[1.2.0] How to Smash Heads.Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch with Infernal blow2
![]() Hello and Welcome to my Guide for a CI Facebreaker Witch. I’ll try to explain everything about it, answer every question, give advices etc. etc. I’ll update the information in this thread when it has to be updated. With this build you’ll be able to solo pretty much every map and every boss in Path of Exile. This is not a theorycraft thread and everything in this guide is tested! Check out my other builds "How to Flicker. Two Handed Weapon Edition!" http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/528011 "How to smash Heads. Guide for a Facebreaker build using Infernal Blow and Dominating Blow" http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/445390/page/8 "How to kill without doing anything. Guide for an AFK PvP witch build" http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/721568 "How to Farm Piety. Guide for a Melee IIR/IIQ Runner." http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/769276/page/1/#p6668082 Check out my All-round Newbie guide! http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/590251 Check out my Newbie giveaway thread! http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/780986 Check out my guide for valuable items! http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/797699 Check out my Duelist Builds List! http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/732938 "The defense to damage output ratio is better than I've ever seen!" "This is actually one build that lives up to all its promises and is pretty unique and fun as hell to play!" "Amazing guide! The best one I have seen on the forums!" "This guide has been enlightening." "Man, only if i discovered this build earlier" Special Thanks to That1Guy who switched his 1000% Facebreakers for my 990% ones. It was increadibly nice of him and i really appriciate it! ![]() Primary attack
Infernal Blow + Melee Damage on Full Life + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attacks
Hatred + Discipline + Reduced Mana*
*The quality of the reduced mana support gem doesn't affect mana reservation costs Buff
Blood Rage
Trigger Gems
Cast when Damage taken(max level) + Temporal Chain/Enfeeble(max level) + Molten Shell(max level) + Decoy totem(max level)
Cast when Damage Taken(level 1) + Temporal Chains/Enfeeble(level 5) + Enduring Cry(level 5) + Increased Area of Effect(max level)
Support Gems Prioritized Main attack skill 3-Linked Infernal Blow + Multistrike + Melee Splash 4-Linked Infernal Blow + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Melee Physial Damage 5-Linked Infernal Blow + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Melee Physial Damage + Melee Damage on full Life 6-Linked Infernal Blow + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Melee Physial Damage+ Melee Damage on full Life + Faster Attacks Since you will be fightning unnarmed you can only use certain attack skills. Those skills are Infernal Blow; Dominating Blow; Cyclone; Frenzy and Elemental Hit. My skill of choice is Infernal Blow. Below i'll compare the other skills to Infernal Blow Dominating Blow Pros. + Your minions will take lots of the incoming damage instead of you(making you even more tanky) + Having Monster auras is very useful Cons. - Insane mana cost... it's almost unusable if you run 2 auras(and if you don't you'll lose alot of offense or deffense) - Less DPS - Parties usualy don't like Dominating Blow users Cyclone Pros. + Better vs Single targets ( if the targets really are single and not surrounded by a pack of other monsters ) Cons. - Less AoE - Terrible Desync - High mana cost Frenzy Pros. + Higher Attack speed Cons. - Less AoE - You need to waste skill points in order to get extra frenzy charges - Higher mana cost Elemental hit I won't even comment this skill... it's totaly unusable with Facebreakers due to the 0% synergy between them! ![]() What Infernal Blow really can and can't do
So what can i say about Infernal blow? It is extremely good at killing alot of monster all at the same time. It does that due to the incredable and deadly explosion that it creates when you kill an enemy with it. Its great that you will explode monster simply by hitting them with the splash damage from the Melee Splash support gem. So you don't really need to kill an enemy in order to explode him. It's enough to kill the monster that you are currently hitting, he will explode the damage from that explosion will kill the monsters next him/her/it and because he was just hit by your splash damage he will explode aswell and so on and so on. The Quality of the Infernal Blow (+1% increased Area of Effect radius for each 1% quality) will affect the explosion's radius aswell as the splash damage radius and the same goes for the Melee Splash quality. Since all map bosses have a pack of magic(blue) monsters it's really very easy to kill them. Just start hitting the boss, the pack of monsters will come close to you to attack you(if they are melee) , then your splash will kill and explode them and their exploding corpses will deal tremendous amounts of damage and usualy kill the boss. If the pack of magic monsters are range then just lure the boss closer to them. Elemental and physical reflect won't trouble you at all! If you are in a high level map (74+) i suggest to swap your "Melee Physical damage" support with Life Leech support gem. With the new trigger skills and with your life leech and Vaal Pact you won't even notice them! It's important to note that reflected damage will trigger them. Not leaving anything for these damn necromancers to resurrect is helpfull aswell, actualy Infernal Blow will prevent any on deaht effects to occure(like the spike nova of the Porcupine Goliaths). Infernal Blow has very low mana cost and it's easy to cast it non-stop without any extra mana related buffs from your gear. Overall this is probably the best skill for a Facebreaker in general and IT IS the best skill for a CI Facebreaker, lot's of damage; lots of AOE; low mana cost; no weaknesses. Just flawless!
+ High Damage
+ Large Area of Effect + Low Mana cost + Cool looking bloody explosions + Mixed Damage Cons.
-No cons. At all.
