1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
DoctorDong that is one fine Carnage Heart you got there ;)
A pair of boots with 30% Move Speed would go a long way (>80 Life + one 40% res can go for 1chaos). |
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" Your Alt1 has SO low max mp and mp reg that i would hardly use my skills, not even being able to use 1 aura and survive, prove me wrong. Alt2 as alt1 Alt3 is incomplete. Btw i want you to help me once again, which one of those 3 would you prefer ? would i be able to run 2 auras w/o having problems with mana ? i guess im gonna have to use blood magic gem on your atl trees. Thanks in advance. If you'd liek to add items its Ldominator 1 - GS = 1755 (my build) 2 - GS = 1659 (your alt 1) 3 - GS = 1724 (your alt2) Im mostly worries about auras, on your buils my mana looks low im wondering if id be able to use 2...please tell me... Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Nov 22, 2013, 8:55:19 PM
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As others have noted NAS has SP's spent on 1h mace damage and health, I understand the reasoning behind it but would it not be just as beneficial to go to the cluster just southwest of US. If one had a way to spend 3-4 SP's there we could get 15% increased Stun Duration, 10%+ PhysDmg 2her w/ 6%+ MAx Life, 12%+ PhysDmg w/4%+ Max Lif, and Reaver 15%+PhysDmg 20% Increased ACC. The Increased ACC is the only part that makes that node iffy in my noobish opinion, considering RT makes it so we hit all the time anyways. And FYI I actually took time to read every post in here, when I started there were only 278 pages as of starting this post there were 283 pages.
I only add my two cents in games like this because during WoW classic I broke the Fury warriors are only good after getting T2 raid gear mold. Did not learn how to sword and board tank until BC dropped, and still got into raid groups when time allowed. Currently only lvl 14 in this game, why I have not posted gear or passives. But did want to ask about the viability of the aforementioned path to Reaver node? P.S Sorry for slight rambling, I really shouldn't do postings after 1230 AM. |
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First of all let me state that i don't pretend to have mastered the Aura use, but i have done quite a few tests and i currently use 2 Auras without taken the Sovereignty nodes and without too much mana-related gear. More notes: I can't try your gear in PoE Builder because i can't log in to your account (everyone can add only their own gear). Also as i said before, that site is accurate in the bonuses and stats (like +242% Life total), but it's final stats estimates (like 4500 Life) are not accurate, especially the DPS estimate. Although a higher poeBuilder estimate will 99.9% mean more real ingame DPS, the amount you gain in uncertain... Now, i posted those "examples" just for one thing: Life THEY ARE NOT "BUILDS" !!! Like i said you have too little life in your proposed build, i just wanted to show you that you can get the Sovereignty nodes without having to sacrifice so much life (and with same 93 points used). I said these were not "proposed builds to follow" ;) *Builds that i have really worked on are posted here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73072/page/273#p5446678 Once again my personal attempts for a build, not an expert! ;) You say that on my trees (they are not Builds) there is too little Mana: First of all the point is to use as much gear stats as you can, so you can free up tree points, much like with resistances. So if you plan to go Mana, you will need some mana gear also (like +Mana +Mana regen +Mana leech), otherwise you will have to spend a lot of skill points. Second the only difference i see between our builds is that you have taken the Mana Flows node(s). It is a great node, but it's not the kind of node that makes or breaks a build (like RT or BM), it's just some mana stats that you could easily get from gear instead. Unfortunately trying to estimate the end result real DPS is hard, personally i can only make rough estimates, so i can't be much of help :( Here is my to-fix tree at the moment, it's not optimized and i am still unsure about my "final" build :/
