1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

DjNanos wrote:
...I dont get how you run x2 60% auras...reduced mana doesnt reduce that much...

lvl19 Reduced mana has a 72% multiplier.
60x0.72 = 43.2% each Aura
2 Auras for 86% of your mana, with no other reductions in play.

This is from earlier today (i am testing Blood Rage, that's why i have Frenzy Charges):
You can see my mana through the GS tab, 503x86%= 433 reserved and i have 70 free.

Now about IR, i can't really say because it was much easier to get with the old tree and i took it early.
Also i use Unwavering Stance like most, so EV is worthless anyways.
Reasons i choose to take IR in my final build, in order of priority:
1) I use Unwavering Stance so i can't evade and i also don't care about losing the EV from Dex.
2) I know that it works great (better than Determ.) with Grace for more armor (6K base, 8.5K Determ, 11K Grace)
3) I could use hybrid AR/EV (or even full EV) gear without wasting the EV.

If you end up going no-UnwStance, then you might be better of without IR, i don't know.
You also might want to look into Blind gem if you go no-US...
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 26, 2013, 7:46:18 PM
I'm terrible at gearing my characters, would you guys recommend some improvements that need to be done right now?


Monty_The_3rd wrote:

lvl19 Reduced mana has a 72% multiplier.
60x0.72 = 43.2% each Aura
2 Auras for 86% of your mana, with no other reductions in play.

This is from earlier today (i am testing Blood Rage, that's why i have Frenzy Charges):
You can see my mana through the GS tab, 503x86%= 433 reserved and i have 70 free.

Now about IR, i can't really say because it was much easier to get with the old tree and i took it early.
Also i use Unwavering Stance like most, so EV is worthless anyways.
Reasons i choose to take IR in my final build, in order of priority:
1) I use Unwavering Stance so i can't evade and i also don't care about losing the EV from Dex.
2) I know that it works great (better than Determ.) with Grace for more armor (6K base, 8.5K Determ, 11K Grace)
3) I could use hybrid AR/EV (or even full EV) gear without wasting the EV.

If you end up going no-UnwStance, then you might be better of without IR, i don't know.
You also might want to look into Blind gem if you go no-US...

Which one would YOU pick as the best ?

This (here i can run 3x 60% and one 40% auras)

this (here i can run 3x 60% and one 40% auras)

this (here i cant run 2x 60% and one 40%)

and this (here i cant run 2x 60% and one 40%)

Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Nov 26, 2013, 8:45:49 PM
Simsung wrote:
I'm terrible at gearing my characters, would you guys recommend some improvements that need to be done right now?


I would say that your belt might be the first to upgrade due to the fact it does not boost your life.

This is my current weapon. It has slighty more dps than popular Marohi (430 vs 418)

Should I change it to Marohi 5L for built in 15lvl Increased Area and use it with Concentrated effect??

Or should I try to buy 6L weapon insted.

Marohi is so damn slow :(
Last edited by skarbziemi#6662 on Nov 27, 2013, 4:19:11 AM
Great guide, hoping I can do my first normal HC clear with this build!
You use LeapS and then HeavyS as a style of play? Weird skill gems placement...

5L on the Mace is nice, but 245DPS is too low for lvl70 :(
Like DoomCarpace said, you can find a much better belt than the one you use. Go for a Rustic Sash if you like the phys dmg bonus (10-15% less will not make such a difference) and get as much life and as many res as your can imo.

Boots are nice, if they also had 25-30% Move they would be even better :)
AR rating on your Armor is low, but high life and one 40% res is ok (plus 5L) so you can keep it a bit longer, a 5L replacement will not be cheap.

Make sure your res are always maxed, and put something useful on those empty slots on your gear!

Like i said before i am no expert, but personally i would go with the third tree.
That is because i don't care for more than 2 Auras (maaaaybe 3 if it was real easy), end game is mostly party play for me and others have Auras too. And i personally like IR...

If you want to use many auras then try to read threads about that, maybe on other build guides that are made for that...

Don't value what i think too high, i am just a noob xD
You need more opinions on this, preferably from experienced people that use more than 3 Auras...

Since you have a good 5L Mace, i would stay with that.
If you didn't have it, then it still would be a matter of personal preference between buying that or a Marohi.

You can use a 2L Red-Blue socket item from the ground and test how much ConcEffect reduces the range in practice (so you don't spend Chroms to try with your mace).
ConcEffect is not "only for Marohi users" ;)

If you have the currency to buy a 6L, that would be nice, but prices are too damn high...
Personally i don't think one more support gem is worth investing 30ex, unless all of your other gear are "perfect" and you have a huge amount of currency to spend...
What do you use for the rest of your gear?

And yes, the Marohi is slow :/
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 27, 2013, 8:56:42 AM

This is my current gear. I bought helmet, boots, chest and weapon (all for about 6EX- weapon was most expensive).

I tried with concentraded and dps boost is huge (from 9k to 14k dps with ground slam), but area is pretty small.
From the other hand, with Increased Area skill area is so wide that playing is much easier and safer.

And yes, 6L weapons are overpriced. 30EX is not worth that. I personaly never found any exalted orb and i am lvl 83 now :(
If I would like to pay 30ex for weapon than i would rather pay 35EX for 6L Marohi, cause with Increased AoE 15 lvl built in, it is like a 6,5L weapon to me :)
Last edited by skarbziemi#6662 on Nov 27, 2013, 10:27:47 AM

New armour, pretty nice !
But i'm balancing for other support gem

Last edited by DucYokpo#7008 on Nov 27, 2013, 4:08:11 PM

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