You do realize that not having enduring cry and spending the points for endurance charges means that you will not have as much damage reduction or extra elemental resistances. With the extra endurance charges from the skill tree we get a grand total of six. That is 24% damage reduction and 24% extra elemental resistance.
hey! I've started playing this build because I havent play PoE before, so its all kinda new for me. I am currently lvl 49, act 3 on cruel (dominus left only, ill get 51 maybe before I'll encounter him)

anyway, my problem is that I feel that I got low dps and health, I have no idea what to do :f

my dps:
default attack: 286
leap slam: 298
heavy strike: 718
ground slam: 370
I got 1,9k hp, 1038 armor, 32% physical reduction, 75% elemental resistances (0% chaos)

skill tree

Last edited by obiwanek#3968 on Nov 28, 2013, 2:15:17 PM
Nice GS DPS :)

Max AS on a (Rare) ring is 7%, it helps the DPS a bit but it doesn't make any significan difference on how fast the attack "feels"...
Week old AS ring shots: http://imgur.com/a/G8xNK

What would help with the attack speed is using Faster Attacks gem instead of Added Fire Dmg. You should probably gain a bit of DPS too (depends of tree and other gear ofc).
Monty_The_3rd wrote:
...linked one support gem at a time to GroundSlam...
With Hatred Aura:
Only lvl19 GS on Marohi (base): 2318 DPS
with lvl16 ConcEffect: 3825
With lvl19 MeleePhysDmg: 3431
with lvl18 MultiStrike: 3414
with lvl19 FasterAttacks: 3167
with lvl19 AddFireDmg: 2970

*note i don't have the Lava Lash node

If you have an high lvl FA gem, try in on a linked item with at least red-red-green:
Only GS with AddFire and then only GS with FA. You should gain a bit DPS and it does make the attack faster ;)
Wanted to share my Tank version of this build. (has serve me well even on 78 maps.)
Now switching to Explo Arrow build.
Thanks to nas for his guide.

5k Life - 20.5% life leech HS - 12.5% life leech on GS
Vaal pact (from 1 life to 5k life in one hit GS - 4 hit HS)
17k dps on HS
13k dps on GS
15% block chance
7 end charge
Max resists (exept chaos)
7k armor (30k with both flask)

Passive tree



*GS=Groundslam HS=heavystrike
Timezone : Est (Gmt-5) --- Ign: LastMFtoBreathe
Last edited by LastMFtoBreathe#5644 on Nov 28, 2013, 7:29:45 PM
I'm currently lvl 75. Replaced some of my gear as suggested, sadly with one exception. Weapon.
I got a nice upgrade, but it still isn't considered a good weapon.
I have taken out of the resost nodes a lot, at some points i had more than 10 unallocated passive skillpoint, and my resists still were 77/77/77/xx.
I pumped them into more health and a bit of damage.
Decided to unspec from blood magic, instead use blood magic gems in 5links for skills.
I can run 2 auras on my mana, hatred and haste.
I'm thinking of Vaal Pact now, as it is only 3 nodes away. That would mean unspeccing all the health regen nodes tho. I dont know :P

Here's my current gear:

And my modified tree:

Do you see any major fuckups? (Random AGI/INT nodes are for gems, still need to figure that out with gear etc, im terrible at planning fucktilion steps into the future :P)
Last edited by Simsung#1729 on Nov 28, 2013, 7:43:36 PM

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