My stats (with gear) are 429str/145dex/110int, 457 Mana, 11.4 Mana regen/sec, 2% Mana leech. Running two Auras when solo, lvl19 Hatred and lvl18 Grace. When in parties i can switch to lvl19 Determination. I run my low-cost HS from mana and use a BM gem for GS. At this point solo i can run my 2 Auras with a few mana regen and 2% mana leech on gear stats, and without my Alpha's Howl. Using the extra mana leech from WarlordsM helps with high-life bosses, but it's not mandatory. In parties mostly i only run Hatred, since most of the times other people have Grace and Determination. Also most of the times there is someone using a high-lvl Clarity, which makes you forget about mana use... Once again, my earlier tests are here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73072/page/253#p5049607 The plan was to try and use the Sovereignty nodes and any gear i could in order to run 3 Auras (like i did pre Auras nerf), but as it turns out you rarely play solo at this high lvl (>80) and you get Auras from other members. And you don't need 3 Auras to get by in Docks/Lunaris/low-lvl maps (imo it's a bad idea to run >lvl70 maps solo). *All that from a guy that is sitting on 3 unused skill points and 15 Regrets since the release and still haven't decided on a final build xD Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 23, 2013, 6:16:20 AM
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" Thanks, you've been rly helpful, i decided to follow this, being bad or good im going to follow it anyawys ! And ill use reduced mana or sth else to get auras http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wJxBLMPzBLhFCAUTRiRGS4aOBv6Jd8n7SmlLdIxnjWSNug62DrhQT9KyE3YTeNOKlBHUFBR5lRJVw1YY1ivWfNfP2EhapNuaW6qcql07XgNe4x82YFvguSE2YTvh2qI8YqvjHaMz5ARkFWQbJHOnjyezZ_LogCkGaZXpmSnMKeEqWipbqmUrFmsqrQvtfK2Qbndvoq-p8APwBrG2MmY0EfSIdJN1I_V7dlh3sHkredS52PsOO8O8B_yL_JF8932SPe-_gr-jw==
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hey there!
first I wanna say thanks for this great build and extremely detailed description, I have lvl80 mara, and everything is going smoothly! anyway, i have a question about some skill points in a tree.. this may sound dumb, but i was wondering what is the difference between melee damage and physical damage if there is any? because in a skill tree, on a start, you picked that node "15% increased melee physical damage".. next to it there are 2 more "10% increased melee physical damage" nodes, one "10% increase two handed physical damage" and in the end that sweet "butchery" (20% incr. damage, +20 str) which you didn't pick up, so is there any reason that you didn't picked those few increase damage nodes? thanks! |
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At level 83 I feel I hit like a wet noodle compared to other classes while running maps. It seems I do 1/10th of the damage others put out. I've followed this build with some minor tweaks for attack speed/dmg.
My build: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wUtD8wUIBRxGJEZLhnpGjgaVRv6IPAl3yftKS4xnjIJNZI26DrhPfxAoEE_QapE50ZpR35KyE3jUEdQUFHmVElYY1ivWfNfOV8_YEthIWSjZU1nWGo7bEZuaW6qcmxyqXTteA1673uMfLh82YTZhO-HKYjxiq-Mz5BVmSueuaQZplemZKcwp4SpbqvFrFmsqrQvtfK53b2Bvoq-p8APwBrG2MmY0k3Uj93j3sHfv-St51LnY-8O8i_yRfPd9kj3Mve--Ov-jw== Stats: GS: ~12.2k (with multi + fire + Physical + attack speed + concentrated effect) Frost Strike: ~8.4k (fire + physical + attk speed) Armor: 12.4k HP: 4.7k Gear: I feel like dead weight running maps in groups with this build, ideas? |
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" I am just asking questions here because I feel that there are others here more qualified to be able to truly help you. 1. Why do you have item quality and culling strike in Glacial Hammer instead of multi + attack speed? 2. Why did you choose not to use Enduring Cry? Endurance charges give you extra damage reduction and extra elemental resistance if your elemental resistances are low, which the only one you are not at cap is cold at 73 if I calculated it correctly. You could also boost that with the endurance charges that are in the OP build. Endurance charges might even help cut the damage of chaos damage since your chaos resist is -24%. edit 3. Why did you not decide to choose Unwavering Stance to counter deadly stuns in maps? Sorry but that is all of the help that I can give you. I am still basically new to this game. I have only played it on and off since it went into open beta. Last edited by DoomCarpace#2161 on Nov 23, 2013, 4:38:11 PM
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" 1. was playing around with those gems 2. don't need charges, just move talent points around when i need some extra resist 3. stuns don't kill me, evasion provides better mitigation for me |
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nice marauder build
IGN:Jedi_Leba_Brate & Urielone (Domination)
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