We players want an Auction House.

Gosh, PoE has a weird community. Every day I see "Don't put in an AH, it makes trading too easy!" and "Don't change item crafting to rely less on the RNG, it makes crafting too easy!" and "Don't mess with the death penalty, it makes leveling too easy!"

To run end-game content you need to trade. Or farm for 40 hours a week and pray for good drops. Any suggestion to simplify the process is instantly derided by a vocal minority. We understand that you are OMG SO HARDCORE, but I just don't understand why providing more in-game freedomis bad. I see where you are coming from with your concerns about the economy, but the economy could really use some soviet-style inflation. Even if everyone's orbs multiplied by a thousand tomorrow, the currency would not be worthless. I fell in love with the idea of items as currency, BUT THEY AREN'T ITEMS IF NOBODY IS USING THEM TO CRAFT. They become gold that takes up inventory space. Can anyone honestly tell me that they have used a Mirror of Kalendra as a crafting item?

I think we need to make a distinction in our minds between something being difficult vs something just being time-consuming. I have no problem with a game being difficult, but I dislike it when a person is considered HARDCORE because they can spend every waking moment spamming the trade channels.

Do I worry that the increasing prevalence of casual gamers is moving the industry in directions that I don't want it to go? I sure am. I don't think it will ever turn PoE into Hello Kitty Adventure Island, though.

It doesn't have to be a brand-name Auction House®, but I would love for a friendly system to replace the trade channels.
We do not want an auction house.
I'm not "HARDCORE" but still don't want AH.

Neither want anything that will make this more like Diablo 3.

Don't get me wrong, i LOVE Diablo 2 and spent YEARS playing with one friend... and we found, all by ourselfs, almost every item (all but whole Griswold set and Tyrael's Might). No Bnet or any AH or something...
And, yes, never played Diablo 3 'cause I just don't like the idea behind it - to be a big milking cow for Blizzard.

And stuff like AH and trading for real money and shit makes game something different - not a game for fun and love (and I'm in 'cause of that).

go play D3... ah no they take the AH and RMAH out because its just shit...

and trading so much more fun than AH.. was one of the main reasons i quit playing D3...
❝ Wraeclast SAIN†S ❞
Timonist wrote:
Gosh, PoE has a weird community. Every day I see "Don't put in an AH, it makes trading too easy!" and "Don't change item crafting to rely less on the RNG, it makes crafting too easy!" and "Don't mess with the death penalty, it makes leveling too easy!"

Because most suggestion are way to extreme. It's not that I (or we) don't want changes to the trading-system, but an AH is the most extreme form of mass-trading. It has a really bad influence on the economy and if you put something like this ingame, items you find will soon have no worth anymore. Games like D3 or Guild Wars 2 are pretty good examples why AH are NOT good. At first they seem to make our life easier, but in the long run it makes it worse.

Timonist wrote:
To run end-game content you need to trade. Or farm for 40 hours a week and pray for good drops. Any suggestion to simplify the process is instantly derided by a vocal minority. We understand that you are OMG SO HARDCORE, but I just don't understand why providing more in-game freedomis bad. I see where you are coming from with your concerns about the economy, but the economy could really use some soviet-style inflation. Even if everyone's orbs multiplied by a thousand tomorrow, the currency would not be worthless. I fell in love with the idea of items as currency, BUT THEY AREN'T ITEMS IF NOBODY IS USING THEM TO CRAFT. They become gold that takes up inventory space. Can anyone honestly tell me that they have used a Mirror of Kalendra as a crafting item?

There are enough people who use them to craft (including myself). Ofc it is easier to just buy the item you want, but especially in endgame crafting is a more efficient way then searching for a special setup of an item.

And it has nothing to do "OMG IM SO HARDCORE", we just dont want to make the same mistakes as other games do. Other games are made for the mainstream, therefore EVERYTHING is held very easy and intuitive. For the mainstream it's good, because it's not challanging at all and communication between players is reduced to a minimum, so that everyone can just concentrate on playing/leveling. PoEs approach is different. GGG wants some interaction between players (like forming parties, fighting for the loot, communication to trade an item etc.). With an AH you would reduce this interaction massively and also ruin the economy by far. Saying things like "We need something like the soviet inflation" is so entirely stupid... You are the exact opposite of those who actually care about PoE. You just want it easy, you want to have your gear NOW and are not willing to spend time to craft/buy your items. If everyone had your vision of PoE, this game would be like all the other mainstream-RPGs outthere... Boring.