Screen Shots What will be left from your enemies:
![]() ![]() Hatred - the facebreakers and your gear will give you ALOT of physical damage and that will result in alot of bonus cold damage from this aura. Discipline - it will boost you Energy Shield by... alot I'll mention Blood Rage here. It will slightly increase your DPS due to the Frenzy charges that you will get. The Best thing is the Life leech. Having lot's of life leech combined with Vaal Pact is great combination and Blood Rage will provide that high life leech values. ![]() The trigger gem is Cast When Damage Taken. When you link a spell to it( including curses and buffs) it will trigger the linked spell when you take a certain amount of damage(440 at level 1). When you level up the Cast When Damage Taken gem the damage threshold is increased ( i.e. 560 at level 3) and the damage that the linked spells will do when triggered is increased( at level 1 the spells deal 70% less damage and at level 3 - 62%). The linked spells to the trigger gem can't require a higher level than the trigger gem itself. Because of that you'll need to link the skills that are useful only on a higher level(Molten Shell and Decoy totem) to a high level Cast When Damage Taken and the skills that are good even at level one(Enduring cry and curses) to a level 1 Cast When Damage Taken. I put Increased area of effect support gem here to have a bigger aoe of the curse(note that a higher level requirments of the support gems doesn't affect the Cast on damage taken - you can have a level 20 support in a level 1 trigger and it will work) The spells that you'll need to link to Cast When Damage Taken are: Enduring Cry - The endurance charges are pretty nice and will boost your defensive abilities Molten Shell - It boosts your armour and it gives you a temporary shield that will absorb damage. It's increadably effective against damage reflect Decoy Totem - Very usefull totem that will force you enemies to attack it instead iof you. Since it taunts them constantly it will overwrite the taunt effect of the Endurace Cry. It is very effective and helpful against flicker striking bosses Temporal Chains/Enfeeble - The perfect curses for this build in my opinion. Slower attacking, casting and moving/less damage dealing enemies are less threatening. Choose one - they are both awesome ![]() Since you will be hitting things with your fists you need to stay alive. For that to happen you need to focus on 2 things - Energy Shield and Shield Block. Shield block combined with the Aegis Aurora(it will replenish 4% of your armour as energy shield anytime you block) Ofcourse you'll need to spend enough skill points in order to cap your resistances Aside from that you will need many Keystones. Vaal Pact + Ghost Reaver *- that combo is a must have. With your high life leech ( due to Blood Rage) you'll leech good enough amount of energy shield instantly. This is very helpful especialy vs reflect. Chaos Innoculation *- 100% chaos resistance means no chaos damage taken not only from monsters but from the Blood Rage buff aswell. Being on Maximum life (1/1) makes it possible to use Melee Damage on full life. Unwavering Stance - Without it you'll get stunned alot... so you really can't be succesful without it. The way around is using the Eye of Chayula but having no X-X physical damage on your amulet is simply unacceptable! Resolute Technique - Unnarmed Attacks can't crit so this is a nobrainer Other notable passives Mind Drinker - You need it in order to sustain your non-stop infernal blow casting If you have problems with your Dexterity you should spend some points into +30 Dexterity nodes. There are 3 +30 Dexterity nodes along the way. *Note that you need to take Vaal Pact, Ghost Reaver and Chaos Inoculation (and the ES nodes behind it) all at the same time! I did that at level 62. Passive skill tree for every ten skill points
Skill Tree at 10 Skill Points
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAEVAbJR1PNblLrm0ZpyvZW9-K6QI= Skill Tree at 20 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcRUBslHU8fAisNLR81uTbFS65Ms20Zna6nCKcr2CTZW9-K5wvpAg== Skill Tree at 30 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcG6RFQGyUdFB1PHwInYSsNLR81uTbFS65Ms099bRl-4oBWj0adrqcIpyvYJNlb3rDfiucL6QLzvvrS Skill Tree at 40 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcG6RFQGyUdFB1PHwInYSsNLR81uTbFS65Ms099UWBtGX7igFaCHohCj0aP-pUgna6nCKcrqZXBxcHz0NDYJNlb3rDfiucL6QLsGPO--tI= Skill Tree at 50 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcG6RFQGyUdFB1PHoEfAidhKw0tHzW5NsVHBkuNS65Ms099UWBmnm0ZfuKAVoIeiEKPRo_6lSCdrqcIpyunNKmVtMXAGsHFwfPQ0Ngk2Vvb596w34rnC-kC7Bjzvvb8-tL_HA== Skill Tree at 60 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcG6Q48EVAUcRslHRQdTx6BHwInYSsNLR81uTbFRwZLjUuuTLNPfVFgWfNmnm0Zcql82X7igFaCHohCj0aP-pUgna6fy6cIpyunNKmVrKq0xcAawcXB89DQ2CTZW9vn3rDfiucL6QLqGOwY8772_Pcy-Ov60v8c Skill Tree at 70 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcG6Q48EVAUcRXXGyUdFB1PHoEfAidhKjgrDSy_LR81uTbFNug6UkcGS41LrkyzT31RYFivWfNfamaebRlyqXgNfNl-4oBWgh6GrohCj0aP-pUgna6fy6cIpyunNKluqZWsqrTFwBrBxcHz0NDYJNlb2-fesN-K5wvpAuoY7Bjzvvb89zL46_rS_xw= Skill Tree at 80 Skill Points(here you take Chaos Innoculation) http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcGOQbpDjwRUBRxFdcaVRslHRQdTx6BHwInYSo4Kw0svy0fNbk2xTboOlJHBkuNS65Ms099UWBWY1ivWfNeE19qYSFko2aebRlyqXgNecB82X7igFaCHoTvhq6IQo9Gj_qVIJ2un8unCKcrpzSpbqmVrKq0xcAawcXB89DQ2CTZW9vn3B3esN-K5wvpAuoY7Bju2fO-9vz3Mvjr-tL_HA== Skill Tree at 90 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMABAcGOQbpDjwRUBRxFdcaVRslHRQdTx6BHwInYSo4Kw0svy0fNbk2xTboOlJCS0NjRwZLjUuuTLNPfVFgVmNYr1j1WfNeE19qYSFko2aebRlxTXKpeA15wHzZfuKAVoIehO-GrohCj0aP-pUgms-drp3En8unCKcrpzSpbqmVrKqsr7TFtzHAGsHFwfPDhtDQ2CTZW9vn3B3esN-K5wvnkekC6hjsGO7Z8772_Pcy-Ov60v8c Skill Tree at 100 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAW8EBwY5BukOPBFQFHEV1xpVGyUdFB1PHoEfAidhKjgrDSy_LR81uTbFNug6UkJLQ2NHBkuNS65Ms099UWBWY1ivWPVZ81xrXhNfamEhZKNmnm0ZcLtxTXKpeA15wHzZfuKAVoIehEiE74XFhq6IQot6j0aP-pUgms-drp3En8unCKcrpzSpbqmVrKqsr7TFtzHAGsHFwfPDbcOG0NDYJNkT2Vvb59wd3rDfit--4vfnC-eR6QLqGOwY7tnzvvb89zL46_rS_xw= Skill