Dec 24: One-week HC Race

ZoGGGyyyy wrote:

is it possible to transfer those into default-league?
and whats with the stash? any chances on that too?

Just load a character on hardcore up with the stuff you want to move to default, and kill it.
Last edited by kenborge#6160 on Dec 28, 2012, 12:03:12 PM
Will the currencies won transfer to Open Beta?
IGN: Winxie
Path of Exile 1 Week Hardcore Race! Level 53 Marauder and climbing! Starting the stream now. come hangout.
enceos wrote:
Will the currencies won transfer to Open Beta?

There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
A couple things. There is nothing wrong with Kripp. Unfortunatly with such a hardcore player comes a rather anoying set of child-like adults. Not everyone who follows Kripp mind you but enough of them that it can definitly hamper a smaller community. It seems a good portion of his followers are sheep. All the proof I need for me to think that is how quickly some of the same people laughing thier ass off at Cybrixz and making fun of him where to offer him free stuff for his new toon once Kripp was giving him stuff.

As for Cybrixz. The guy has some skill. Yea, he can be anoying but thats who he is. Part of the reason being he is a verry good troll. Why do you think Kripp likes him so much? Personally I dont care much for Cybrixz but I do have a certain level of respect for him and his "dont give a shit" attitude.

As for "who wins these races". Its really a combination that most of you dont want to admit. It takes skill, luck, and time. Time and luck may get you into the top 30 but to get in the top 20 and most certainly top 10 this far into the race has a ton to do with skill. Keep in mind there are any number of things in this game that can lead to getting one or two shot.
montrey16 wrote:
Close ass race!!! LightSpire is really going for it! Man hasnt slept in like 2 days

In before we get a repeat of what happened to Hellboar. Though to be fair I think I saw him still offline after servers came back up last night. Could of grabbed a few hours of sleep then, smart time for it too.
TehHammer wrote:
Visuv wrote:
Really fantastic.

Died @lvl 48 to vaal ruthless. 1750 hp 50% armor 75fire resistence. Saw his smash coming, charged away. Was safe, but suddenly the game decided that i died. Bam.

Know why? Desync that **** once more! No fire explosion nothing. That's so lame. Really killing the fun of.

Couldn't have been more tanky with this char, really frustrating death during a race. For the third time now.

Desync seems to become worse, not better, over the last months.

The desync sucks, but there are ways to avoid that slam besides dodging it when you seem him start it.

Only attack in melee range when he starts spewing minions, falling rocks, or ice patches. Only take a couple of swings (you can take a few more if you have a high attack speed), and get out of there quick after your first couple of attacks. This prevents him from being able to use the melee attack. He'll ponder his next move, start executing it, and when he does, you jump in and hit him a few more times. It can make the fight a bit tedious if your dps is low, but as long as he doesn't constantly spawn minions, you'll barely get scratched.

This is something I've seen devmoon do on his stream repeatedly.

Thanks for the hint, but i was already aware of that.

I made it two times to merciless with characters, a ranged templar and a melee marauder without problems (softcore).

What baffled me about the death was, that i should've been alright, even if his fire/physical slam would hit me.

Then again i should've captured that sequence, it all seemed so wrong, no fire animation, i was clearly out of range and should've (was on full hp!) survived one slam anyway... Felt like a massive resync, that calculated damage that should've hit me already.

If desyncing will be at least reduced a lot, i will gladly play hardcore.

As it is however, races become quite the gamble for me, so i better stick with softcore.
it shouldn't be much of a shock that if you desync in melee with Vaal odds are you're going to get one shot.

Lightspire just passed Krip!!
wow these guys have a lot of time to play the game...

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