Dec 24: One-week HC Race

Starts in 7 hours... GL everyone! Wish I could participate. I'm out of town visiting my folks for Christmas.
IGN: Friar
Knight of Guild Medieval
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So... do you have to party this race or can you solo it?
Enzomatica wrote:
So... do you have to party this race or can you solo it?

You can certainly solo in it (I almost always do), but to remain competitive near the end you most likely will have to make a few friends with whom you can pool maps.
And as it is such so also as such is it unto you
IMDisappoint wrote:
Enzomatica wrote:
So... do you have to party this race or can you solo it?

You can certainly solo in it (I almost always do), but to remain competitive near the end you most likely will have to make a few friends with whom you can pool maps.

It's also important later on in the week to keep an eye on global chat for people offering spaces in their parties. Usually you can pay a group a few chisels for a spot in a high-level map, and if you find more maps, you'll get quite a boost in exp.

But yeah, starting around levels 70-72 it's almost required to party in order to keep up with the rest of the ladder.
IGN: Truncator
Best of luck to everyone.
xenogias wrote:
I look at it this way. There will always be someone with more time than me. There will always be someone with more skill than me. And of course, there will always be people willing to cheat, unlike me. So whats that mean? Odds are I will never win a race and I'm cool with that. Since I am a competative person I tend to try and use races to try and better my gameplay and not worry about what others are doing. I mean hell, its a week long race. If you manage to finish in the top 50 or so you know you are pretty damn skilled and should be proud. The top 20 or so are reserved for thoes players with skill AND lots of spare time. Thats just the nature of the beast and complaining only stresses you out, it doesnt change anything.

Nonsense! don't sell yourself short. The only barriers this game erects in front of you are the ones you put there yourself.
4 Hours \o/ Is this anyone else's first race?
Well ima try but about 50% of the race i wont even be able to play.
Smoother than Smooth.
I will lose my family/gf/job because of this race =(
Good luck to all in the Event and i hope to see you all in there! Also Merry X-Mas to all!!! (Or what ever you celebrate during your Holidays.)

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