Tree at 110 Skill Points http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMAAW8EBwY5BukOPBFQFHEV1xcvGlUbJR0UHU8egR8CJLAnYSo4Kw0svy0fL281uTY9NsU26DpSQktDY0cGSVFLjUuuTLNPfVFgVmNYr1j1WfNca14TX2phIWSjZp5tGXC7cU1yqXgNecB82X7igFaApIIehEiE74XFhq6G0YhCi3qPRo_6lSCaz52uncSfy6cIpyunNKluqZWsqqyvtMW3McAawJzBxcHzw23DhtDQ2CTZE9lb2-fcHd6w34rfvuL344TnC-eR6QLqGOwY7tnw1fO-9vz3Mvjr-tL_HA== Skill Tree at 118 Skill Points* Keep in mind that the trees is pretty much with no resist only nodes because everyone has different gear! I only need a 6% extra all resistances node to keep my resists cover. You might need more if you do then get them! Also if you have troubles with your mana you should get the mind drinker earlier. ![]() Chest - you need an Armour/Energy Shield Chest. The coloring( RRRRRG ) might be difficult. You can settle with ( RRRRGB ) and switch Melee Physical Damage with Concentrated Effect. I don't reccomend it because the damage would be pretty much the same(note that it won't show in the DPS tooltip but AoE support gems affect attacks linked to Melee Splash) but you'll have less AoE. Anyway It will work. Helmet - This is the helmet for you. It will double your damage. The Attributes are very helpful and the fact that it's an armour based item is a good thing (Aegis Aurora works better if you have alot of armour) The extra physical damage taken is a bad thing... but it's not that bad. You'll block 3 out of 4 physical damage attacks and even Kole won't oneshot you. If you play Hardcore you might want to use a nice Armour/Energy shield or pure Energy Shield Instead. You'l deal alot less but it would be safer thiss way. Gloves - Well what can i say.... it's a Facebreaker build - you need Facebreakers. Note that it also works with the new nerfed Facebreakers. Ofcourse the damage isn't as high as with the Legacy ones but it is still enough Shield - This is the shield for you! 34% block chance! Armour + Energy shield! Extra Resists! Maximum Cold Resist! And that crazy on block effect! It's a must! After the 1.1.0 the energy shield per block got nerfed so now having a high block/high ES shield would also be a very good idea! It would be even better if the shield is good! Having this shield on swap: is usefull vs hard spellcasting bosses Belt - I'm using the Meginord's Girdle for Extra Damage( the extra strengh is also helpful ). But you can use a Chain belt with extra energy shield + armour + resistances for more tankiness Rings - The most important thing is the X-X physical damage! Followed by extra energy shield and resistances. Extra attributes would be nice also. Amulet - The most important thing is the X-X physical damage! Followed by extra energy shield and resistances. Extra attributes would be nice also. Boots - High Energy Shield, High mana, Resistances and spell block chance! Really the best boots for this build. I'm using the new nerfed ones(ofcourse the Legacy version is better but not needed) Flasks - I use 1 Granite Flask; 3 Quicksilver Flasks and 1 mana flask. The Granite Flask really helps vs hard hitting physical damage bosses. You can even have 2 if you want(for me 1 is enough). The mana flask is helpful in 50% less life,mana,energy shield regeneration maps. Ofcourse the quicksilver flasks can save your life or help you reach things faster. You need atleast 1 dispell chilled and frozen flask and atleast 1 dispell bleedding. Dispell shock and burning* is also helpful *The only burning damage that can actualy hurt you is the one from "ground" sources.. you know the trail left by cinder elementals and the terrible fire ground spell of the Crematorium boss. Unfortunately the dispell burning flask will only remove the effect for a fragment of the second. As long as you stay in the burning ground you'll take damage All items that i was using from level 1 to level 70(end-game gear at this level) These are all items that i've been using. Ordered from low to high level:
Started at level one with these items:
From level 1 to level 16(when i've put on the Facebreakers) i've been using Cleave Added Crest of Perandus. A must have low level shield! Start using Hatred Start using Infernal Blow At level 19 i've added Melee Splash and Multistrike to the Inferal Blow At level 31 I've added Cast upon damage taken linked with Enduring Cry; Molten Shell and Temporal Chains At level 62 I've switched to Chaos Innoculatin ( and i was using my 6 Linked Astral Plate at this point ) Start using Discipline. I had around 2000 ES and it was enough to reach and start farming the Docks Merciless at level 70 the item progression is completed Prices on the needed items
Coming Soon
My Gear
![]() Normal Personay i like to help Kraityn on normal because the 8% all resists are always helpfull and in almost all cases will save you one passive skill point( wich will give you 6% all resists so you get 2% bonus resists). Helping Oak is useless ofcourse since you are using CI .The bonus mana from Aliara is also useless. Cruel The attack speed bonus that Kraityn will give if you help him is completely unnoticeable in the endgame so my advice would be not to help him. +X% physical damage doesn't make that much of a difference so i'm not really sure if helping Oak would be the best decision but if you chose to do so don't worry it's still a helpful choice more or less. Aliara here is useless for you... once again. Killing all bandits is the best choice in my opinion. Merciless Killing all bandts would be the right decision. Helping Kraityn for an extra frenzy charge is not worth it in my opinion, the same goes for Oak and since you can't crit Aliara is useless (once again) ![]() A great video made by Yohanu whre he explains the build and does an Arachnid nest map http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQZvaM8Vzs Shrine Map Level 77
Players Have Elemental Equilibrium
