ggg needs to take steps to make spells more approachable

shifted1119 wrote:
Some people are crying a little too much to be taken seriously.

If caster weapons could only roll caster stats, of which there are like not even 10, they would all be boring and too good.

And spell casters aren't total unplayable crap at level X, they feel fine for most of the game. You're always going to be able to steamroll early content with a good twink weapon, so if you're comparing yourself to some Geoffrey's Baptism ST you might feel weak.

What really doesn't feel fair though is stuff like leech on gear. Mana is supposed to be a resource, but some builds take a 2% mana leech node and they're set for 1 passive point. Meanwhile here casters are spending 10+ points on max mana and regen, and a Life Leech gem is virtually mandatory.

On top of being able to leech without gem slots, physical attackers encounter practically zero resistance to their damage throughout the entire game. There need to be more blocking and dodging mobs because even with max level curses there are some mobs that still have 75% resistance to your element.

almost all of the things you listed as the problems in your post is what we also list as the problems.

and addition of caster item mods like elemental penetration/flat spell damage/ES on hit/leech from spells/etc would greatly help with mitigrating almost all of those issues. Then you can have caster only weapons with a pool of affixes/suffixes almost as big as normal attack weapons.

p.e. you would have a pool of:
increased spell damage increased casting speed (2)
increased fire/lightning/cold damage (3)
+added fire/lightning/cold spell damage (3)
fire/lightning/cold penetration (3)
leech from spells/es per hit (2)
minion mods (2-3)
+mana, +mana regen (2)
critical strike/multiplier for spells (2)
resistances (4)

that is at least 24 different affixes/suffixes, with let's say 9 tiers each similar to normal ones, that is a pool of 225 affixes/suffixes. I think getting the 6 you want won't be that easy, in fact, almost as easy it is for current attack weapons.

edit: if you add in general nodes, i think the pool doesn't even get smaller:

remove: physical damge, %physical damage, local critical, accuracy, accuracy+light, as, 3 weapon elemental damages, %weapon elemental damage, leech, life per hit
so you remove 12
add: lightn/fire/cold spell damage, lightn/fire/cold pen, leech from spells, es per spell hit, minion nodes (3)
so you add 11

1 less affix/prefix won't make you roll "godly" gear easily.
Last edited by shroudb#3225 on Dec 9, 2013, 8:26:32 AM
Just want to chime him... I've played about 15 characters to end game since open beta. I usually play weapon users (mostly melee).

Two of my latest characters were spell casters. Holy cow does it suck. When you get to merc, 1/3 of the mobs you will do no damage unless you have the right curse and ele penetration support. And even then, these resist mobs will still take twice as long to kill as regular mobs, easily.

Now add to that the hoops you have to go through to support the high mana cost of 4L+ spells, how ES sucks as a defense unless you have end game CI gear... man, spellcasters need help.

Last edited by Thalandor#0885 on Dec 9, 2013, 8:40:58 AM
shroudb wrote:
shifted1119 wrote:
Some people are crying a little too much to be taken seriously.

If caster weapons could only roll caster stats, of which there are like not even 10, they would all be boring and too good.

And spell casters aren't total unplayable crap at level X, they feel fine for most of the game. You're always going to be able to steamroll early content with a good twink weapon, so if you're comparing yourself to some Geoffrey's Baptism ST you might feel weak.

What really doesn't feel fair though is stuff like leech on gear. Mana is supposed to be a resource, but some builds take a 2% mana leech node and they're set for 1 passive point. Meanwhile here casters are spending 10+ points on max mana and regen, and a Life Leech gem is virtually mandatory.

