Barrage Wonder Wanderer – how to DEMOLISH maps (1.3.X)
" I rolled a RRRB on my alpha howl in about 50 chroms.. not worried about it lol |
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Perfect crafting base for this build still for sale. ilvl 79 with glyphic and 2nd tier crit.
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Hi there, nice build. I have a couple questions;
1)The build looks very powerful in the videos but those are only lvl 68ish maps(I think), is anyone able to do higher level maps as in 75+? 2) So it looks like EK + Arc is the way to go for single target dps? 3) I have these laying around what combination of them do you think is the best? or are they all garbage? Last edited by Jungle09#6666 on Feb 20, 2014, 4:03:02 PM
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" 1) Dunno. I´m only lvl 66 atm but have done some random magic/rare maps lvl 66-68 without major problems. Piety is doable. Dominus hits me like a train/truck whatever. 2) I use EK/Arc or EK/Skellies for harder stuff (New Hillock Map Boss just stands in front of the skellies) 3) MORE CRITZ! 9.2 is pretty low but manageable if u use powercharge on crit. Get some 10+ crit wands. It´s the most needed offensive stat and is cheap to get. at least if you dont care for the other mods. I just use the cheapest 10+ crit wands i´ve found (1chaos). Last edited by CupcakeFactory#5842 on Feb 20, 2014, 5:05:33 PM
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" Yup, just get yourself wands with 10+% critchance. When using power charges (preferably 5, one from merciless bandit quest and the one from the shadow part of the tree) it's possible to max out your critchance whitout taking all the extra crit nodes available (I did not have to take the two clustes with only 15% nodes for example). That frees up around 10 points for extra life & resistances. Worst thing about the build for me so far are rogue exiles that use viper strike. Killing them is no problem, but afterwards the poisoning gets me most of the times. Gonna try out playing the build whitout vaal pact when the mini expansion comes out since i feel the damage returned might be sustainable with a quality life leech gem and a bit careful play, because the original build was intended with double use of EK which no longer works and therefore only half the physical damage is returned. Or has anyone tried playing without VP so far and can confirm that it still almost always instakills when hitting reflect mobs? IGN: Donkiekong
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" I tried switching to Vaal pact at 67 and at 75 and I absolutely hated it. Currently 77, playing without Vaal pact and I think it's much better. For reflect maps, I switch EK with an elemental spell, which lowers the damage but makes them doable. For single reflect packs: I have a surgeon's granite flask of iron skin and another surgeon's flask for evasion. I just hit them both at the same time and kill the reflect pack without issues. If you don't notice there's a reflect boss and shoot without granite+evasion flask, it hurts, but it's not suicide. I don't think Vaal Pact is good enough for life-based builds, its drawbacks are too big. You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers | |
" What would you guys swap out for pcoc in a 5link? For me it seems like chain is only option. This makes barrage-coc-EK-life leech-pcoc, which probably will get me higher single target dps, but what about the AoE damage, can you say something about that? Also, i just specced VP in lvl 69 on hardcore, and its painfull atm, struggeling without life flasks. Going to try it in some maps today and if i dont get used to the playstyle soonish im gonna swap back to pots. Last edited by SylvTheMonnin#0437 on Feb 21, 2014, 8:18:16 AM
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" DO NOT use VP in Hardcore! It commits you to the fight and you can't kite or use hit and run! This is the main reason VP is used mostly by energy shield builds. About chain: I stopped using it completely. It nerfs your EK damage and doubles the mana cost. AOE dps is still great, you just have to run around and target a bit more. Chain sucks for this build IMHO. I'm with a 5-link too, I run precisely barrage-coc-EK-life leech-pcoc and it works great. I also have a 4-link setup with barrage-coc-EK-summon skeletons and my typical fight looks like that: proc skeletons with the 4-link setup => proceed with the 5-link attack => hit with the 4-link from time to time to renew skeletons. Try it, it's basically easymode. But you need to be very careful to not attack phys reflect with the 4-link attack since it has no life leech and you'll probably suicide. You have to be realistic about these things. Logen Ninefingers Last edited by Bars#2689 on Feb 21, 2014, 9:02:57 AM
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Thanks alot for answers Bars. Read this skele stuff some pages back and have been wanting to
try it aswell. Currently i only get skellies from CwDT, but ill try the 4link settup with coc. The problems you are talking about with VP seems to fit my experience with it aswell. This becomes like a fucking yolo-build with VP, because i have to stand there and hope for the best, not optimal for HC indeed. What did you use your points on instead of that long way to VP? Atm i kinda need the diamond skin down there to cap my resists, so cant specc out of there just yet. Last edited by SylvTheMonnin#0437 on Feb 21, 2014, 9:20:49 AM
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" Just wait until you have to fight undying fucking evangelists or poison alchemists or Wharf map boss or you meet some of the stronger rogue exiles in a map with VP (I can continue to add "or"s). It's like RIP in a bottle. My tree at 78: I thought about re-speccing the whole diamond skin section but I calculated I couldn't find more effective ways to get life and resists. The 4 life nodes above diamond skin are great. The 1.5% life regen node is quite good because it counters DoTs and makes maps with chaos damage per second a piece of cake. Also, you have the option to get +1 endurance charge which is also not bad at all, I just don't feel I need it for the moment. edit: skellies with CoC are borderline imbalanced, because: - you spawn them right on top of your target. It's like a targetable meatshield. With CwdT, they spawn next to you. - you spawn the maximum number with one barrage and when you level them to 16 they are 6 and are actually durable with your grace/purity auras - you have complete control not only where, but when to spawn them You have to be realistic about these things. Logen Ninefingers Last edited by Bars#2689 on Feb 21, 2014, 9:25:11 AM