Players are Cursed With Vulnerability Monsters Gain 2 Frenzy Charges Every 30 seconds Monsters' skills Chain 2 Additional Times Unique Boss Deals +30% Damage and Attacks 25% Faster http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3266922 Mine Map Level 72
Area is a Maze
Players are cursed with Warlord's Mark Player Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Monsters Deal 98% Extra Damage as Fire Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional times http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3230986 Gorge Map Level 74
Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground
Players Are Cursed With Temporal Chains 35% Increased Monster Damage Monsters Fire 4 Additional Projectiles Area Contains Two Unique Bosses http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238596 Residence Map Level 74 Tanking all of Dominus' Skills
Area has Increased Monster Variety
37% More Rare Monsters Players Are Cursed With Enfeeble 23% Increased Monster Movement Speed 20% Increased Monster Attack Speed 21% Increased Monster Cast Speed Monsters Deal 98% Extra Damage as Cold http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238876 Maelström of Chaos Coward's Trial Acton's Nightmare What Aegis Aurora with High Block Chance can do for you ![]() Bellow you'll see videos of me killing every map boss from level 66 to level 78. You'll also find Important notes related to how to kill some of the dangerous or tricky bosses. 60/62 Boss Fights Done. I won't be able to make videos of the two level 78 map because they need a good FPS and making videos really hurts my PC performance! I'm sorry for that.
Level 66 Maps
![]() Map: Crypt Boss: Pagan Bishop of Agony http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3232816 Area has Patches of Burning Ground Players have Elemental Equilibrium Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains Monsters Reflect 18% of Physical Damage ![]() Map: Dungeon Boss: Penitentiary Incarcerator http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3232865 28% More Rare Monsters Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains 26% Increased Monster Damage Monsters Cannot be Stunned Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times ![]() Map: Dried Lake Boss: Drought Maddened Rhoa http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3232872 Players recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Monsters Fire 2 Additional Projectiles Monsters Deal 83% Extra Damage as Lightning Unique Boss Deals 30% more Damage and Attacks 25% Faster ![]() Map: Orchard Boss: Tunneltrap http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3232976 Area is 25% Larger Area Has Increased Monster Variety Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Players are Cursed with Vulnerability -18% Maximum Players Resistances Monsters Gain 1 Frenzy Charge every 30 Seconds ![]() Map: Tropical Island Boss: Blood Progenitor http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3232970 Area is 24% Larger Monsters Cannot be Stunned Players are cursed with Temporal Chains 25% increased Monster Movement Speed 21% increased Monster Attack Speed 20% increased Monster Cast Speed ![]() Map: Overgrown Ruin Boss: Loathe http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3233013 -17% Maximum Players Resistances 21% increased Monster Movement Speed 20% increased Monster Attack Speed 24% increased Monster Cast Speed Monsters Reflect 18% ElementalDamage Monsters Fire 3 Additional Projectiles ![]() Map: Grotto Boss: Fire and Fury http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3233073 Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Area Contains Many Totems +46% Monster Pack Size Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains Monsters Deal 90% Extra Damage as Fire ![]() Map: Dunes Boss: The Blacksmith http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3233077 Area is Inhabited By Undead Players have Elemental Equilibrium Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains Players recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Level 67 Maps ![]() Map: Thicket Boss: Steelpoint the Avenger http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242704 Area is a Maze Players are Cursed With Warlord's Mark +30% Monster Physical Resistance Monsters Deal 80% Extra Damage as Lightning ![]() Map: Mountain Ledge Boss: Champion of Frost http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242662 Players are Cursed with Warlord's Mark 25% Increased Monster Movement Speed 23% Increased Monster Attack Speed 24% Increased Monster Cast Speed +75% Monster Cold Resistance Monsters Deal 99% Extra Damage as Fire ![]() Map: Cemetery Boss: Thunderskull http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242728 Players take 22.5 Chaos Damage per Second Players Have Elemental Equilibrium Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower 35% Increased Monster damage +30% Monster Physical Resistance Monsters Cannot be Stunned ![]() Map: Wharf Boss: Bramblemist http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242749 Area is 48% Larger +27% Monster Pack Size Monsters Reflect 18% of Physical Damage Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times ![]() Map: Sewer Boss: Belcer, the Pirate Lord http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242774 Players Have No Life or Mana Regeneration Monsters Fire 3 Additional Projectiles Monsters Cannot be Stunned Monsters Deal 100% Extra damage as Cold ![]() Map: Arcade Boss: Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ashes http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242790 Area has Patches of Chilled Ground Area Contains Many Totems Players take 29.4 Chaos Damage Per Second Players are Cursed with Elemental Weakness ![]() Map: Arsenal Boss: Volcanus http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242810 Area is 23% Larger Area has Patches of Chilled Ground Area is Inhabited by Skeletons +20% Monster Pack Size Level 68 Maps ![]() Map: Ghetto Map Boss: The Reaver http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242841 27% More magic Monsters Players