Timonist wrote:
I think we need to make a distinction in our minds between something being difficult vs something just being time-consuming. I have no problem with a game being difficult, but I dislike it when a person is considered HARDCORE because they can spend every waking moment spamming the trade channels.

Do I worry that the increasing prevalence of casual gamers is moving the industry in directions that I don't want it to go? I sure am. I don't think it will ever turn PoE into Hello Kitty Adventure Island, though.

Your problem is that you think, that GGG also want to serve the casual gamers. And that is just not true. There statement was clear: A game for HARDCORE gamer, who like it cutthroating and hard.

Btw.: It's not like GGG NEVER considers any changes. The newest example is the allocation-loot system.

Timonist wrote:
It doesn't have to be a brand-name Auction House®, but I would love for a friendly system to replace the trade channels.

And this won't happen in that way. Because GGG wants us to communicate. Like I said in the beginning, I would also see changes in the way the trading works. That's why I tried to make a different approach:

Oh god his thread is even here too -____-".
Can mods refrain users from multi-posting the same thing ?

AceNightfire wrote:
There are enough people who use them to craft (including myself). Ofc it is easier to just buy the item you want, but especially in endgame crafting is a more efficient way then searching for a special setup of an item.

Since maybe less than 5% of the players can afford it .... no.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Fruz wrote:
Oh god his thread is even here too -____-".
Can mods refrain users from multi-posting the same thing ?

AceNightfire wrote:
There are enough people who use them to craft (including myself). Ofc it is easier to just buy the item you want, but especially in endgame crafting is a more efficient way then searching for a special setup of an item.

Since maybe less than 5% of the players can afford it .... no.

Where do that 5% come from? Have you asked all players? As far as I can tell endgame players do craft their own stuff mostly. And even in mid levels I often use chaos, alchemy and fusings.

If you are to scared to use your orbs as crafting items because RNG may not be on your side, then that's your problem.
An auction house would so damn heavy rape the setting of the game. I mean, the lighthouse are laying halfnaked people on the ground, while death rules all around the very few and only very small safe places on wraeclast. And now you want to have a place of trade there as if there live hundreds of people? As if the lighthouse would be an actuall village or a city..its only a house with a woodenfence around. Not sure about the places beyond chapter 1 but..i doubt there are bars and discos to enjoy life.

Trade should be limited to interplayer trade..directly. Before they build a marketplace or auctionhouse they should build a grainfarm to feed everybody. I know it would have no use...but any bigger tradehouse would be a monument of wealth..that doesnt exist there even if many players have stashes close to explosion filled with stuff.

It may be usefull for some players to equip themself..but it would simply be wrong. If they add that to the game, they can add a harbor next..with a ship to leave wraeclast whenever somebody wants..and only return to the exile continent in the holydays..coz its so nice there :)
Posting from my Nook. Please excuse spelling or formatting issues.

Regarding the ecconomy: The reason I want more inflation is because I want a player to have a difficult time deciding whether to use an orb for trade or crafting. Nowadays you are OBVIOUSLY going to use that Mirror for trade. That undermines the whole "currency as item" mechanic. The easiest way to fix that is inflation. Hardcore has it's own economy, so we could easily implement changes in Standard without effecting the Hardcore player. Anyway, we're getting sidetracked.

I never played D3. The reason was the Cash Auction House. I supported the idea of the Gold Auction House, though. My suggestion for a PoE ingame trading post where players post items to sell. Seller names the price. Posting an item costs an 'Orb of Commerce'. This is consummed, even if the item does not sell. After a month, the unsold items go back into the seller's stash. Buying an item consumes an 'Orb of Commerce' as well. Drop-rate of the orb is up for debate.

As for Simpson3k's concern about tone and theme: All games make certain concessions for playabillity. The townchest really doesn't make any sense, for instance. The loot-pinata mechanic is not very realistic either. It's there for fun.
Timonist wrote:
All games make certain concessions for playabillity. The townchest really doesn't make any sense, for instance. The loot-pinata mechanic is not very realistic either. It's there for fun.

All those games you mention are aimed for profit by big companies which sooner or later adapt to the wishes of the mainstream of their playerhood to keep them and to probably pull more new players to their game aswell.

As you may noticed (or not) this game doesnt seem to be aimed for profit in the first place. Its made by people in way how they think an rpg should be.

But perhaps its only my hope that let me keep the faith, they will never give in to the whine of casual players just to keep them.

I hope they stay to their original idea and only add suggested stuff if they really agree to it without thoughts of profit.

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