On top of being able to leech without gem slots, physical attackers encounter practically zero resistance to their damage throughout the entire game. There need to be more blocking and dodging mobs because even with max level curses there are some mobs that still have 75% resistance to your element.

almost all of the things you listed as the problems in your post is what we also list as the problems.

and addition of caster item mods like elemental penetration/flat spell damage/ES on hit/leech from spells/etc would greatly help with mitigrating almost all of those issues. Then you can have caster only weapons with a pool of affixes/suffixes almost as big as normal attack weapons.

p.e. you would have a pool of:
increased spell damage increased casting speed (2)
increased fire/lightning/cold damage (3)
+added fire/lightning/cold spell damage (3)
fire/lightning/cold penetration (3)
leech from spells/es per hit (2)
minion mods (2-3)
+mana, +mana regen (2)
critical strike/multiplier for spells (2)
resistances (4)

that is at least 24 different affixes/suffixes, with let's say 9 tiers each similar to normal ones, that is a pool of 225 affixes/suffixes. I think getting the 6 you want won't be that easy, in fact, almost as easy it is for current attack weapons.

edit: if you add in general nodes, i think the pool doesn't even get smaller:

remove: physical damge, %physical damage, local critical, accuracy, accuracy+light, as, 3 weapon elemental damages, %weapon elemental damage, leech, life per hit
so you remove 12
add: lightn/fire/cold spell damage, lightn/fire/cold pen, leech from spells, es per spell hit, minion nodes (3)
so you add 11

1 less affix/prefix won't make you roll "godly" gear easily.


that's exactly the point, right now, spellcaster have too little choice, like the whole loot system is serving attack char , while witches can only watch! melee char normally can take a dozen damage nodes and rely heavily on gear, and casters can only count on ES, everything else comes from passive tree( want a lightening build? take those 6% crap nodes, not even a 18%). and above all, spell leech, that's it.

as for your suffixes pool, some elemental ailment could be fun too.

i think we could also bring something knew to minions, those passive point looks too dull, a weapon give zombie leap slam could be fun, although this is not at all impoortant.
I would like to see reaction from people if every weapon/rings/amulets/belts/gloves had chance to roll every affix/suffix.
Dat feel when your good drop Twohanded axe got last mod as mana regen :D.
I would like to just come back and address people saying there are too few spell affixes as a reason for why there are no dedicated spell items.

that is entirely gggs fault. I sincerely doubt it would take much effort to come up with new affixes to round everything out.

regardless, new affixes would be needed anyway, since a large factor to why there are so few good spell caster items , is that large disparity between the number of spell affixes and the number of weapon affixes.

the gap must narrow at the very least.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Dec 9, 2013, 10:08:42 AM
the gap must narrow at the very least.
_Madus wrote:
I would like to see reaction from people if every weapon/rings/amulets/belts/gloves had chance to roll every affix/suffix.
Dat feel when your good drop Twohanded axe got last mod as mana regen :D.

not every item of course, there's no reason for a two-handed axe rolling a spell damage suffix, or mana regen in this case.

but others like gloves/belts, why not? more useful suffix give us more choices, and witches seems lack of those choices. i admit there're some changes that should come along with it, like a spell related affix wont generate attack-specific attribution, but that's not hard, we already get something like it.
They could add a new orb to game. you use it on a white item and have it gain the name of weapon "of magic" and then it would only roll spell useful affixes such as +elemental gem levels and cast speeds ect. And add one for melee and it could be an "of battle" and then it only rolls melee affixes. Then people can finally roll things like daggers and staves wands ect to their liking.
Last edited by Dravkwn#1191 on Dec 9, 2013, 10:50:23 AM
fxyo wrote:

_Madus wrote:

So axes/hammers/bows and other "noncaster" weapons are all boring now and too good?

No, but they need to have high values for 2 mods, IPD and Flat Phys, to be worth using in the first place. You might be tempted to say we need Spell Damage and Spell crit in high values too, so it's all the same, but it's really not when that weapon damage is the equivalent of our base spell damage. That's also why they scale better.

shroudb wrote:

almost all of the things you listed as the problems in your post is what we also list as the problems.

I said 'some people'. This thread will get bad fast if every post is "spells suck" with nothing constructive to add. You mentioned passive elemental penetration and that's one of my favorite things from the thread. At this point I want to see a Witch tree reworking with a couple new things going for it. As it stands right now I think the Witch tree is inefficient crap.

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