Barrage Wonder Wanderer – how to DEMOLISH maps (1.3.X)

Bars wrote:
juice777 wrote:
Hey guys

I've followed this build up to level 63 so far. I'm looking to change into EK now but my Int is way too low to pick up a high level wand. What am I missing?

[The full passive tree shown only provides for 133 Int, and then where the OP shows his equipped gear there's an amulet that gives +18 all attributes (i.e. 151 Int total) but the wands have min requirement of 188 Int?]

Romira's Banquet
PS. Got a lucky drop yesterday that seems to be working well with ST:

No more mana problems and its adding about 4-5% effective chance to crit on my current gear

Edit: Shared my experience with Romira's Banquet unique diamond ring

I'm leveling the same build. I have some bonus intelligence from gear so I can use serpent wands (158 int required). The thing is, wand damage doesn't matter so you can use a lower level wand without problems. When I swithed to CoC, I bought two serpent wands from the vendor and hit them with alterations until I got ~10% critical chance on both. You just need to roll the improved crit chance bonus, nothing else is essential. I burned about 60 alterations (equal to about 4 chaos orbs), but I was impatient and it got the job done.

edit: man, barrage with gmp is AMAZING. It deals exactly twice as much single target damage as barrage with chain!

LMP is higher Single Target Damage, and I believe Faster Attacks would be higher still (Or Added Fire if you have a red instead). Chain is higher AoE damage however

Assuming 4L -> Barrage, <spell>, CTCoC, <green>:
Nothing -> 4 Hits -> 3.52 EK per Crit -> 3.52x raw Cast Damage
Chain (AoE) -> 12 Hits -> 10.56 EKs per Crit -> 5.28x raw Cast damage (Chain is -50% damage)
-> 5.28x * 3 = 15.84x damage over AoE due to Cast Chaining
Chain (Single Target) 4 Hits -> 3.52 EK per Crit -> 1.76x raw Cast
Fork (AoE) -> 12 Hits -> 10.56 EKs per crit -> 7.39x raw Cast
GMP -> 8 Hits -> 7.04 EKs per crit -> 3.52x raw (-50% modifier)
LMP -> 6 Hits -> 5.28 EKs per crit -> 3.7x raw (-30% modifier)
Added Fire -> 4 Hits -> 3.52 EK per Crit -> 4.79x raw (+39% Modifier, ignoring quality), only applies with EK being cast

Numbers above assume all projectiles hit. Fork is most vulnerable to wasted projectiles, and Chain can be vulnerable depending on enemy spread.

Faster Attacks on the surface is not hugely beneficial, it doesn't add extra projectiles. However it does increase Crits per Second, which leads to more Casts per Second.
Faster Attacks -> 4 Hits -> 3.52 EK per crit -> 3.52x raw

44% Attack Speed * 1.5 speed Wand * .67 (barrage Multiplier) = +.44 APS, +.486 when Dual Wielding
54% AS (20/20 Faster) * 1.5 speed Wand * .67 = +.54 APS, +.597 when Dual Wielding.

Assuming 75% Crit
3.52x Damage * (.44 * .75) = 4.687x raw, 4.80x raw DW
3.52x Damage * (.54 * .75) = 4.95x raw, 5.096x raw DW

GMP does do 2x the damage of Chain, however it provides absolutely no significant benefit in damage over having an empty slot for single target DPS. (38% Increased Damage, however that is additive and includes a 50% Less (multiplicative) damage, net result would be a decrease in damage unless you have no +spell or +projectile damage).

Chain is the most dependable AoE damage, since with 2 enemies each will be hit 3 times (chain between them) as opposed to once each.

Faster Attacks is probably the best single target increase since it increases # of crits. Added Fire will add more damage under some conditions, but with enough crit and attack speed Faster Attacks will add more damage with EK.
IGN: Tresmere, Mariela, Manyella
Usually online M-F 5-6p EST - Varies on Weekends.
@Bars thanks for the quick reply!

@Zinsho I've been testing different combinations of support gems and my experience agrees with your analysis. A few points to add:
1) Chain can cause EK to fire-off in any direction whereas LMP/GMP/Faster Attacks will only shoot out a cone directly ahead of the player.
2) Quality on LMP gives faster attack speed and faster cast speed which increases procs per second further.
3) Some monsters are more difficult to crit than others. Chain helps to get some shots in on the easy-to-crit monsters when the difficult-to-crit monsters are blocking the path

On the side, I'm trying to understand the crit mechanics of this build. Does this seem right?:
- Barrage crits cause CoC to proc
- Barrage is an attack so we need % increased crit chance to increase procs per second
- EK crits are independent of Barrage crits. EK crits are affected by both % increased crit chance and % increased spell crit chance

I'm not so sure about the last point. It looks like EK crits are actually dependent on Barrage crits. My reasoning is that the monsters always seem to shatter when killed by EK.
1) Cast on Crit will cause EK to fire at any enemy hit by a critical projectile. Chain can cause the projectiles to end up going in multiple directions. All other Links (or empty) will only fire 'forward' because no targets will be hit in other directions.

