Dec 24: One-week HC Race

Couldn't care less who wins the race but I can't wait to see Kripps video tomorrow complaining about the other guys having more playtime, better luck and that they are hurting themselves by playing too much (funny to hear from him). He really is in a win-win situation, if he wins the race he looks like a "god" to his fans, if he loses he can just blame it on all the reasons above.
Zoltrix wrote:
Couldn't care less who wins the race but I can't wait to see Kripps video tomorrow complaining about the other guys having more playtime, better luck and that they are hurting themselves by playing too much (funny to hear from him). He really is in a win-win situation, if he wins the race he looks like a "god" to his fans, if he loses he can just blame it on all the reasons above.

Lol are you saying it isn't at least a LITTLE luck/RNG based?
RIP Zoldyck
Okay from watching the replay it seems that whilst Zold is loading you see his ES moves down slightly, then goes back up to full which at this point is likely when the summoners gained aggro then his ES just rapidly goes down till he dies. so looks like the mob hits him first then went to zombies then back to him without him being loaded fully in the instance. Since you also hear his reaction is delayed a couple of seconds even after his character is dead.

Was insanely harsh and very unlucky, feel sorry for Zold, he put so much effort in, unlucky dude, not your fault at all.
RE map/item feeding: Working as intended. This has occured to some extent in every long term race. Itd be nice to see some long term solo races with trading disabled, and a few other formats (limited daily timeslots etc) but the current races are fine as is.

RE endgame luck determining winners: Its a problem atm, but nothing that couldnt be cured by some changes to the map drop system or even better, an alternate endgame whos access isnt rng-based.

RE account sharing accusations: Proof or stfu. Helpful hint- at the time of this posting, no actual proof has been provided in this thread or anywhere else.
IGN: KoTao
Kaysee wrote:
It is quite immature how people are jumping to conclusions simply based on "Time Logged".

I assuming you don't know this..

You know you can track people's xp gain for certain time periods? If they were logged in but not gaining xp we could see that.

No one is tracking time logged, we're tracking time logged and the xp gain. Someone even mentioned a few pages back Dom's xp gain per every 2 hours and it was consistent for the past 6 or so hours. Just using that example for example purposes, not to reflect anything against Dom.
KoTao wrote:
RE map/item feeding: Working as intended. This has occured to some extent in every long term race. Itd be nice to see some long term solo races with trading disabled, and a few other formats (limited daily timeslots etc) but the current races are fine as is.

RE endgame luck determining winners: Its a problem atm, but nothing that couldnt be cured by some changes to the map drop system or even better, an alternate endgame whos access isnt rng-based.

RE account sharing accusations: Proof or stfu. Helpful hint- at the time of this posting, no actual proof has been provided in this thread or anywhere else.

Defo agree it would be nice to see a long solo race with trade disabled, been wanting that for some time.
GG Chris Wilson Zoldeck died before he even Zoned in
Yeah I definitely started to respect Zol and Dime, and I really enjoy Nugiyen's stream. 2 low-ish level deaths and he still came back strong even though it can be discouraging.

It is a shame Zol died the way he did, but it isn't any worse than dying to desync.
It's sad that Zoldyck got unlucky.

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