1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
@Monty_The_3rd : I know for my gear, i'm loonking for buying one, my dps is not satisfying.
For my armor, i must use 2 piece with 4L |
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--- Disclaimer: i am not an expert! ---
Just my personal opinions, just trying to help :D @DucYokpo: I know you need a 4L, but that armor is just crap, it has no useful stats on it :/ I don't know about the Domination prices, but a "cheap" piece (couple of chaos?) would benefit you a lot. If prices are too high, then maybe you could get a high-ilevel 4L white or blue armor for free/close-to-nothing and try to use a stack of Alts to roll >80 Life and one res over 30% on it. Not sure if it's worth it, just thinking out loud... Or you could take the plunge and go for a 5L high-Life + 2 high-res... Example of cheap armors than are far better than yours:
@Rauras: Your should find a better Mace, 226physDPS isn't that great for your lvl...Aim for at least 300 or over. You could boost your life pool if you had more/higher Life stats on your gear: +11 on the boots is really low, try to get gear with >70-80 life if possible. Remember that if you do high-DPS, monsters will die before they get a chance to harm you (not to mention higher DPS = higher Life leech). So higher DPS = higher survivability. You have problems in general in Lunaris, or just with one type of monster (for example the commonly named "titty bitches")? @DjNanos: First of all, respecing to mana for only 1 Aura doesn't worth it (for me anyways). Aim for at least one more, in your case Determination more likely (unless you go for IR) since Purity if nerfed (no +max res). Most important, what do you think of this build? Are having problems keeping your mana full? Do you think going to mana is worth it so far? Tried different Auras to see the results? Also this build is all about life, and you give away quite a few in your build... Not using the "Scion" life circle is a shame imo. Below are some alternative 93p trees, just so you can see different approaches (not suggesting either one) and compare the stats. *also use http://poebuilder.com, it's great because you can see all the stats and bonuses of your build and you can even put on your gear to see the results (but that last feature is not so accurate!!!)
Your Build:
http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wJxBLMFLQ_MEuEUIBRNFy8YkRkuGjgb-iXfJ-0t0jIJNug62ECgQT9Hfk3YUEdQUFHmVElV1lcNWGNYr1nzXz9gS2EhZOdlTWaebEZuaXJscql07XbneA1673zZgKSBb4TZhO-HKYx2jM-QVZHOnjyeuZ7Nn8uiAKQZpmSnMKeEqWipbqvFrKq0L7ndvoq-p8AaxLjG2MmY0iHUj9X42WHeweLq5K3nUuw47w7wH_Iv9kj3vvrS Alt1: http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAecCcQSzD8wUIBRNFm8XLxiRGS4aOB0UJKon7S3SMZ4yCTWSNug26TrYOuFBP0rITdhN41BHUFBR5lRJVcZV1lcNWGNYr1nzXz9k52aebEZuqnJscql4DXuMfNmApIFviPGMdozPj0aQVZHOnjyezZ_LogCmV6ZkpzCnhKloqW6sWayqtC-18rndwBrG2MmYz2XQ0NIh1I_ZYd7B42rkredS52PsOO8O8B_yL_JF8932SPe--tL-Cv6P Alt2: http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAecCcQSzBS0PzBLhFCAUTRcvGJEZLho4GlUn7S3SMZ4yCTWSNug26TrYOuFBP0rITdhN41BHUFBR5lRJVdZXDVhjWK9Z818_YEthIWSjZOdmnmdYbEZuqnJscql07XgNeu97jHzZgKSBb4TviPGMdozPkFWRzp48ns2fy6IAplemZKcwp4SpaKlurFmsqrQvtfK53cAaxtjJmNIh1I_ZYd7B42rkredS7DjvDvAf8i_z3fZI97760v6P Alt3: http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wJxBLMPzBQgFE0XLxiRGS4aOBv6Jd8n7S3SMZ4yCTWSNug26TrYOuFBP0d-SshN2E3jUEdQUFHmVElV1lcNWGNYr1nzXz9k52VNZp5sRm5pbqpybHKpeA182YCkgW-E2YjxjHaMz5BVkc6ePJ7Nn8uiAKQZplemZKcwp4SpaKlurFmsqrQvtfK53b6KvqfAGsbYyZjSIdSP2WHeweNq5K3nUuw47w7wH_Iv8kXz3fZI97760v6P Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 22, 2013, 6:01:41 AM
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@ Monty_The_3rd
i have problems with erverything thats not dead after a few groundslams xD My Endurence Charges keep me alive, thanks to Warlords Mark. Okay so i will look around for some better gear :) But its somehow hard to find a nice 5L Chest :/ Thx so far :) |