Fork is a partial exception. It will spread wider because of the Y shaped split.

2) Anything that provides +%Attack Speed will increase procs per second all else being equal.

3) By virtue of Evasion affecting both on Chance to Hit and the secondary Crit Roll some monsters will be harder to land critical strikes on.

Build/Cast on Crit Mechanics
- Weapon-skill (Barrage) crits result in CtCoC procs (up to 88% chance on a given crit
- Attack Crits (Base chance, % from gear, % from tree) will increase # of procs
- Attack speed (base weapon and from other sources) increases procs per second by increasing casts per second.
- EK Crits are independent from my experience. EK gets +%Crit from Global and from Spell, but not from any that are specific to weapons such as the Twin Terrors node.

They can be slightly harder to distinguish however, especially with Hatred. Run it with Added Fire or Added Lightning (or equivalent auras) and you may have more luck viewing the Crit results. If a Proc is always Crit then you will always have shocked/ignited enemies. If you get some that are not, then they are independent.
IGN: Tresmere, Mariela, Manyella
Usually online M-F 5-6p EST - Varies on Weekends.
I confirmed that EK crits are independent from attack crits. My wands had high +% spell crit so EK was critting alot.
@Zinsho: when I wrote that thing about GMP, I was being completely retarded. I forgot GMP's minus damage modifier applies to EK. Of course it doesn't double the single target damage.

edit: when I reached the piety/early maps stage, I had huge survivability issues. After a lot of respecs and different gem testing, I'm very happy to say everything is great now. I could actually kill Kole completely safely and had him on farm mode on my way to Lunaris 3 at level 67 lol :D Total gear worth: 1 exalt for Maligaro's, 2 chaos for two 10% crit wands, 3 chaos for a 5-link armor, 2 chaos for a decent double resist + high armor helm.

/brag end
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Feb 13, 2014, 5:25:25 AM
I´ve been Leveling with this build to lvl57 now and it´s amazing.

Used 4L COC - Chain - Barrage - EK(20%) as soon as it was possible.
I think it was around lvl 31 for Chain. Got me 2 Wands with 9+ Crit
and started demolishing Ledge and stuff.

But I have to say that it can be quite frustrating with only around 40-45%
Crit chance and BIGGEST issue was low lvl COC. Can be pain in the a** to die
to one normal mob at 1% health just because no crit luck...

Now I have this equip:

Have spend around 5.5 Exalts now. Jewelry, boots and belt I had in my stash
and needs some upgrading as soon as I have got some currencie again.

Have to test if it is better to swap the crit gem for arc or something else
but atm I like the 75% crit chance on Barrage. But maybe I´ll get myself
a 5L Chest in near future for better defences.

and some stat screens

Really need more life (1.55k atm), resistances and armor.

I´m still farming Ledge sometimes and making my way towards Merweil without major
problems so far.

Great Build and my first offensive build after 2 Chars with 95% defensive nodes picked up.

- if you swap increased critical with power charge on critical, you'll have +50% crit chance only with 3 power charges. One crit with barrage and you generate 3 power charges on the spot because of the way barrage works.

- wear a summon skeletons gem and swap it with chain for tough single targets or dangerous/tricky situations. It works wonders. Also, chain is amazing against packs but it lowers your EK damage considerably and it's actually a DPS nerf against single targets. So, by swapping skeletons with chain, your dps will remain respectable in most situations, will go up considerably against single targets and the survivability / comfort boost will be amazing. I used this to farm lunaris 3/ piety comfortably from 65 to 70 in order to level and build up my map pool. I don't have a 6-link, only a 5-link, so I swap power charge on critical with skellies depending on the situation. Tough map / tough map mods: run whole map with skellies; Tough boss: switch to skellies for boss. Easy map: whole map run with power charge on critical. Works great.

- get a level 1 ranged spell + culling strike + increased rarity on weaponswap to finish off bosses OR link one of your wands with power siphon level 1, which has an in-built culling strike, + item rarity to finish off any low-hitpoint targets reliably. This is the most easy and comfortable solution if you can afford to use one three-link item for it.

