Dec 24: One-week HC Race

Gieron wrote:
lvl 59, half way to finish on lvl 60 and get the rewards and i die going in a town portal... WTF !!! fix your game GGG seriously...

they do, its called closed beta
I don't see why people are complaining about the time you have the play the game but no one is complaining about how you can be fed maps and win. Choosing not to spend your time in a game is choice even if you have a job. Choices come with consequences and your consequence would be to lose your job and their consequence would be not getting money or spend their time doing something else. Getting a ton of people to feed you items just defeats the purpose of having a competition. That's like sharing accounts. Even if it is a solo race you can still get your maps from other people. Nothing you can do about it but just food for thought.
I think GGG have been caught by surprise as looking at the prizes they only counted on someone "maybe" getting level 78. Let alone getting as high as level 81.

Im pleased with my level 50 ranger as im more of a play when i feel like it kinda guy :) Only just started playing hc too.

Anyway i see alot of spite in here and thought id just change the tone for one post...

Congratulations to each and everyone of you guys who made it past level 10 and enjoyed taking part , i myself have really enjoyed myself and will in future will be taking part in more races.

Pats on the back all round.
mattster365 wrote:
SouthernStar wrote:
Regatz wrote:
It's a pity that so many ppl died due to desync( I hope GGG will do smf about that.

Not everyone saying they died to desync actually died to desync.......

This isn't directed at anyone in particular who said they died from desync......

^_~ I don't need your approval to know how I died, thanks though.

I clearly stated it wasn't directed at anyone in particular. This makes me think perhaps you did lie about your desync.....

I really don't care how you died. Just saying that EVERYONE can't have died due to desync that claims they did.
Andylink wrote:
I don't see why people are complaining about the time you have the play the game but no one is complaining about how you can be fed maps and win. Choosing not to spend your time in a game is choice even if you have a job. Choices come with consequences and your consequence would be to lose your job and their consequence would be not getting money or spend their time doing something else. Getting a ton of people to feed you items just defeats the purpose of having a competition. That's like sharing accounts. Even if it is a solo race you can still get your maps from other people. Nothing you can do about it but just food for thought.

I didn't get all of it, but I just have to agree with one line: "Getting a ton of people to feed you items just defeats the purpose of having a competition."

That is what killed my wish to play more. Somehow I feel it is unjust, Idc, was never fond of elitists.
damocles32 wrote:
I think GGG have been caught by surprise as looking at the prizes they only counted on someone "maybe" getting level 78. Let alone getting as high as level 81.

The "boosting fix" patch greatly increased the XP gain in parties, that's why so many people will go beyond 78 ;)
I kind of understand why people dont like the idea of players getting fed maps but there is really no way GGG can fix that. At least not without dedicating way to much time to changing code. The only way to do it which still wont stop it all is to make maps untradable and make it so no one can be in the map instance unless the player who started the map is inside the instance at all times. Simply undoable really. And like I said that still wont completely fix it because some people will gladly sit in an instance while the person they are feeding runs the instance. That may not be AS viable but it will still happen. If you try to ban "trades" during events then people will simply make a party and go outside, drop the item they want to give and be done with it.

So if you think about it, its impossible for GGG to really do anything about it. Unless you want them to spend thier time monitering each person in the race and killing anyone who does it. But I think most of us are not idiots and would rather them spend thier time making the game better. This isnt a AAA studio who can afford to pay a bunch of people to sit around and moniter the game. Hell most AAA studios dont do that. If they did WoW wouldnt be the cesspool that it is.
The "boosting fix" patch greatly increased the XP gain in parties, that's why so many people will go beyond 78 ;)

Hmm that might be the case that every player gets far more experience in parties of 5-6.

In the 1 week Turbo race most players played solo or in parties of 3-4.
Parties of 5-6 were only max 3 consecutive maps then anybody died.
And in the end there were only like 13 players left that constantly did maps, even there were more players defeating Vaal merciless some players decided maps were too risky.
xenogias wrote:
I kind of understand why people dont like the idea of players getting fed maps but there is really no way GGG can fix that. At least not without dedicating way to much time to changing code. The only way to do it which still wont stop it all is to make maps untradable and make it so no one can be in the map instance unless the player who started the map is inside the instance at all times. Simply undoable really. And like I said that still wont completely fix it because some people will gladly sit in an instance while the person they are feeding runs the instance. That may not be AS viable but it will still happen. If you try to ban "trades" during events then people will simply make a party and go outside, drop the item they want to give and be done with it.

So if you think about it, its impossible for GGG to really do anything about it. Unless you want them to spend thier time monitering each person in the race and killing anyone who does it. But I think most of us are not idiots and would rather them spend thier time making the game better. This isnt a AAA studio who can afford to pay a bunch of people to sit around and moniter the game. Hell most AAA studios dont do that. If they did WoW wouldnt be the cesspool that it is.

A solo race with trading disabled would solve that.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Edxild wrote:
Intersting race, courently their price pool is around 30.000 random currency items ;) .

....which will all be gone in about three weeks from now.

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