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Rauras you don't need to change all your gear at once, just get a better Mace for cheap and be on the lookout for any cheap high-life stuff ;)
Best Mace i found just now on poe.xyz is the high-AS 318physDPS Brimstone Smasher Colossus Mallet for 2alchs (=1chaos) at thread No 387071. Nice DPS upgrade for 1 chaos (or you can check often and try to find a closer or more than 350DPS for a bit more maybe). ![]() There is also the 307physDPS 4L Empyrean Wreck for 2chaos in thread 637084 and others, just bored to post all my findings... And are just the ones today, if you search for a couple of days you might end up finding a better deal for a better mace ;) Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 22, 2013, 6:58:47 AM
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oh wow thx man :D Helped me a lot, i'll try to get one of them :)
Edit: Got the Maul! it increased my Groundslam dps nearly by 1k! That should help :D Last edited by Rauras#4739 on Nov 22, 2013, 7:10:10 AM
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Thanks !
I don't already use "trading" but i will, i need some more currencies. Edit : 2 news friends in my stuff Pretty better, not perfect ! Last edited by DucYokpo#7008 on Nov 22, 2013, 8:32:19 AM
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Thank you Monty.
Can someone provide a good way yo set up poe.xyz.ls when searching for amulets and rings? |
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I initially started this build a long time ago and it served me well up until about level 52. I was in Act 1 Merciless, I believe, and my dps was just having too much trouble keeping up, especially in a group.
After release, I finally decided to revive this character rather than restart from scratch. Best decision ever. Dps was still rough at first, but I held out until 57 and got myself a new weapon, which changed everything. As soon as I hit 57 and got that weapon, I began progressing through Merciless. I am currently level 66 and I have completed up until Act 3 Dominus, all solo, with very little trouble. I plan on waiting for a few more levels and some gear upgrades before I tackle Dominus. I also started running a few maps to see how it holds up, and for the most part I am very happy. The only time I had any trouble was with a Dunes map where I was cursed with Vulnerability. My defense is still a bit weak, so the Blacksmith boss's Leap Slam move was hitting me really hard. Plus this was the first map that I had ever run, on any character, so I was only just learning strategy. Current gear:
Current passives: As you can see, I was able to respec out of many resistance nodes since my gear is giving me plenty. I run at 77 fire/cold res, but I'm still a little short at 59 lightning res. Chaos is -50, I believe, but so far that hasn't become a problem. I am aware that some of my gear is in desperate need of an upgrade (*cough* gloves *cough*), but I didn't want to invest any significant currency into pieces like that until I had reached endgame, which I now have. I'm not really sure where to go from here. Should I try to buy gloves, for example, for the stats and then try to 4L it myself, or spend the extra currency to get one that is already linked? As far as passives, I only have another 8-10 points I plan to use in the Templar area, past that I'm not sure where I want to spec. Any suggestions? |
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Thanks so much, if in case you see this, please help for my build a bit, I am considering whether should I still get all keystones of life regain or I should get shield up?
Thanks, Build thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/635204/page/1#p5582167 |
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How much DPS would you think this build likely be able to put out with a megil's and abyssus at level 70? I'm trying to compare it to my facebreaker build I have right now to see if it would get better numbers.
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