- buy or craft a surgeon's granite flask of iron skin if you don't have one already. If you compare the chance of crafting it yourself with alterations and augments, it roughly translates to 3-4 chaos orbs, which at current market prices means buying it is an acceptable alternative.

p.s. and get a resist/life amulet

p.p.s. if you have the reduced mana reservation from the two influence clusters and a decent-leveled reduced mana gem, you can run with grace + hatred + purity. This will leave you with just enough mana to cast barrage if your only manacost-increasing support gems are CoC, PCoC and life leech. With clarity on blood magic you'll be able to sustain the mana cost without issues. That will leave you with: barrage + coc + pcoc + life leech + EK and you'll be able to put skellies or a second spell like arc or fireball in the sixth slot.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Feb 16, 2014, 6:48:43 AM
Bars wrote:

- if you swap increased critical with power charge on critical, you'll have +50% crit chance only with 3 power charges. One crit with barrage and you generate 3 power charges on the spot because of the way barrage works.

- wear a summon skeletons gem and swap it with chain for tough single targets or dangerous/tricky situations. It works wonders. Also, chain is amazing against packs but it lowers your EK damage considerably and it's actually a DPS nerf against single targets. So, by swapping skeletons with chain, your dps will remain respectable in most situations, will go up considerably against single targets and the survivability / comfort boost will be amazing. I used this to farm lunaris 3/ piety comfortably from 65 to 70 in order to level and build up my map pool. I don't have a 6-link, only a 5-link, so I swap power charge on critical with skellies depending on the situation. Tough map / tough map mods: run whole map with skellies; Tough boss: switch to skellies for boss. Easy map: whole map run with power charge on critical. Works great.

- get a level 1 ranged spell + culling strike + increased rarity on weaponswap to finish off bosses OR link one of your wands with power siphon level 1, which has an in-built culling strike, + item rarity to finish off any low-hitpoint targets reliably. This is the most easy and comfortable solution if you can afford to use one three-link item for it.

- buy or craft a surgeon's granite flask of iron skin if you don't have one already. If you compare the chance of crafting it yourself with alterations and augments, it roughly translates to 3-4 chaos orbs, which at current market prices means buying it is an acceptable alternative.

p.s. and get a resist/life amulet

p.p.s. if you have the reduced mana reservation from the two influence clusters and a decent-leveled reduced mana gem, you can run with grace + hatred + purity. This will leave you with just enough mana to cast barrage if your only manacost-increasing support gems are CoC, PCoC and life leech. With clarity on blood magic you'll be able to sustain the mana cost without issues. That will leave you with: barrage + coc + pcoc + life leech + EK and you'll be able to put skellies or a second spell like arc or fireball in the sixth slot.

- PCoc is awesome! Why didnt I thought about it...

- Skellies are pretty funnie. Using them all time atm as it´s much safer.
I dont miss chain that much. Even packs are dieing fast.

- I´m "using" PS atm. Most of the time everything pops into crushed ice before I´m even
able to think about PS...

- Got Surgeon Iron Skin Flask after 2 Alts (66% only but meh... 10k armor... pfff) :D


Life and Res... Somewhat crappy but best I had...
Will cost a bit to get a decent amulet :/

p.p.s. Running Hatred + Clarity on Mana atm. Only have one cluster specced atm.
More to come.

THANK YOU!!!! <3 no homo
Last edited by CupcakeFactory#5842 on Feb 16, 2014, 10:32:44 AM
You're welcome :) When you start mapping, you'll also need grace, an additional flask with +%evasion (any random buff flask + increased evasion will work, a jade flask is optimal but expensive) and at least 2500 hitpoints (i'm with 3300 at lvl 75 currently and I could definitely use more) to level up and farm comfortably.

Up until now, I had no issues with phys reflect - I pop the granite flask and kill them, but as my EK level goes up (17 currently), it's beginning to hurt and i'll probably try vaal pact soon.

I also specced a bit more life nodes than the original guide and i'm using a double resist helm instead of rat's nest, feels much better that way. I can get + 50% crit chance with 2 skill points for the nearby power charge node if I want and I really need the defensive benefits of a normal helm with my crappy gear.

Also currently experimenting with a second barrage + coc + raise zombie + raise skeleton in my boots cause i don't have a 6-link so I really need that PCoC in my main attack. The barrage-crit-zombie-skeleton thing also works. Not as easy and automatic as when your main attack is auto-casting skellies, but it's a good compromise.

I guess that more or less covers my adventure with this fun spec thus far :) Cheers.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
I have re-done my adaptation of your build with the dodge passives + vaal paact.

I have went another route getting more aura nodes + getting more crit.

LMk what you think of it

PS: I dropped the 3 block passives with DW, it is great, but in this route imo there are more important nodes.

- The remaining nodes would go into life nodes, so many options such as 8/8/12 and 8% 20 str ones

ehh vaal pact + lifereg? u sure?

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