are Cursed with Elemental Weakness 30% Increased Monster Life +75% Monster Lightning Resistance Monsters Deal 98% Extra Damage as Cold Important Boss Notes: Try to avoid the bear traps that the boss casts. They can be dangerous if you are low level/don't have good enough gear ![]() Map: Mud Geyser Map Boss: Skullbeak http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242870 Area has Increased Monster Variety Players Are Cursed with Temporal Chains 22% Increased Monster Movement Speed 20% Increased Monster Attack Speed 21% Increased Monster Cast Speed ![]() Map: Museum Map Boss: The Fallen Queen, The Hollow Lady and The Broken Prince http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242886 Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground 28% Increased Monster Damage +75% Monster Fire Resistance Monsters Deal 89% Extra Damage as Cold ![]() Map: Reef Map Boss: Asphyxia http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242912 Area is Inhabited By Undead Players are Cursed With Elemental Weakness Monsters Deal 95% Extra Damage as Lightning Unique Boss Deals +30% Damage and Attacks 25% Faster Important Boss Notes: Don't forget to carry Dispell Frozen flasks! ![]() Map: Spider Lair Map Boss: Hybrid Widow http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242941 Area is a Maze 45% More Rare Monsters Players Have no Life or Mana Regeneration Monsters Deal 88% Extra Damage as Fire ![]() Map: Springs Map Boss: Witch of the Cauldron(?) http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242978 25% More Rare Monsters Players Are Cursed With Elemental Weakness -19% Maximum Player Resistances Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times ![]() Map: Vaal Pyramid Map Boss: Atziri's Chosen http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242996 25% More Magic Monsters Players are Cursed With Warlord's Mark +75% Monster Cold Resistance Monsters Gain 3 Frenzy Charges every 30 Seconds Level 69 Maps ![]() Map: Catacomb Boss: Xixic http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237328 Area has Increased Monster Variety +34% Monster Pack Size Players are Cursed with Enfeeble Monsters Reflect 18% of Physical Damage Monsters Cannot be Stunned ![]() Map: Overgrown Shrine Boss: Hybrid Widow http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237652 Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Players have Elemental Equilibrium Players are Cursed with Warlord's Mark 30% Increased Monster Damage Monsters Gain 1 Frenzy Charge Every 30 Seconds Area Contains two Unique Bosses ![]() Map: Promenade Boss: Blackguard Avenger and Blackguard Tempest http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237494 Area has Patches of Burning Ground Area Contains Many Totems +45% Monster Pack Size Players Are Cursed with Vulnerability 32% Increased Monster Damage ![]() Map: Shore Boss: Glace http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237381 Area Contains Many Totems Players Take 29 Chaos Damage per second Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains -18% Maximum Player Resistances Monsters Reflect 18% of Elemental Damage Important Boss Notes: Don't forget to carry Dispell Frozen flasks! ![]() Map: Spider Forest Boss: The Blacksmith http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237421 Area is 45% Larger Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Players are Cursed with Warlord's Mark 75% Monster Lightning Resistance ![]() Map: Tunnel Boss: Lady of the Brood http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237463 Area Has Increased Monster Variety Area Has Patches of Burning Ground Players Have Elemental Equilibrium Players Are Cursed With Warlord's Mark 33% Increased Monster Life Level 70 Maps ![]() Map: Bog Boss: Slitherskin http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3236975 +45% Monster Pack Size -22% Maximum Player Resistances Monsters Cannot be Stunned Monsters Gain 2 Frenzy Charges every 30 Seconds Area Contains Two Unique Bosses ![]() Map: Coves Boss: Master of the Blade http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237020 Area has Increased Monster Variety Area has Patches of Burning Ground +30% Monster Physical Resistance Monsters Deal 97% Extra Damage as Lightning ![]() Map: Graveyard Boss: Merveil the Reflection http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237170 Players are Cursed with Vulnerability Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Monsters Gain 1 Frenzy Charge every 30 Seconds Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional TImes Unique Boss Deals +30% Damage and Attacks 25% Faster Important Boss Notes: Don't forget to carry Dispell Frozen flasks! ![]() Map: Pier Boss: Flame of Truth http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237069 Area Is 25% Larger Players have Elemental Equilibrium Players are Cursed With Elemental Weakness +75% Monster Fire Resistance Unique Boss Deals + 30% Damage and Attacks 25% Faster ![]() Map: Underground Sea Boss: The Idol Beyond http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237237 Area has Increased Monster Variety 36% More Magic Monsters Players take 27 Chaos Damage per Second Monsters Fire 3 Additional Projectiles ![]() Map: Villa Boss: Exellis Aurafix http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237275 Area has Increased Monster Variety 23% More Magic Monsters Monsters Fire 3 Additional Projectiles Monsters Deal 94% Extra Damage as Cold Level 71 Maps ![]() Map: Arachnid Nest Boss: Lord of the Bow http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237728 Area is a Maze Area Contains Many Totems 36% More Rare Monsters Players are Cursed With Elemental Weakness -17% Maximum Player Resistances 23% Increased Monster Movement Speed 21% Increased Monster Attack Speed 24% Increased Monster Cast Speed ![]() Map: Colonnade Boss: Carnage http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242054 Players Take 31.5 Chaos Damage per Second Monsters Reflect 18% of Physical Damage +75% Monster Fire Resistance