[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
" Well, right now, I just picked up CI. Maybe I've messed up, maybe not. But I've been surviving. Blood Rage is INSANE. I'm just trying to get a 5L/6L so I can get more dmg/dps. |
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I think I'm going to save CI and it 's Nodes for 70-80+
Do you see any bigger misstakes / flaws in my Variant here? Befanda 's Variant I've basically taken all the Melee Damage + Unarmed Range Buff + Attackspeed + 12% Mana +40% Mana-Regen Buff for better Offense and more Mana-Regeneration (from the lowermost center node) which should help a lot for running more Auras together with 5L/6L. Thought I'm still 55, I might have overlooked something. f. E. does that %DMG not add up? Thought i have a decent 5L 1k Armor ±500 ES, Aurora Aegis, 798% FB n ' Stuff Right now I'm just LVL55 and only have like 2.7k ES and wouldn't want to go only ES. Though I 'm still in A3 Cruel - I might change my opinion on that when going for Merciless Last edited by thelegendaryof#3412 on Dec 28, 2013, 2:08:58 AM
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Well the % melee physical damage pretty much add nothing to your dps so it's a complete waste of passive skill points. Going from the left side of the witch start is practicly 2 skill points wasted. Master of the arena has low to no noticable effect in this build. Get the aura effectivness nodes not the less mana reserved once... trust me you won't be able to run a third aura.. and you really don't need one. So yea .. pretty much that's it
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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now i have all the necessary gear, and this toon has by far the best survivability/killspeed ratio i have ever seen
i wish i could link faster attacks, but alas, i only managed to get a 5l. RRRRRR on n armor/s is rather exceptional tho, especially when you need RRRRRG.... anyway, at times the slow/sluggish multistrike animation keeps me from getting out of harms way, so i would really like to spend some points in either attack speed/more frenzy charges. also, movement penalties from armor make me want to get either "cloth&chain" or "leather&steel", but both seem unobtainable. i didnt notice this until map party play. on the other hand, i dont really see a viable way to improve attack/movement speed without sacrificing a LOT on other stats. also, if you opt for maps in party play, does "diamond skin" on the lower right side (and avoid chilled/avoid frozen) make sense? of course, 3 of my 5 flasks have "remove frozen and chilled", i havent really used those passives and cant say how effective they are. | |
"i didnt notice this until map party play. on the other hand, i dont really see a viable way to improve attack/movement speed without sacrificing a LOT on other stats. "
Unfortunately that's the way it is. Faster Attacks really helps... alot! But RRRRRG is not an easy one that's true. For the avoid frozen and chilled... i really don't see a reason to take them... the flasks are more than enough and i'm yet to run out of them. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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if i havent said so, thanks a lot for trying this build out and putting together this great guide.
i am lvl 82, and next stept is going down from ghost reaver to get void barrier. i noticed there doesnt seem to be a direct link to it, looks like i have to all the 5 nodes with +evasion + ES to get it. looks like they changed that... ![]() | |
An advice - get the aura effectivness nodes first! They'll give you more ES and some DPS as a bonus! And yes, you'll have to get the 5 nodes in order to get the Void Barrier
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Dec 28, 2013, 7:42:20 AM
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i did, the aura effectiveness beats inner force by a lot
anyway, wasting 5 pasives on an evasion bonus? hmm. lets get some regrets and fiddle some more. on the other hand, doesnt really matter, the build works and the rest is fine tweaking. cheers! | |
So, progress at least a little bit. ^^
Buyed an 5l chest today, I imagine it was cheap for 12 chaos and I did not even had to invest scouring/alch to redo the stats, they were comparable to my old one, nice Armor/ES and the Fire resi I need. Some few chromatics spent to get 5red but as it produced suddenly 4r1g I decided to keep it like this and use Attack speed while still leveling up the phys dmg on full life gem (finaly found one). Attack speed already makes things a little bit easier. :) |
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Actualy the ES is kind of low... if you have chaos to waste you can try to make it better.. but in the end it's not that bad and you can save up for better gear in general.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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