Dec 24: One-week HC Race

DeLLyDeez wrote:

I assuming you don't know this..

You know you can track people's xp gain for certain time periods? If they were logged in but not gaining xp we could see that.

I'm aware of that and if you look at his XP average per 2 hour blocks you'll see that it contains peaks and troughs:

Look from 4D onwards:

4d 8h - 4d 20h... has a huge rest period (probably getting prepared for final push)
4d 22h - 5d 14h... averages almost 2 hours played time.
5d 16h - 5d 18h... now plays for total of 35 mins in 4 hours (perhaps now power napping during these hours).

From then on he's been taking ~15 minutes breaks every 2 hours in his final day push.

FTR... I'm a fan of all players (I watch Kripp's tubes and streams, almost daily since D3). IDC who wins... I just think people should enjoy the contest and the game. :)

Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."
Drystion wrote:
Was ZoldyckSucks recording anything when he died, he was in the map almost 30 secounds, who takes that long to load a map. The 10 seconds invulnerable is plenty even without ssd in my experience. Strange indeed. I've never heard of death while zoning in, just while trying to zone out. Sorry for your lose. :(

Yeah, I'm unsure on what exactly happened.

To be honest, he may have entered the portal while eating some food. Maybe he was drifting to sleep. I don't know. He was in the instance for quite a long time.

Maybe if your minions attack something while you're still loading it will remove your invulnerability. If that's true, then it's something that needs to be fixed.

With the way the game works, your character doesn't even spawn until your client is almost entirely loaded. Even then, you get vulnerability for a period of time until you move. Something went wrong here, but I'm not sure if it's a player error or not since we're unable to see Zoldyck's screen.

edit: I just watched the VOD and Zoldyck's choice of words at one point is interesting. He says he "when I came back" after he mentioned seeing the load screen. I wonder if he was looking away from his screen for a bit and doesn't want to acknowledge that the death could partially be his fault.
Last edited by Wisdom#5474 on Dec 30, 2012, 9:14:47 PM
Another rank 4 just died... :( Sad day it is.
RIP Nugiyen. One shot himself to elemental reflect. He took a lot of handouts but he also made quite the comeback.
Nugiyen died to a oneshot elemental reflect with 40 mins to go... oh man that must hurt :(

UPDATE: It wasn't a one shot... his attention slipped for a moment and it was 3-4 hits on an invulnerable reflect mob.
Last edited by BurnOutBrighter#5741 on Dec 30, 2012, 9:45:52 PM
Thirion wrote:
DeLLyDeez wrote:

Lol are you saying it isn't at least a LITTLE luck/RNG based?

It is, but Kripp is (for some part) "unlucky" because he plays bad maps (e.g. 60% quant with no good mods) compared to others (Dominion party played a lot of 100% quant with a good mod). In normal HC you don't use much currency on maps - in races you have to spend almost all currency to get good maps. Kripp has around 30 scours/alchs and a lof of alt stacks + regals he doesn't use - thats why he doesn't get that much high lvl maps.

About desync. Yes it sucks, but some can be avoided. Most of the time you get desync when mobs block (or freeze/stun) you - which can be avoided by better positioning (e.g. don't run into rooms with mobs)

Zolds death was unlucky and this kind of issue needs a fix soon in my opinion.

One side roll maps with trans/alts, the other side with alch/chaos.
I guess there is a reason why some get more maps than others......
What are you talking about guys, they chisel all their >63 maps and re-rolled several times with chaos etc. they always seek for high quant and/or good stats (bigger packs, more magic mobs, etc.). Call it what you want, they had awful luck with maps. Get your facts straight, it's all recorded anyway.

That said, if anything I think they lost at the trade game, they were doing some in the end (to get currencies), while other teams got more maps via trading earlier on and got more handouts and free runs (not that kripp team didn't have any, but in fact not so many as Kripp could have abused it if he had wanted too).

Overall has been a nice race as spectator to see.
What are you talking about guys, they chisel all their >63 maps and re-rolled several times with chaos etc. they always seek for high quant and/or good stats (bigger packs, more magic mobs, etc.). Call it what you want, they had awful luck with maps. Get your facts straight, it's all recorded anyway.

That said, if anything I think they lost at the trade game, they were doing some in the end (to get currencies), while other teams got more maps via trading earlier on and got more handouts and free runs (not that kripp team didn't have any, but in fact not so many as Kripp could have abused it if he had wanted too).

Overall has been a nice race as spectator to see.

I could not agree more, It was fun but painful because I worked 46 hours during the race. I am totally sleep deprivate now but made it to top 5 thx to all my team and all these unexpected deaths. This race is going to make history in PoE ! Best Game Ever.
Congratz to everyone involved!
Take care out there.
Kripp isnt complaining at least. He cant controll the idiots who worship him. It was a fun race to watch. Feel bad to thoes who died to bugs but its a video game, bugs are going to happen to matter what and you either accept it or ragequit.

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