Monsters Deal 91% Extra Damage As Lightning Important Boss Notes: All you need to do is to be able survive the smash attack of the boss. 4000+ Energy Shield will be enough to do so ![]() Map: Dry Woods Boss: Aidan the Frenzied and Nadia the Soothing http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237697 Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Players Recover Life, Mana and Energyy Shield 50% Slower Monsters Reflect 18% of Elemental Damage Monsters Deal 92% Extra Damage as Cold Area Contains Two Unique Bosses ![]() Map: Strand Boss: Massier http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237786 Area has Patches of Chilled Ground Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower 27% Increased Monster Damage Monsters Fire 4 Additional Projectiles Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times ![]() Map: Temple Boss: Piety http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237839 Area is a Maze Players Are Cursed With Enfeeble 24% Increased Monster Movement Speed 23% Increased Monster Attack Speed 24% Increased Monster Cast Speed +75% Monster Cold Resistance Important Boss Notes: Using Rathpith Globe against this boss is a wise decision Level 72 Maps ![]() Map: Waste Pool Boss: Asphyxia http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237954 Area Is a Maze Area Has Patches of Burning Ground Players Take 28.4 Chaos Damage per Second Unique Boss Deals 30% more Damage and Attacks 25% Faster Important Boss Notes: Don't forget to carry Dispell Frozen flasks! ![]() Map: Torture Chamber Boss: Shock and Horror http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3237994 Area Contains Many Totems Players Take 22.9 Chaos Damage per Second +75% Monster Fire Resistance Area Contains Two Unique Bosses Important Boss Notes: Use Rathpith's Globe for this one! ![]() Map: Labyrinth Boss: Sallazzang http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238118 Area is Inhabited by Bandits +21% Monster Pack Size Monsters Reflect 18% of Elemental Damage Monsters Fire 3 Additional Projectiles Important Boss Notes: All you need to do is to survive the initial Etheral Knives attack of the boss. 4000+ Energy Shield will be enough to do so ![]() Map: Mine Boss: Loathe http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3232777 Area is a Maze Players are cursed with Warlord's Mark Player Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Monsters Deal 98% Extra Damage as Fire Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional times ![]() Map: Jungle Valley Boss: Spinner of False Hope http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3240684 Area has Increased Monster Variety 50% More Rare Monsters Monsters Deal 81% Extra Damage as Lightning Area Contains Two Unique Bosses Level 73 Maps ![]() Map: Cells Boss: Harbinger http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3239005 Area Has Patches of Burning Ground Players Have Elemental Equilibrium Monsters Reflect 18% of Physical Damage Monsters Deal 85% Extra Damage as Cold Unique Boss Deals +30% Damage and Attacks 25% Faster ![]() Map: Canyon Boss: Lord of the Bow http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238516 Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Area is Inhabited by Bandits Monsters Reflect 18% of Physical Damage +75% Monster Lightning Resistance ![]() Map: Dark Forest Boss: Oak http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238424 Area is Inhabited by Ranged Monsters Players are Cursed with Warlord's Mark 28% Increased Monster Damage Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times *I've forgot that i'm without the Meginord's Girlde... meaning ~7000 DPS* ![]() Map: Dry Peninsula Boss: Titan of the Groove http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238941 Area Has Increased Monster Variety -19% Maximum Player Resistances Players Recove Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times Unique Boss Deals +30% Damage and Attacks 25% Faster Level 74 Maps ![]() Map: Residence Boss: The High Templar http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3240475 Area has Increased Monster Variety 37% More Rare Monsters Players Are Cursed With Enfeeble 23% Increased Monster Movement Speed 20% Increased Monster Attack Speed 21% Increased Monster Cast Speed Monsters Deal 98% Extra Damage as Cold Important Boss notes: Belware of the Smash attack of the Boss. It can and it will kill. He charges the attack for some time. Use that time to run away. Unlike The Vall oversoul smash attack(see the notes of the maze map) this boss will always face you when he hits. So running away is the only way(or pray to block it.. the chance is 75% after all) ![]() Map: Gorge Boss: Kraityn http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238612 Area Has Patches of Chilled Ground Players Are Cursed With Temporal Chains 35% Increased Monster Damage Monsters Fire 4 Additional Projectiles Area Contains Two Unique Bosses ![]() Map: Maze Boss: Vaal Oversoul http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3238823 Area Contains Many Totems Players Take 23.8 Chaos Damage per Second 22% Increased Monster Movement Speed 25% Increased Monster Attack Speed 24% Increased Monster Cast Speed Monsters Deal 96% Extra Damage as Cold Important Boss notes: Just dodge the smash attack of the Vaal Oversoul. It's very easy - just go through him and stay behind him. That's all. Don't try to run away in the same direction of the attack because the Range of the attack is big. ![]() Map: Underground River Boss: Beast of the Pits http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3240444 Area Is a Maze Area Has Patches of burning Ground 22% More Magic Monsters Players Take 20.8 Chaos Damage per Second Monsters Fire 4 Additional Projectiles Area Contains Two Unique Bosses Level 75 Maps ![]() Map: Platou Boss: Drought Maddened Rhoa http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242603 Players Are Cursed With Vulnerability Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower