Dec 24: One-week HC Race

I would be a duelist but its too easy and I want a challenge because duelist is too OP for me. Instead I play Dual wield ranger full evasion. (Died twice trying this, on to #3 DW Evasion ranger)
I learned that Vaal's hammer attack kills you if you have 2.7k hp and 75% fire res :P Just died at lvl 63, my highest char previously was lvl 45 on default so im happy with my new record :) Was fun, but I doubt I will start over again now. I have a ton of stuff in my stash though, what happens with it at the end of the race?
Drystion wrote:
Died this morning on my 66 mara. Considering I didn't plan on taking it seriously I'm pretty happy with that run. One of these days Ill actually roll some decent gear and find a group to run with. Then its time to get serious, heh. Good luck and have a blast everyone left, have a great holidays!


Congratulations on a great run and may your toon RIP.
"Experience is the best teacher,but there's only one seat in his classroom."
Play with honour and show some class -
CrazylikE wrote:
I learned that Vaal's hammer attack kills you if you have 2.7k hp and 75% fire res :P Just died at lvl 63, my highest char previously was lvl 45 on default so im happy with my new record :) Was fun, but I doubt I will start over again now. I have a ton of stuff in my stash though, what happens with it at the end of the race?

your stash gets moved into hardcore in remove-only tabs after the race
That sucks, end of race for me. Died during instance loading, when I thought I was safe too - not desperately leaving area.

Level 44 Shadow, was going slowly and having fun, trying out new build.

Generally I don't mind dieing, but I'm pretty pissed at this. I was playing safe, I was aware of what can happen in terms of lags and desync, did everything to avoid it, still died in some bullshit way.
AFKyle wrote:
CrazylikE wrote:
I learned that Vaal's hammer attack kills you if you have 2.7k hp and 75% fire res :P Just died at lvl 63, my highest char previously was lvl 45 on default so im happy with my new record :) Was fun, but I doubt I will start over again now. I have a ton of stuff in my stash though, what happens with it at the end of the race?

your stash gets moved into hardcore in remove-only tabs after the race

I think that is only if you stay alive. If you die during the race your gear ends up in your default stash in remove only tabs. I could be wrong, though.
Last edited by sithren on Dec 26, 2012, 6:48:38 PM
sithren wrote:
I think that is only if you stay alive. If you die during the race your gear ends up in your default stash in remove only tabs. I could be wrong, though.
Yeah you are wrong, things in the stash are safe, which is why if you made another character on this league you could still use those stashed things. Only the things in your inventory are lost (most probably your best gear since you are wearing it)
Metronomy wrote:
sithren wrote:
I think that is only if you stay alive. If you die during the race your gear ends up in your default stash in remove only tabs. I could be wrong, though.
Yeah you are wrong, things in the stash are safe, which is why if you made another character on this league you could still use those stashed things. Only the things in your inventory are lost (most probably your best gear since you are wearing it)

Huh, ok. That's cool, then. I haven't played a race longer than 3 hours so I guess I just never quite noticed as I never really accumulated that much gear.
Because duelists end up being mara or ranger copies with worse starting nodes.

There are no long term axe or sword/dualwield builds which are strong enough to have a similar killspeed as the most common builds.
The closest unique builds that can compare to strong builds is a 2h leap slam duelist with the big disadvantage that most monsters will be knocked back into scenery.

Other skills swap the weapons or use the main hand only. Imo there should be a dual wield support gem that fixes main hand or swap attacks.

I saw only 2 dual wield cleavers during races. 1 being freakdjin and the other being truncator.
Freadjin was quiet fragile on bigger mobs.
I can't say much about truncator because he died on the first map(was one with hard mods) he joined.
Imo cleave needs improvement a duelist using normal attack kills hillock faster than a duelist using cleave.

But uncommon builds are quiet rare in high rankings during long races.
It's like 2-3 Top 20 characters use uncommon skills.

CrazylikE wrote:
I learned that Vaal's hammer attack kills you if you have 2.7k hp and 75% fire res :P Just died at lvl 63, my highest char previously was lvl 45 on default so im happy with my new record :) Was fun, but I doubt I will start over again now. I have a ton of stuff in my stash though, what happens with it at the end of the race?

Ouch. Good run, though.
"Experience is the best teacher,but there's only one seat in his classroom."
Play with honour and show some class -

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