Monsters' Skills Chain 2 Additional Times Area Contains Two Unique Bosses ![]() Map: Necropolis Boss: Merveil the Reflection http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242127 Area has Patches of Chilled Ground Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower 34% Increased Monster Life Monsters Deal 87% Extra Damage as Fire Important Boss Notes: Don't forget to carry Dispell Frozen flasks! ![]() Map: Bazaar Boss: Dialla’s Wrath and Dialla’s Anger http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242390 Players are Cursed With Vulnerability Monsters Reflect 18% of Elemental Damage Monsters Deal 89% Extra Damage as Fire Area Contains Two Unique Bosses Level 76 Maps ![]() Map: Academy Boss: Arbiter of knowledge http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3255853 Area is Inhibited by Bandits 22% more rare monsters Players take 25.2 Chaos Damage per second Players are cursed with Warlord's mark Monsters fire 2 additional projectiles Important Boss notes: This is probably one of most dangerous bosses for this build. It casts physical damage spells that hurt alot. In order to kill him use Rathpith Globe to block the spells more often. ![]() Map: Crematorium Boss: Megaera http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3255513 27% more magic monsters players are cursed with vulnerability 29% increased monster life Monsters cannot be stunned Monsters deal 100% extra damage as cold Important Boss notes: I've first tried to kill the boss with Aegis Aurora. It all went very smooth but when i've actualy killed the boss the burning damage from the "on ground" fire skill of Megaera killed me. In this video i've use Rathpith Globe shield but the results were worse(because you can't block the mentioned spell) but this time i knew what to do. So basicly you need to attack aslong as you don't have that burning ground beneath you. When she casts it just reposition. ![]() Map: Precinct Boss: Lady Stormflay http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3242426 49% More Magic Monsters -22% Maximm Player Resistances +30% Monster Resistance Monsters Gain 2 Frenzy Charges Every 30 Seconds Level 77 Maps ![]() Map: Shipyard Boss: Warmonger http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3256182 Area has Patches of Burning Ground Players Have Elemental Equilibrium Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower 27% Increased Monster Damage Monsters Fire 2 Additional Projectiles +30% Monster Physical Resistance Important Boss notes: I've Used Rathpith Globe for this boss fight in order to block the Molten Shell that the boss casts... but i really can't tell if deals alot of damage or i've just blocked every single cast... so i really can't tell if the Rathpith globe is necessairy and/or better than the Aegis Aurora ![]() Map: Shrine Boss: Piety http://www.twitch.tv/korgothbg/c/3256423 Area has Patches of burning ground 43% More Magic Monsters Players Recover Life, Mana and Energy Shield 50% Slower 34% Increased Monster Life Important Boss notes: I use Rathpith Globe for the first form of Piety it's not 100% necessairy but it's helpful especialy if the map has hard mods. For the second form switch between aegis aurora and rathpith globe depending on the current Piety form(human lighting casting form, fire melee hitting or cold archer) Level 78 Maps ![]() Map: Palace Boss: ??? Coming Soon ![]() Map: Courtyard Boss: ??? Coming Soon ![]() Level up Do some more tests in PvP Add prices on the needed gear ![]() Like this guide? I've helped you out somehow? You like my account name(that's how i've got my closed beta key)? You want to make me happy? You just feel generous? Donate a buck or two. It would be greatly appreciated! I will use the donated money to support GGG, because they deserve it! :) ![]() Donations spent so far: $5 for 50 points Donators: Thomas Elliott - €5.00 Charles Ang - €2.00 Leon Overmeyer - €1.00 "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Aug 22, 2014, 5:42:38 AM Last bumped on Nov 25, 2016, 4:12:34 PM
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![]() Q.1 Why Temporal chains? A.1 Well because the slowing effect is very nice and helps alot. Vulnerability and Flammability will boost your Damage output but i really prefer more defensa than offense. Enfeeble would be a nice choice aswell. It really is a matter of personal preferences. Q.2 Whats with all the block chance? Is it really that important? A.2 Oh yes, yes it is. The synergy with Aegis Aurora is insane. And with the extra physical damage taken from Abyssus you need a way to cut down the amounts of physical damage that you'll take Q.3 Why don't you play in hardcore like all the cool kids? A.3 My PC is slow and my Internet is unpredictable. The last thing i want is to spend time and effort into something and then lose it all due to uncontrollable circumstances. Aside from that i should tell you that this build is completely viable in hardcore. The only deaths that i have are due to FPS randomly dropping to 0, unbearable lag or my desire to progress alot faster then i actualy can ( example: Kill Piety on Cruel at level 40 with alot of deaths just because i want those 2 skill points and i want to get to Ledge Merciless as fast as i can) Q.4 Is it hardcore vialbe? A.4 Absolutely! Just don't do what i did... i've killed Dominus in Cruelty at level 44 (he is in a level 53 zone). After that i've died only 1(or twice?) because i was in the bathroom and i've forgot to go back in town -_- Q.5 What map mods should i avoid? A.5 "Blood magic"! Q.6 Do i need the Legacy Facebreakers(800%-1000% more unnarmed physical damage) for this build to work? A.6 No. The build works just fine with the new 600%-800% facebreakers. In fact this build does not need any of the legacy uberuniques( like Soul Taker or Kaom's Heart ) unlike many of the popular(and not so popular) builds! Q.7 What's that insanity?! NO life nodes before you go CI?! A.7 That's right! Later Today i'll post the gear that i was using to level up. The key si the Crest of Peradus shield(40% block chance) combined with even more block chance in order to hit the 75% cap! With that + medicore resistances in Merciless and around 1000 Life you'll reach and farm Merciless Ledge with no problems at all! Once you are there you'll level up enough to put on the aegis aurora, and you can take Chaos Innoculation. Q.8 What are the potential threats to this build? A.8Ok here they are 1. Problem - Blood Magic map mod 1. Solution - You must reroll the map mods.. no other way 2. Problem - Being frozen 2. Solution - Always have atleast 2 Flasks with "Dispel Frozen and Chilled" 3. Problem - Bleeding 3. Solution - Always have 1 Flask with "Removes Bleeding" 4. Problem - Burning 4. Solution - Well actualy i have no problems with burning damage... only the trail left from Cinder Elementals is noticable but it ends as soon as you step out of it. But just in case yo should have a Flask with "Dispel Burning" 5. Problem - Etheral Knives casting Bosses ( like the Labyrint Boss) Unblockable physical damage 5. Solution - Try to doge them until you get to the boss. Once you start hitting the boss the life leech will take care of everything 6. Problem - Bear traps. Unblockable physical damage 6. Solution - Avoid them.... it's not that hard 7. Problem - Elemental damage reflect map + Physical reflect/Elemental Weakness/-X% max elemental resistance 7. Solution - Just swapthe "Melee Physical Damage" support gem with "Life Leech" support gem Q.9 How to deal lots of damage in the early levels? And how to deal damage at all? I have no weapon dammit! A.9 I've got that quesiton dozens of times... really that's the most frequently asked question! If anyone ask me that qestion again i'll just quote this Q&A. Ok so basicly the Facebreaker Gloves increase your unnarmed physical damage by alot. But by default you don't have lot's of physical damage! You can't use weapon! So how can you deal damage!? Besides the support gems linked to your Infernal strike(that's obvious) you need to have items with flat X-X physical damage. Have these 2 rings for example. Togheter they deal 12-30 physical damage or 21 DPS(slightly more because unnarmed attacks have 1.2 attacks per second) Ok so 21 DPS - nothing spectacular right? WRONG! This 21 DPS will be multiplied by your unnarmed bonus damage from the Facebreaker glove, then it will be multiplied by +X% physcial damage your strengh, then it will be multiplied by your attack speed, then it will be multiplied by your Infernal Blow( it deals 125% of your base damage..not to mention the bonus physical damage from higher levels of the skill), then it will be multiplied by the support gems connected to your Infernal Blow. In the I'll give you this example: with these 2 rings i have 43463 DPS and without them i have 35045 DPS. So this insignificat looking 12-30 physical damage gives me 8418 DPS!!! Q.10 Do you think that the build would be viable without the aegis aurora? That item costs way too much for me, and if so what would be another good shield for this build? A.10 If you can't afford Aegis Aurora use just Rathpith Globe or a good ES shield (350+). The build will still work fine. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jan 9, 2014, 6:38:52 PM
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![]() Infernal Blow
![]() Defense
![]() "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jan 9, 2014, 7:13:35 PM
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Could you split the passive tree into different levels so I know what points to put in?
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" I've just added passive skill tree progression per 10 skill points. Check it out :) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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I have a build which is similar to you. At the begining,i also use IB for main DPS but afterthat i use cyclone instead and focus on physical dmg to leech life/mana. The problem is sometimes cyclone with multistrike desync, it can make me died. But i think cyclone is better than IB. IB doesnt immune to stun, u should take Unwavering Stance, also hatred and leech life from physical dmg is not effected so much. Mob with fire ressist can take your time. My cyclone with master of the arena and blast radius can clear mob very fast like IB. And i think with 3,5-6k armour, it's not enough to tank in high level map, we should focus on block and es as well as we can. My character has only 700 arm, dont have aegis aurora but i has 6k es and 74% phy/ 26% spell block. My DPS is 7,5k and 11,5k with hatred, can help me leech life and destroy any boss very well.
Finally, although we have different skill, little different build, i think our build is more funny than any witch build at the moment. Sry for my bad english, but thank you very much, u have made our witch stronger ! Last edited by hoangvoducduy#3086 on Nov 12, 2013, 6:38:07 AM
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I like it, will probably do some hp before I switch to CI since I am on Nemesis but I'll give it a shot.
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Thanks for the kind words hoangvoducduy
In the end using Cyclone or Infernal Blow is a matter of personal preferences. @helgi Yes if you play in a Hardcore League taking some life nodes early on can be helpful... it's always good to have more life... you know... just in case Btw i've gave up the other build that i was planning to try (i've mentioned this somewhere in the thread) So i'll focus on this one. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Nov 12, 2013, 6:56:15 AM
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Added Coward's Trial map Video and all items that i've been using from level 1 to level 70 with a brief explanation.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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" Thanks. Could you also update the guide with the cast when damage taken nerf taken into effect? |
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